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2� 15�81 �3 <br /> AS��GiV�111E�T C]F F�ENT� <br /> . <br /> Lnan No: �7 a�9546 ��on$it�u� Page � <br /> Assignment and dire�ting all Rents to be pa�d directly ta Lender or Lender's agent. <br /> En�er the Property. Lend�r may en�er upon and take possession o�F fhe Property; demand, ca�lect and recei�� �rom <br /> the tenants or from any other persons liahle ther�for, af[ o�the Rents; insti�u�e and car�r an a�! Iega[ p�oceedings <br /> neeessary �or the pra�ection �-� the Property, includin.g such proceedings as may be necessary t� reco�e�- <br /> pvssession vf the ProperJty; colle�t the Rents and remove any tenan��r t�nan�s ar other persons from the Prap�rty. <br /> 1Vlaintain the Prvperty. Lender may�nter upon the Property�o mainta�n the Proper�y and 1€eep�he sam�in repair; <br /> �v pay�he costs �herevf and o�all senr��es of aI[ empl�yees, inc�uding t�eir equipmen�, and of all can�inuing cosfs <br /> and expenses of maintain�ng the Property in prvper repair and cond�tion, and a[so ta pay a[[�axes, assessments and <br /> water uti[ities, and the premiums an fire and o�her insuranee e��e�ted by L�nder an th�Property. <br /> �ompiianc� with Lav�rs. Lender may do any and ali �hings to execu�e and comply with the �aws af the State o� <br /> Nebraska and alsa a�! other laws, rufes, arders, ordinan�es and requiremen�s of all other go�ernmental agencies <br /> af�ecting the Property, <br /> Lease the Property. Lender may rent or lease the who��or any park o�the Praperky for such t�rm or terms and �n <br /> such condi�ions as Lender may deem appropria�e. <br /> Emplvy Agents. Lender may engage such agen-t or agents as Lender may deem appropria�e. either in Lender's <br /> name or in Grantor's namer�o ren�and manage th� P�aperty, inc[uding the�ol[ec�ion and application of Rents. <br /> ather Acts. Lender may dv a!i such other things and acts with respect to the Proper�y as Lender may d��rn <br /> appropr�ate and may act exclusively and sofe�y in th� p[ace and sfiead ��F Grantvr and to have a[[ of the powers o� <br /> Gran�or far the purposes stated above. <br /> Nv Requirement tv Act. Lender sha[f not be required �o do any of the foregoing acts or�hings, and the fact that <br /> Lende�-sha�[ ha�e performed one or more of the foregoing acts or thin�s shall not requ�re Lender to do any other <br /> specific act�r thing. <br /> APPL�CATlDN QF REfVTS. AII cos�ts and expenses incurred by Lender in �onne�tion wi�h �he Prvperty shall be �or <br /> G�antor's accvun� and Lend�r may pay such cos�s and expenses from the F�ents. Lender, �n its sofe discretion, sha�! <br /> determine �he applieation of any and al� Rents received hy it; how��er, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender which are <br /> nafi applied��o such �osts and expenses sh�ff be app[ied tv the lndeb�edness. A[[ expenditures made by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and not reimbursed from the �ents shall 1�ecome a part vf th� [ndebtsdness secured by this <br /> Assignment, and shall be payahle on demand,with interest at the Note rate from date o�r�xpenditure until paid. <br /> FULL PERFQRMANCE. lf Grantor pays aff of the lndebtedness when du� and oth�rwise performs a�[ the obligations <br /> impvsed upon Granfior under�his Assignmen�,the Nate, and the Refated Dvcuments, Lender shall e�ecute an.d deiiver�� <br /> Grantor a sui�ab[e satisfaction of this Assignmen�and suitab[e s�a-temen�s of t�rmination of any financing statement on <br /> file ��idencing Lend�r's security interest in the F�ents and the Property. Any termina�ion fee required hy �aw shal[ be <br /> paid by Gran�or, if permitted by applicable latirv. <br /> LEN[]ERrS EXPENDITU�ES, I�any act�on or proceeding is c�mmenced that v+rould materially a€�ect Lender's in�erest in <br /> the Proper�y a�i�G�antar fa��s to comply with any pro�ision of this Assignment or any Rela�ed Documents, inc[uding but <br /> no�[imited to Gran�or's�ailure to discharge or pay vvhen due any am�unts Grantor is requ�red to discharge or pay under <br /> this Ass�gnment or any F�elated Documents, Lender vn Grantor's beha�f m�y �but shall nat be ot�ligated to) take any <br /> action that Lender deems apprvpriate, includin� but not limited to discharging vr paying all ta�es, liens, security <br /> �nterests, encumbranees and other claims, afi any time le�ied or p[aced on�he Rents or the Property and paying