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1- 2� 15�81 �7 <br /> plans and specifications pertaining to such repair,restorat�on or rebuilding vvhich approva�shall not <br /> be unreasonably Withhe�d, conditio�ed or de�ayed; <br /> �b� Prior t� the payment or applicat�on �f insurance pr�ceeds or a condernnation �r <br /> ernxne�.t domain avvard ta the repair or rest�rat�an of the improvements up�n the Mortgaged Pr�perty <br /> as provided xn Sections � and 7 al�ove, Lender shall be enti�led t� evxdence �f the fall�wing: <br /> �x} That there is not then an Event of Defau�t (other than an Event of Defau�t <br /> caused b�the c�ndemnation or d�clarati�n of em�nent d�rn.a�n�; <br /> �ii� That Lender shall f�rst b�gxv�n r�asonab�y satisfactary proaf that either such <br /> �mprovements have been fully rest�r�d,or that the exp�nditure af money as may be recexved <br /> from such insurance pro�eeds or�ondemnatian avvard v�i��be sufficient t�repa�r,restore ar <br /> rebui�d the M�r�gag�d Property,free and clear of all lier�s,clairns and encumbrances,e�cept <br /> the lien of this Instrument and the Permitted Encumbrances; <br /> �111� That in the event such insurance pr�ceeds �r condemnation avvard shall be <br /> 1r15Liff1C��Ylt t�r��]alr,re5t4r�ar re�Jlill[I t�le Sa1C�1I11�]r�V��leI1�5,T�S�ar�r I�S Ie55e��5�S�1a1� <br /> dep�s�t with Lender funds equaling such d�ficier�cyy whzch, t�gether v�ith the insuranc� <br /> proceeds �r c�ndemnation award, shall b� sufficient ta restore, repair and rebu�ld th� <br /> M ortgage d Prop ert�; an d <br /> (iv} That prior ta th�dxsbursem�nt of any such proce�ds(ar par��al prac�eds�h��d <br /> by Lender in acc�rdanc� �v�th the t�rms of th�s Sectian 22 for the cost af any r�paxr, <br /> restoration or rebu��dxng, Lender sha��be furnished w�th a stat�ment of Trustor's arch�tect, <br /> cer�if��ng the ext�nt of th� r�paxr and rest�ratxon com.p�eted to th� date ther�af, and such <br /> repairs,r�storation,and rebuild�ng have been performed to date xn conf�rrn�ty�vith the p�ans <br /> and specxf�catx�ns appraved �y Lender and ,with aIl statutes, regu�at�ons or ardinances <br /> �xnc�udxng building and zoning ardinances� affecting the Mortga�ed Property; ar�d Lender <br /> sha��h�furnished v�rith appropr�ate evidence of payment for labor�r materials furnished to <br /> the Mortgaged Praperty, and t�tal �r par�ial �ien v�aivers substantiating such payrnents. <br /> �c� Pri�r t�the payment or applicatian of insurance proceed5 or a condemnation award t� <br /> the repairy restarat�on or rebuilding af the impro��rnents upon the Mar�gaged Froperty as provided in <br /> Sectior�s 6 and 7 ab�ve there sha11 have been delivered t� Lender the following: <br /> �i� A vwaiver of subrogat�on from any insurer vvho claims that no�iab�lity exists as <br /> ta Trustor; <br /> �ii} Such plans and specif catians,su�h payment and performance b�nds and such <br /> insurance, in such alr�au��ts, �ssued by such company or companies and in such forms and <br /> substance, as are reasonably re9uired 1�y Lender. <br /> (d} In the�v�n�Tru st�r s��all fai�ta rest�re,repa�r or rebui�d the�mprovements upon tl�� <br /> Martgaged Praperty withln a�-easo��ab�e time,thexi Lender,at its option,and up�n n�t l�ss thaza si�ty <br /> 1G <br /> �3�711 t)7������1`771 []���I 1 <br />