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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> doors,drapes,drapery rods,dryers,ducts,dynamos,elevat�rs,engines,equipment,�sca�ators,fans, <br /> fittxngs,flaor cov�ring�,furrlaces,furnishings,furniture,hardware,heaters,hum�d�fiers,�ncinerators, <br /> �xghtxng,machin�ry,mat�rs,�ven�,pipes,pluml�ing and��ectri�equipment,pool equxpm�nt,purnps, <br /> radxatars, ranges, recreati�na� facilities and equipm�nt, refrigerators, screens, sprxnk�ers, stokers, <br /> stoves, shades, shelv�ng, sink�, security systems, tox�ets, venta�ators, wal� cover�ngs, washers, <br /> windaws, window cavering, wiring, and a�l extens�ons, renev�als or rep�acements thereof ar <br /> subst�tutians therefor �r additions thereta, whether or nnt the same are �r sha�� be attached ta the <br /> Land or the Impr�vements �n any manner �indiv�dua�ly and col�e�tively, the "Fixture�"�; it b��ng <br /> agreed that all of sa�d pr�perty �v�rned by Trustor and placed on the Land or on or ir� the <br /> Improv�rnents �whether affixed or annex�d thereto or not� sha��, so far as permitted by �aw, <br /> conclusively be deemed to be rea�property and canveyed hereby for purposes of this Instrument; <br /> (e� All persana�pr�p�rty�f every nature whatsoever n��v or hereafter�wned by Trust�r <br /> or used in cannect�o�. vvxth the Land or the improvements thereon, includ�ng a11 e�tens�ons, <br /> additions,improvem�nts,b�tterments,renewals,substitutions and rep�ac�ments thereof and a��of the <br /> right, title and interest of Trustor�n and to any such persona�property together with the benef t�f <br /> any deposits or payments �.ovv or hereafter rnade an such pers��.al praperty by Trustor �r �n xts <br /> behalf, including w�thout�imitation, any and a11 ��ods, Investme�.t Propert�, Instruments, �hattel <br /> Paper,I]acuments, Letter of�red�t Rights,Accounts,Deposit Accounts, �ornrnercial Tort Claims <br /> and Gen�ral Iritangib��s,�ach as def ned in the Un�form��mmercxa��ode of the State of Nebrasl�a, <br /> �f Trustar l�cated on the Lan.d ar �n the Impr�vements vvhich are r�ow �r in the future �wr�ed by <br /> Trus��r and used�r abtained for use xn connectian with the Land or th�Improvements�r any�resent <br /> or future operati�n,occupaz�cy,ma�nt�nance or�easing thereof,�r any canstructi�n�n ar at the Land <br /> or the Impr�vernents �indiv�dua��y and co�Iectively, the "Pe�so�al Prope�ty"}; <br /> �f� Any and all lease�, sub�eases and other agreements novv or her�after entered into for <br /> the occupancy or use�f the Land,the.�ppurtenant R�ghts,the Improvements,the Fi�tures andlar the <br /> Personal Pr�perty(herein c�1le�tiv�l�r referred t�as the"Premises"�or any portinn�hereof,�vhether <br /> Written or oral (herein c�llectively referred to as the "Leases"�, and al1 rents, �ssues, incam�s and <br /> profits in any manner arising thereund�r�herein col�ectxv�ly referred to as the"l�ents"�,and a1�right, <br /> tit�e and interest which Trustar naw has or hereafter may acqu�re in and to any bank accounts, <br /> security d�p�sxts, and any and a11 ather amaunts held as security under the Leasesg reserv�ng t� <br /> Trust�r an�statutory rights; <br /> �g� A�1 estate,right,tit��and�nterest,h�mestead or�ther clairn ar demand,as we�l�n�avv <br /> as�n equ�ty, xn and to the Premises, or any par�there�f,and any and all other praperty of�very k�nd <br /> and nature from t�me to time hereafter (by delivery or by wrxtxng of any kind} canveyed,pXedged, <br /> ass�gned or transferred as and for addit�onal security hereunder by Trust�r ar b�r anyone on b�half of <br /> Trustor ta the Trustee, an behalf of Lender; and <br /> �h} Any and alX: <br /> �i� proceeds of the foregoing, including, �v�thout Iimitation, all j udgments, <br /> aWards of damages and sett�em�nts hereaft�r made resulting from con�emnation pr�ceeds or <br /> the taking of the Land or�mprovements thereon �r any por��on ther�of under the povver of <br /> 4 <br /> 3�711[]7�►.����17�1 �][]�I1 <br />