a1! costs <br /> fvr insuring, maintainEng and pr�s�r�ing the Property. All such expenditures incurred or paid by Lender for sueh <br /> purposes wii!then bear inter�st at fih� rate charged under the Note from the�a�e Encurred pr paid by Lender�v the date <br /> a� repaymen� by G�antor. AlI such expenses wi[[ become a par�ofi the lndebtedness and, at Lender's option, wi-11 �A� <br /> be pay�ble on demand; �g� be add�d �a�he ba[ance ot the Not� and be appvr�ioned among and be payab[e �rvith any <br /> instaf�ment paymen�s to �eeome due during either {'�} the �erm of any applicab[e Ensurance policy; or t�� the <br /> rema�ning �erm of the Note; or �C� be treated as a balfoon payment v►rhich wi�� �e due and payable a� the No�e's <br /> maturity, The Assignment also wi[�secure payment of�hese amounts. Such right shall be in addition to all�ther rights <br /> and remedies t�which Lend�r may�e entit[ed upon Default. <br /> DEFAULT. EaGh o�the�o��owing, at Lender's optian, sha[[cons�itute an E�ent ofi D�fau�t under this Assignment: <br /> Paymen�1Defaut#. G�antor fa��s�o make any payment when due under the Ind�htedness. <br /> 0#her Defau�ts. Gran�or �ai�s to comply �rvith or �o perf�orm any �ther term, obligat�on, caWenant or condit�on <br /> contained in this Assignm�nt vr in any �� the Re[ated Dvcuments or fio comp�y w�th or to perfarm any term, <br /> o�ligation, co�enant ar condition contained �n any other agreemen�betw�en Lender and Grantor. <br /> Default on �ther Payments. Failure o� Granto�within the time requ�red by this Assignment fio make any paym�nt <br /> for taxes or insurance, or any o�her payment necessary ta preven�filing of vr to effect discharge of any lien. <br /> De�au�t in Favor of �fhircd Parties. Grantor de�au�ts under any [oan, extension of credit, security agreem�n�, <br /> purchase vr sales ag�eem�nt, or any vther agreement, in favor o�f any other creditor or person �ha�may ma�erially <br /> affect any o� Gran�vr`s praper�y or ability to perform Grantor's ��[igatrons under �his Assignment or any o� the <br /> Re[a�ed Dacumen�s. <br /> FaIse Sta�emen�s. Any rrvarran�y, �epresentation or statement made or furnished tv Lender by Grantor o� on <br /> Grantor's b�ha[f under this Assignrnent or the Re[ated Dacuments �s false or misCeading 'rn any material resp�ct, <br /> either nvw or at the tEme made or�urnished or becomes false or mis�eading a�t any time thereafter. <br /> Defecti�e Col[atera[iza#ivn. This Assignmenfi or any of�he Related ❑ocuments ceases to be in full force and ef�ect <br /> �Enclud�ng faiiure af any co�lateraf d�cument to crea�te a�aiid and perfected securi�y inte�-est or lien} at any time and <br /> �or any�easan. <br /> Death vr insvlrrency. The dea�h of Grantor.the insa[vency of�rantar,the appvintment of a recei�er for any part of <br /> Grantor`s property, any assignmen� �or �he benefit of creditors, any type o� creditor workou�, ar the <br /> commencement of any prviceeding under any bankruptCy❑r insol�ency laws by vr against Gran�or. <br /> Credi�or vr For�ei�ure Proceedings. Cvmmencement of fareelosure �r �Forfeiture proceedings, whether hy judi�ial <br /> proceeding, se[f-he[p, repossession or any ath�r method, by any credi�or of Grantar or�y any governmentai agency <br /> against the Ren�s or any property secu�ing �he [ndebt�dness. This includes a garnishment ot any of Gran�or`s <br /> accvunts, including deposit accountsr wi�h Lender. Howe�er, this E�enfi of Default sha11 not app[y if '�here �s a <br /> govd faith dispu�te by Grantor as to the�alidity or reasonab[�ness of�he c�aim which is the basis o€�he credi�or or <br /> �o�feiture proceeding and if Grantor gives Lender v+rritten notice of�he cr�ditor or far�eiture Proceeding and deposits <br /> with Lender monies or a surety bond �or the Gredi�or or�far�eiture prflceeding, in an amount determined by Lender, <br /> �n ifis so�e discretivn, as being an adequate reser�e or bond for the dispu'�e. <br /> 1Property Damage or Lass. The Property is lost, sta[en,substantia[[y damaged,sold,or borrovued against. <br /> Even#s Af�ecfing Guaran�or. Any o�the preceding e�ents o�-Gurs with respec't ta any guarantor, endarser, surety, <br /> or accommodation party of any af the Indebtedness or any guaranfiflr, endorser, surety, or accammodation party <br /> d�es or becomes inc�mpetent, or re�okes or disputes the �al�dity o�, or liability under, any Guaranty of �he <br /> lndebtedness. <br />