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. 2� 15�81 �3 <br /> ASS�GN�IIIENY �F RENT'� <br /> . <br /> Loan Na: 8'�D�95�-� ��o�1t��7u� Page 3 <br /> Adverse �hange. A mater�a� adverse chang� occurs in Grantar's financial conditian, or Len�er belieWes �he <br /> p�QspeGt of payment or performance o�the lnd�btedness is impaired. <br /> lnsecur'r�y. Lender in good�Faith belie�es its���insecure. <br /> R�GHTS AND REMED�ES aN DEFAULT. Upon the accurrence of any EWen�of Defau[t and a�any time thereafter, Lender <br /> may ex�rGis� any one ar more o�the�ajlawing righfis and remedies, in addit�on to any�ther rights or rem�di�s provided <br /> by[aw: <br /> Accelerate Indeb�edness. Lende�sha[[ have the �ight at i�s aption to declare the enfiire Indeb�edness immediate�y <br /> due and payah[e, inc�ud�ng any prepaym�n�penal-�y�hat Gran�or wou[d be r�quired�o pay. <br /> Collsct Rents, Lender shall haue the right, �rvithau� n���ce ta Grant�r, to take possession of �he�Prap�rty and <br /> cvllec� �he Rents, ineluding amounts past due and unpa:id, and apply the net pro�eeds, ��er and above Lend�r's <br /> cos�s, against �he lndebtedness. �n furtherance ❑��his right, Lender sha[[ ha�e all th� ri�hts provid�d far in the <br /> Lender's Right to Receive and �ollect Ren�s Se��ion, abave. �f the Ren�s are c��le��ed by Lender, then Grantor <br /> irre�ocably designa�es Lender as Grantor's attorney-in-�act�o endarse instrumen�s recei�ed in paymen�thereo� in <br /> the name of Gran�or and to negotia�te the �ame and collect the proceeds; Payments �y �enan�s or othe� users to <br /> Lender in respflns� �o Lender's d�mand sha�� satss�y�he abligations �far wf�ich the payments are made, whether or <br /> not any prop�r�raunds �or-�he demand ex�sted. Lender may exercise its rights under this suhparagraph either in <br /> person, by agent. or through a re�eiver. <br /> ��her F�emQtlies. Lender shall ha�e all a�h�r rights and remed�es pr-��ided in th�s Assignmen� or the No�e o� by <br /> [aw. <br /> Ele�tion of Remedies. Elec�ion by Lend�r ta pursue any remedy shall not exc[ude pursuit of any oth�r rem�dy, an� <br /> an e�ect�Qn ta make expendi�ure5 ar ta take action�o p�r�orm an ab�€gat�on of Gran�or under this Assignmen�, after <br /> �ran�or's failur��� perfarm� sha[I not a��ect Lender's right�o declare a default and exer�ise its remedies. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses.- �f Lender institut�s any suit ar ac�tion �o en��rce any of the terms of this Ass�gnment, <br /> ��nder shall be �ntitled to recov�r�such sum as th� cour� may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at �rial and <br /> upon any appeal. 11U'hether ar no� any courk action is inVvl�ed, and �o the extent not proh�b�ted by faw, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender in�urs thafi in Lender's �pinion are nece�sary a� any time for the prvtectic�n of its <br /> in�erest or th� en�Farcemen�of i�s righ�s shall become a par�af the lndebtedness payable on demand and shall bear� <br /> interest at the Nat�ra�e from�he da-te of fihe expenditure until repaid. Exp�nses co�ered by this paragraph �nclude, <br /> ►�vithvut iimi�ta�ion, hawever subjec�to any limits under appficab[e [aw, Lender`s attarneys' ��es and Lende�'s �ega� <br /> expenses, wh�th�r ar not there is a la�rvsui�, including �tt�rneys' �ee� and expenses fior f�ankrup�cy proceedings <br /> {including effor�s to modify ar�aeate any automati�stay vr�n�unc�tion}, appeals, and any an�icipated past judgment <br /> cof[eGtion serv�ces, the cost of searching records, ob�aining �itle reports tincl�ding �ore�losure reports�, surveyors' <br /> reports, and appraisal fees, �€t�� insurance, and �ees for �he T�-ustee. �a �he extent permit�ed by app�icab�� latirv. <br /> �ran�or a[so will pay any court casts, �n addit�an to a��ofhe�r sums p�-o�f�e� by�aw. <br /> IU�ISCELLANEDUS PRaV�S�[]N5. The fioll�w€ng m€sce[�aneous prov�sEons are a part o�th�s Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignment, toge�her irvith any Rela�ed Qo�uments, cons�itutes the,en�ire understanding and <br /> agreemenfi af the par�ies as �a the matters set forth in this Assi�nment. Na a[tera�ion af ar amendment t� this <br /> Assignment sha[[ he effective un�ess gi�en in writing and sign�d hy the par�y or parties saught �o be charged or <br /> baund by the alteration or am�ndment. <br /> Gaptian Headings. Gap�ion headings in this Assignme�t are f�r Convenien�e