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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> �9. A���icatxon of Income Received by Lender. Lender,xn th�ex�rcxse�f the righ�s and�ovvers <br /> hereinabo�e conferred upan it, sha��, t� the ext�nt allowed by app��cab�e �avv, have fu��pavver to use and <br /> apply the Rents to the payment of or Qn account of the follo�ving, in such ord�r as Lender may determine: <br /> �a� to the pa�ment of the operating expenses of the Mor�gaged Property,inc�uding cost of <br /> managem�nt and leas�ng thereof�vvhich sha�l include reasonab�e �ompensat�on to Lender and its <br /> agent �r agents, if management be de�egated to an agent ar agents, and sha�� a�so inc�ude Lease <br /> comrnissions(but not v�ith respect to the rene�wal of existing Leases unless pravided far th�rein�and <br /> other campensati�n and expenses of seeking and procurin� tenants and enterir�g x�.to Leases�, <br /> established claims f�r damages, if any, and premiums on�nsurance hereinab�ve authorized; <br /> �b� to the payment �f ta�es and specia� assessments now due ar which may hereafter <br /> hecome du� on the Mor�gag�d Prop�rty; and, zf this is a leasehold mortgage, of all Rents due or <br /> Wh�ch may hecame hereafter due under th�under�y�ng Lease; <br /> �c� t� the payment of al� repairs, renewa�s, replacements, alterations, additions, <br /> � betterments, and irnprQvements of th�Mortgag�d Praperty, including the cost from t�me to time of <br /> p�acxng the Mar�gaged Proper�y xn such condition as Wil�, in the reasonable judgment of L�nd�r, <br /> make them readily rentable; and � <br /> �d� to the payment of any S ecured�bligations or any def ciency vvhich may resu�t from <br /> any foreclosur� sa�e. <br /> 2�. Ri�hts Cumulat�ve. Each r�ght, po�ver and remedy herein c�nferred upon Le�.der xs <br /> cumu�ative and in addition to�v�r��ther right,povver or remedy,e�press�r implied,giver�nov�r ar hereafter <br /> e�isting under any of the Laan Documents or any other document given to secur�the Note or at�avv or in <br /> equity, and �ach and �very right, pawer and r�med� herein set farth or oth�rwxs� so e�isting may be <br /> e�ercised fr�m t�me t� tim� as often and in such order as may be deem�d ex�ed�e�.t by Lender, and the <br /> e�ercise or the beginn�ng of th� e��rcise of one right,pawer or remedy shaZ�not be a v�ai�rer of the right t� <br /> e�ercise at the same tzme or thereafter any other right,p�vv�r ar r�m.edy,and na delay or�missi�n of Lender <br /> in the exercise of any right,povver or remedy accru�ng hereund�r ar ar�sing otherwis�shall impair an�such <br /> right,power or remedy, or be construed ta be a v�aiver�f any d�fault or a�quiescence therein. <br /> 21. Lender's Ri ght of Insp e cti on. Lender andlor its repre sentative sha�l have the ri ght ta inspect <br /> the Mortgag�d Property�or any p�rtion thereof}at al] reas�nable tirnes and access thereto sha11 be permitted <br /> f�r that purpose,�r�vided that such ac�ess daes not unreasonably disturb the qu�et enj oyment of any Tenant <br /> �n the Mortgaged Property. <br /> 22. Disbur�ement af Insurance or Ern�nent Domain Pr�ceeds. <br /> �a� Before comrnenc�ng t�repair,restore or rebui�d f�llovving damag�to,or destruct��n <br /> af,all or a portion of the Mortgaged Property,whether by fire or other casualty or by a tal�ing under <br /> the poWer of eminer�t domain,Trustor sha�� �bta�n from Lender i�s appraval �f a�1 site and building <br /> 15 <br /> 3�7 l l�]7v��1`��17'71 {]�)�1 � <br />