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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> eminent domain, an�praceeds of any policies of�nsurance, maxntained v�ith respect to the <br /> Land�r improvements thereon or pr�ceeds of any sale,aptxan ar contract to sell the Land ar <br /> improvements therean ar any p�rtion thereof; <br /> (ii� addxtions and accessaries to aIl af the for�goxn� and any ar�d all pr�ceeds <br /> �including proceeds of xnsuranc�, eminent domain or ather governmental takings and tort <br /> claims}, renevvals, r�p�acem�nts and substitutions of a�l af the foregoin�; and <br /> �xxx� b�oks and records per�aining t�th� forega�ng. <br /> T�HAVE ANI�T�H�LD th�Mortgaged Pr�pert�y,unt�th�Lender,and its successors and assign�, <br /> IN FEE SIMPLE forever; subj ect, anly t� those liens and encumbrances �if any� vvhich Lender has <br /> specxfica�ly approved in the Laan Do�uments or otherwise appraved in writing �the "Per�nitted <br /> Errcumbrances�'},for the purposes and uses herein set fnrth,together v�ith al1 r�ght ta retain poss�ssi�n�f <br /> th� Mort�aged Property after any Event of Default �as h�r�inafter def ned}. <br /> IT IS FURTHER UNDERST��D AND A�REED BY TRUST�R THAT: <br /> 1. Tit1e. Trustor repr�sent�and covenants that�a�the Trustor is the ho�der of the fee simple title <br /> to the Mor�gaged Property, free and clear of al� liens a�.d encumbrances, e�cept far the Permitted <br /> Encumbrances, and (b� Trustor has legal p�wer ar�d authority to m�r�gage and c�nvey the Mor�gaged <br /> Prop erty. <br /> 2. Maintenance.i Repair and Restoration of Im�ro�ements,Payment of Pri�r Lxer�s,etc.Trustor <br /> sha��: <br /> (a� prompt�y repair,restore or rebuild any bu��dings or improvements now or hereafter on <br /> th� Mortga�ed Property which may bec�me damaged or be destroyed, pr�vided, hav�vever, ta the <br /> extent Ler�der re�exves any insurance �r candemnation proceeds under Section 6 or 7 �f thxs <br /> Instrument,Trust�r shall on�y be requir�d to repair,restore or rebui�d the buzldings ar impr�vements <br /> if such insurance �r condemnati�n proceeds are made availabl�t� Trustor in acc�rdar�ce wxth this <br /> Instrument; � <br /> (b} l�eep the Mortgaged Property�n good condition and repair, withaut wast�, and free <br /> fram mechanics' �iens or �ther lxens or c�a�ms for �ien, e�cept that Trustar sha11 have the r�ght to <br /> contest by appropriate proceedrngs dxli�ent�y prase�uted the validity�r amount of any such lien xf <br /> and only if Trust�r shall vvithir�thirty�3��day�after the filing thereof: �1�p�ace a bond�with Lender <br /> in an amount, form, content and issued by a surety reasonab�y acceptable ta Lender far the payment <br /> of any such lien,or�2�cause the title company which has issu�d the laan po��cy of title insurance to <br /> Lender insuring the�ien of th�s Instrument�o xssue an endorsement thereto xnsuring against�oss or <br /> damage on account af any such lien; <br /> �c� irnmediat�ly pay when due any indebtedne�s which may l�e secured by a lien Qr <br /> charge on�he Mort�aged Prap�rty�or any port�on thereof�superi�r ar inferior to or at parity with the <br /> lie�� hereof�no such super�or, inferior ar parity �ien t� be perinitted hereunder}, and upon re�uest <br /> exhibit satisfact�ry evidence �f the d�scharge of an�su�h li�n to Lend�r; <br /> 5 <br /> �3�1��j t]��������!�71 �)[}�1 <br />