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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> its agents. Lender shal�have fu��p�wer ta use such measures, ��gal�r equitable, as in its discretYon <br /> may be deem�d proper ar necessary to enforc� the payment ar security of the R�nts, ir�c�uding <br /> actians far the recovery of Rents, acti�ns, xn for��ble deta�ner and acti�ns in distress f�r r�r�t. <br /> �b� Lender shal�have fu11 pawer: <br /> �i� to cancel or terminat�any L�ase for any cause ar�n any ground v�rhxch Wauld <br /> entitle Trustor to cancel the same, subject to the terms and canditians of any SNDA�as such <br /> term is defined in the L�an Agreement}betv��en Lender and the applicable tenant; <br /> ���� to elect to disaff rm an�Lease wh�ch is ther� subordinate to the lien h�r�of; <br /> �111� �D e���I7.C�Dr rll�C�1f�arl�t�1�Y1�X15t111�L��Se a�7.C�t�e�lter�1�'U�LeaS��S�,v�h�ch <br /> e�tens�ons, modifications ar�d Leases may pravide far terms t� e�pire, or for optians to <br /> less�es to extend or renevv terrns to e�p�re, beyond the maturity date of the Secured <br /> �bligatxons and beyond the date of the issuanGe of a deed or deeds to a purchaser or <br /> purchasers at a forec�osure�ale,it being understood and agreed that any such Leases,and the <br /> apt��ns�r other such pravxsians ta be cantained thereir�, sha��l�e b�r�ding up�n Trustor and <br /> a�l persor�s whase interests ir�the Mortgag�d Proper�y are subj ect ta the lien hereaf and up�n <br /> th�purchaser or purchasers at any foreclosure sale, notw�thstand�ng any redemptian from. <br /> sale, d�scharge of the Secured �bligations, satisfact�on �f any forec�asure judgment, or <br /> issuance of any certifi�ate of sale ar deed to any purchaser; <br /> (iv� to maxntain and make any repaxrs, renevvals and r�placements to the <br /> Martgaged Property as ta it rnay seem judi�zous; <br /> (v} ta�nsure and reinsure the same and all risks incidental to Lender's�ossession, <br /> operation and mar�a�ement th�reof; and <br /> (vi� ta receive a�� of such avails, Rents, issues and prafits; h�reby granting fu11 <br /> pawer and author�ty to e�erc�se each and every of the rights,privil�ges and povvers herein <br /> granted at any and all times h�reaft�r vvithout n�tice to Trust�r. <br /> (c� Lender shall n�t be ob�i�ated to perform�r di�charge,nor does xt h�reby undertal�e ta <br /> perform or discharge, any obligation, duty or��ability under any Lease. Ta the extent permitted by <br /> 1avv,Trustor sha��and d�e�hereby agree to pr�tect, indemnif�,defend and ho�d Lender harmless of <br /> and from an�and all�iab�lity,l�ss or damage which it may or m�ght incur under said Leases or under <br /> or by reason of�he assignment thereaf and of and from any and a�l c�axms and demands vvhatsoever <br /> �which ma�be asserted agair�st it by reason of any alleged obl�gat��ns or undertakings an its part ta <br /> perforrn or d�scharge any of the terms, c�venants ar agreements c�nta�ned�n said Leases except for <br /> such claims and demands as result direct�y fr��n the neg�igent or wx]�ful actions �f Lender. Sh�u�d <br /> Lender incur any such liabil�ty, l�ss or da�nabe under sa�d Leases or under or by reason of the <br /> assignment thereof,�r in the defense of any c�aims a��dema�zds,th�amount there�f,includ�ng costs, <br /> expenses and reasonab�e attorneys' fees,shal� be s��»uch add�t��nal Secured�bl�gatians,and sha�l <br /> become irnmediate�y due and payab�e vvi�ho�.�t n�tice and with �n�erest at the Default Rate. <br /> 14 <br /> �3�1711�7vL����l��� 0���1 <br />