purpases vnly and are not�o he used <br /> �o in�erpret or define the proWisions of this Assignment. <br /> Go��rning Law. This Assignment wi�l be gorrerned by �ederaZ iaw a�pficabie to Lender and, tfl �he exten� nat <br /> preempfed by feder�!Iaw.the [aws of#he State o�Nebraska wi�hout re�ard ta i�s con��ic�s o-F��w provisians. This <br /> Ass'rgnment has been accep�ed by Lender in the Sta�e vf Nebraska. <br /> Choice af Venue. l�there is a 1a�vsuit, Grant�r agrees upon Lender's r�qu�st t� submi�tQ the jurisdic�ion ❑�the <br /> c�ur�s ot HaC[ County, 5tate o�Nebraska. <br /> Jvin�` and �evera� Liabili�y. All �b�€gatians of G�rantor under fihis Assignment shal[ be �oint and se�era�, and all <br /> references to Grantor sha[I mean each and every Grantor. This m��ns �ha� each Grantor signing be�av+r is <br /> respansible fror all abligations in this Assi�nment. <br /> 11llerger. There sha[I �e no merger a��he 3nt�rest or estate created by this assignmen� �rvith any othe�- in�eres� or <br /> estate in the Prop�r�y a�any�ime held by or�For�he benefit o�Lender in any capacity, without the wri�ten��nsent <br /> o�Lender. <br /> 1n�er�re�ation. {1� In al� cases irvl���e there is more than ane �3orro�+�r�r vr Grant�r, the€� a[[ wvrds �sed in this <br /> As�ignrne��in�he sir�.gular s�af[ be deerned to f�ave beer� used �n the p�ura� �rhere�he contex�t and cvr�s�ruction so <br /> re�u�re. {�� �f rnare t��n one �erson signs�has Assignrr�ent as 'g�rarttor," the obliga�aons��f eac�n Grar�tor are�oin� <br /> ana se�era(. ThEs means that if Lender brings a lawsuit, Lender may s�e any one ar more o� �he Grantors. l� <br /> Barrower and Grantor are not�he same personr Lender need not sue Sarrov+rer�i�s�, and that Borrawer n��d no�be <br /> jained in any [awsui�. {3� The names given to paragraphs or se�tions in this Assignment are for convenisnce <br /> purp�ses only. TF�ey are not t� be used to interpr-et or de�ine the pravisians o�this Assignrnent. <br /> No V�laiver b� Lender. Lende� shal[ nvt be deem�d fio have vuaived an�r r�ghts under this Assignment un�ess such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed hy Lender. No delay or am'rssion an�he part o�f Lender in exercising any�right <br /> shall apera�e as a waEve� af such righ� o� any ather right. A wai�er b�y Lender af a provision of this Assignment <br /> sh�ll not prejudice �r consti�ute a wai�er of Lender's righ� ��herwise to demand strict comp�iance with that <br /> p�ovision or any other pro�isian of this�4ssignrnen�. hl� pri�r waiWer by Lender, nor any caurs�af dealing bet�een <br /> Lender and �rantor, sha�� const�tute a �ai�er��F any o��ender's rights �r o�r a-ny o�Crantar's obl�ga�ions as to any <br /> fu�ure transac�ionsa a,l1lhene�er the consent �� L�nde� �s required under this Assignrnen�a the gr�nting o� such <br /> conser�� by Lend�r in an�r ins�ance sha[[ not const��ute �ont�nuing c�r�sent to su�sequen� ins�ances where such <br /> cansent is required and in aIl cases su�h consent may be grantec��r v+�i�hhe�d �n the s��e discre�ion v�Lender. <br /> Natiees. Any notice required to be given under �his ►4ssignment shall be gi�en in writing, and shall b� �ffe��i�e <br /> when ac�ua�ly deli�ered, when ac�ually rec��ved by te�efacsimile {un[ess o�herv,r�se required by [aw}, when <br /> deposi�ed with a nationally recvgnized overn��ht cou�-ier; or, i�mai�ed, vvhen depos�ted iri�he United States mailr as <br /> first c[ass, certified or regis�ered mail postage prepaad, di�-ected to the addr�esses shvuvn near tt�e beginning of this <br /> Assign.ment. Any party may cnange irts address for notices under this�►ssignment by giving forma[ writ�en notice <br /> to the other parties, specifying that �h� purpose of th� no�ice is �a change the party's address. Far no�ice <br /> purpvses, Grantor agrees t� keep Lend�r an�ormed at alf �imes of Gr�ntvr's eurrent addre�s. Un[ess o�hervvise <br /> pro�ided or required by [avv, if there is rnore thar� �ne Grant�r, any no�ace gi�en by Lender �a any Gra�tar is <br /> deemed�o be notiG�given�a all Grar���rs. <br /> Pov►►ers of At�orn�y. The�ar'raus agencies and pov►rers af att�rney conveyed on Lender under�his�Issignrr�en�are <br /> granted �r�r purposes a�secu�;ty and �in�y no�be re�oked �y�rant�r un�il such�ime as the s�rr�e are �enaunced by <br /> Lende�'. <br /> Se�erability. �f a �ourt of campet�nt jucisdiction find� any pra�ision af tf�is Assignme€�� to �e illegaE, in�alid, ar <br />