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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> (all of the f�rgaing indebtedness, abligations and liabi�itxes ident�f�ed in subsectians (i� thr�ugh (�ii� above <br /> being hereinafter referr�d to, individual�� and ca�lect�vely, as the "Secur�ed DUligations"�. <br /> I], In order to induce the Lender ta make the Loan, and a11 �ther monies to be advanced under <br /> the Note,the Loar�Agreemen�and the�ther Loan Documents,Trustar has agreed ta e�ecute and deliver this <br /> Instrument ir� order t� secure the prornpt pa�rnent and performance (as appl��ab�e� of the Secured <br /> �bligations. <br /> N�W, THEREF�RE, F�R G��D AND VALUABLE ��NSIDERATI�N, including the Loan <br /> herein recited and the trust herein created,the receipt and suffic�ency�f�which are hereby acl�n�wledged,and <br /> ta secure the prompt paym�nt�vvhen and as due an�payable�and perf�rmance(as applzcable�of the Secured <br /> �bl�gations,Trustor d�es her�by irrevocably and uncond�tianally�RANT,�ARRANT,SELL,G�N�EY, <br /> TRANSFER,M�RT�AGE AND ASSI�-N to the Trustee in tru5t,�ith power of sale,far the ben�f�t of <br /> Lender, xts successors and assigns, all estate, right, t�tle and �nterest of Trustor in and t� the fo��aWing <br /> prop�r��es, r�ghts, interests and privi�eges, whether now a�ned nr hereafter acqu�red, (alI �f same being <br /> her�inafter som.etimes referred to, individually and co�lective�y, as th� "Mortgaged P�ope�ty"}: <br /> (a� That certain rea�property lacated in the�ounty�f HALL,State of NEBRASI�A�.,and <br /> m.ore�art�cular��described on E�hibit A attached hereto and xncorp�rated herein by refer�n��(th� <br /> "La�d"�; <br /> �b} a�� bu�ldin�s, structur�s and improvements of every nature vvhats�ever �.ow ar <br /> hereafter situated on the Land, inc�uding a11 e�tensi�ns, addxt�nns, improvements, betterments, <br /> renewa�s, substitut�ons and rep�acem.ents to or for an�such buxldxngs, structures and�mprovements <br /> and a�l of the right, tit�e and �nterest of Trustor no�v or hereafter acqu�r�d in and t� any of th� <br /> foregoing, �the "�r��p�ove�zents"�; <br /> (c� aIl easements,rights�f vvay,strips and gores of land,streets,ways,alleys,sidevvalks, <br /> vaults,passages,sevver rights,v�aters,vvater caurses,wat�r dra�nage and reser�oxr rights and pa�vers <br /> �whether or not appurtenant�, al� estates, rights, txt�es, int�rests, privi�eges, liberties, t�nemer�ts, <br /> hereditaments, easements, franchises, appendages and appurtenances whatsoever, in any way <br /> belanging, relating or appertaining to the Land �r the Impr�vements, �whether nov� av�ned or <br /> hereafter acquired by Trustor,inc�uding wi�hout l�m�tat��n alI existing and future mzn�ral,fl11�.r1C���.5 <br /> r�ights whzch are appurtenant ta or which have be�n used xn connection vvith the Land, a11 e�isting <br /> and future wat�r stock relating to the Land or the Improvements, a11 existing and future share af <br /> stock respectin�water and Water rights pertair�ing t�the Land or the Impr�vements�r ather evidence <br /> of own�rship thereof, and the revers�ans and remainders thereof�the "14ppurtelza��.12ights"}; <br /> �d) a�l machiner-y, apparatus, equ�pment, fittxngs and fi�tures �f every kind and nature <br /> whatsoever, and a]� furniture, furnishings and other persona] prop�rty no� or hereafter ovvned by <br /> Trustar and for��n�ng a part af, �r used or obtained for use in cannection with, the Land or the <br /> Improvements or an� present or future aperation, nccupanc�, maintenance or �easing thereof; <br /> xnc�uding,bu�w�thaut lirnitat�on,any and a11 heat�ng,ventilatxng and air conditioning e�uipment and <br /> systems, antennae, app��ances, apparatus, av�rnings, bas�ns, bath�ubs, bidet�, boi�ers, �7Q����.5�5, <br /> eabi�7ets, carpets,commun��ati�n s��t�rns,coo�ers,cur�ains,d�humidifiers,dishWashers,disp�sa�s, <br /> 3 <br /> 3�171 l()7l►�]���I 7(l ()���I 1 <br />