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2� 15�81 �7 <br /> in preparations f�r th�cammencement or defense of any proceeding or thr�atened suit or pr�c�edzng <br /> sha�l be immediate�y due and payable by Trustor,with interest ther�on at the I�efau�t Rate and shall <br /> be secur�d by this Instrument. <br /> �6. Ap��ication �f Proceeds of Foreclosure Sale. The proceeds of an� fareclosur� sale of the <br /> M�rtgaged Prop�rty sha��y ta the extent of applicab�e lavv,be distributed and applied in the fallowing order�f <br /> priority: f rst, on account of a1� reasonable co�ts and expenses incident to the f�reclasure proceedings, <br /> Zncluding all such xtems as are menti�ned in Secti�n �5 hereof;second,a11 other items which may under the <br /> terms here�f const�tute S ecured�bligations additional to that evidenced by th�Note,with�nter�st thereon as <br /> herein prov�ded and a�� pr�ncipal and �nterest remaining unpaid on the Nate; and third, any surp�us t� <br /> TI L15t�r, lt5 SLlCC�55�r5 �r�.SS1.�115, as their rights may appear. <br /> 17. A ointm�nt of Rec�xver.Upon,or at any time after the filing of a compla�nt t�foreclose this <br /> Instrument �r e�ercise af the pavver of sa�e, the court in v�vhich such app��cat�on f�r receiver is filed may <br /> appo�nt a receiver of the Mortgaged Prop�rty. Such appaxntment may be rnad� either before or after sale, <br /> vvithout natice, Without regard to the so�v�ncy ar xnso�vency of Trustor at the time of application f�r such <br /> receiver and�vvithaut regard ta the then va�ue af the Mor�gaged Property or�rhether the same sha�l be then <br /> accupied as a homestead�r not and Lender hereunder�r an�holder of the Note may b�app��nted as such <br /> receiver. Such rece�ver shall have po�ver ta co�lect the Rents, during the pendency�f su�h forecl�sure suit <br /> and, in case of a sale and a defxcxenc� dur�ng the fu�� statutory period �f redempt�on, whether th�re be <br /> redemptian ar not, as we�� as during any further t�mes v�rhen Trust�r, except for the interventi�n of such <br /> receiver,would be entitled to co���ct such Rents,and all other pawers which may be necessary or are usual <br /> �n such cases for the prot�ct�o�.,possessi�n, contro�,managernent and operation�f the M�rtgaged Property <br /> during the wh�le �f said period. The cour� fr�m time to t�me may autharize the receiver t� apply the net <br /> incame in his hands zn. payment ir� vvh�le or in part of: �a) the Secured �bl�gations, ar b� any decree <br /> foreclosing th�s Instrument,�r an�ta�,spec�al assessm�nt or other lien vvhich rnay be or bec�me superior to <br /> the lien hereof or of such decree, pr�vided such application �s made prior to foreclosure sale; and (b� the <br /> def�cx�ncy in cas� of a sale and deficienc�. <br /> 18. Lender's Ri�ht of Possession in �ase of Default. <br /> �a� In any case in which under th�provis��ns �f thz� Instrument Lender has a rxght t� <br /> xnst�tute foreclosure prac�edings,Trustor sha�l forthw�th and upon demand�f L�nder, surrender t� <br /> L�r�der,and Lender sha1�be entxtled to take,actual possession of the Mort�aged Propert�or any part <br /> � thereof persona�ly, or by its agents or attorneys, as for condxtion braken. L�nder's rxghts a�.d <br /> remedies under this Section 18 shal� b� effectxve whether bef�re or after the who�e�rinG�pa� sum <br /> secured hereby is declared ta be xmmediat�l�due and payab�e hereunder,�r v�vhether b�fare or after <br /> the�nstitution of 1ega1 pr�ceed�ngs to f�reclose the lien hereaf�v�hether judicia�ly or non judicial�y) <br /> ar before or after sale ther�under. �n the event Lender i s entit�ed ta take possessxon of th�Mor�gaged <br /> Froperty, Lender in its d�scr�ti�n may, v�vith or without force and With or vv�thaut process af lavv, <br /> en�er upon and take and maintain possess�on of all or any part�f said Mort�aged Pr�pert�r,tag�ther <br /> with all documen.ts,boal�s,rec�rds,papers and a�cau�lts of Trustor or then oWner of the M�r�gaged <br /> Property relating theret�,and ma�exc�ude Trustor or their respective employe�s,ag�nts ar servants, <br /> Wholly therefrom. �n such case Lender,under the�owers herein granted,may ho�d,�perate,manage <br /> and cantro�the Mortgaged Property and�onduct the business,if any,thereof,either personall�or by <br /> 13 <br /> ��rl����Iri)'����� �)��1 <br />