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2� 15�81 �3 <br /> ASS[CNf11�ENT �F RENT� <br /> . <br /> L�an No: ��D��a4� ��ot1t��lued �age 4 <br /> unenforceab[e as to any person or circums�ance, that finding shall'not ma�e the o��end�ng pro�ision i��egal, in�alid, <br /> vr unenfvrc�abfe as to any o�her person or circumstance. l� �eas�b[e, the vffending pro�ision shali �e considered <br /> modified so tha� it b�comes iegal, �alid and �n�arceab[e. [�th� offending pro�ision canno� be so modified, it shafl <br /> be consEdered dele�ed �rom �his Ass�gnment. [Jnless otherwis� requir�d �y [aw, the ille�aii�y, in�alldity, or <br /> unen�arc�abiEity of any provision of th_is Assignment sha[[ not affec�the legality, �alidity or en-�orceahility ofi any <br /> ather pro�ision o�this�4ssignme�nt. <br /> Su�cessors and►4ssigns. Sublect t�any limi-�a�ivns s�ated in�his Assignment an trans�er of Grantvr's interesfi,this <br /> Assignmen� sha�l be hinding upvn and inure to the hene�i� o� the p-arties, their successvrs and assigns. lf <br /> own�rship o�the Pr�perty becomes�ested in a persan other than Gran�or, Lenderr Withoufi notice�o Grantor, may <br /> deal with Grantor`s successors with r�€erence to this Ass�gnment and the fndeb�edness by way o�F forbearan�e or <br /> extension withvut releasing Grantvr from fihe obligativns vf this Assignment or[iabili�y under the lndehtedness. <br /> Time is a�the Essence. Time is of the essence in the per�armance af this�iss��nment. <br /> Vtila��e Jury. AII parties tv fhis Assignment hereby waive #he right#v any�ury�trial in any activn, prviceeding, vr <br /> __�—� cvun�erclaim brvught by any party against any vther par�y. <br /> 1111ai�er vf Homestead Exemptivn. Grantor h�reby releases and �rva.i�es a11 rights and bene�rits vf �he homestead <br /> �xemption [aws o€the 5tate o�Nebraska as t�a[l �ndeb#edness secured by this Ass�gnment. <br /> DEFlNITI�NS. The faflovving capita�iz�d v►rords and terms sf�a[l ha�e th� fiollvwing meanEngs when used in �his <br /> AssEgnm�nt. �nless specificai[y stated to �he con�rary, a[[ references t� do[Iar amounts shall mean amounts in faw�uE <br /> money of the United Sta�es of America. Vllords and �terms used in the singu[ar sha[[ include the plural, and the plural <br /> shaE� include the singu�a�, as the cvn�ext may �-�quir�. Vllords and te�ms not o�herwise defined in this Assignment sha�l <br /> ha�e the meanings at-�ributed t�such terms in the Uniform Carnm�rciaC �ade: <br /> Assignment, The ward "`Assignment'� means this ASS[G[VMENT�F F�ENTS�as�his ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS may <br /> b� amended or modified �rrom time to�ime, together with a[[ exhibits and schedules at�ached to this A551GNMENT <br /> DF RENTS�rom time to time. <br /> Borrawer. The word "Borro�rver" means Fi4 D N EY J D[EHL and SU SAN C D1 EH L. <br /> Default. The word "Defaulfi" means the ❑e�auit set�orth in this Assignm�nt in the seG�ion tit[ed "De�auft". <br /> Event of D.e#auI�. The words rr E�ent o� Defauf�" mean any of the events o�defauit set�orth in this Assignment in <br /> the de�ault s�ction af this Assignment. <br /> Gran#or. The word "Granfior" means R�DNEY J DIEHL and SUSAN C D1EHL. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranty'r means the guaranty frorn gua�-antor, endorser,surety, or accommodatian par�y to <br /> Lender. including v�rithout limitativn a guaran�y af al�or part o�the Note. <br /> Indebtedness. The word "Indeb�edness" means all prin�ipal, interest, and other amounts, �osts and expenses <br /> payable under the Note or Refated Documents, together wi�h afl renewaEs pf, extensions of, modifications of, <br /> consolida�ivns o�and substi-�u�ions fo��he Nvte or Related Documents and any amvunts expended or advanced by <br /> Lender �tv discharge Grantor's vb[iga�io�s or expenses in�urred by Lender to en�For�e Gran�or's o�ligations under <br /> �his Assignment, toge�her �rvith interest on such amounts as prv�id�d in this Assignment. Spe�ifica[[y, without <br /> Iimitation, [ndebfedness includes the �u�ure ad�ances se�fiorth in the Fu�ure Ad�ances pro�ision, together with all <br /> interest thereon and a[[ am�unts that may he indirectly secured by the Cross-Colla�era[i�a�ivn pro�ision of this <br /> Assignment. <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Equitab[e Bankr its suceessors and assigns.. <br /> Nvt�. Ths w�rd 'r Note" means the prom�ssory note. dated Nv�e;mber 3�, 2�'I 5, [n the nriginal �pr�nc�pa� <br /> amount of �7 26.3��.[��from Grantor to Lende.�, together vtirith ali renewals of, extensions o�, modifications <br /> of, refinancrngs ofr conso[idations of, and subs�itu�i`ons for tY�e promissory note or agreemen�: <br /> Prvper�y. The word "Property" means a[l of Gran�or's right, tit[e and inter�st in and to a[I the Prvper�y as <br /> described in the �Assignment" secti�n of this Assignment.. <br /> Related Documen�s. The words "Re[at�d Documents" mean a[[ promissory notes, cred3� agreemen�s, loan <br /> agreements, environmenta[ agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mvrtgagesr deeds o� trust, security <br /> deeds; cof[a�era[ mortgages, and a[[ o�ther instruments, agreements a�d documents, wh�ther now or hereafter <br /> exis�ing, exeeu�ed in connection with the lnde�tedness. <br /> Rents. The w�rd "R�nts" means a[[ o�F Grantor's presen�and future righ�s, title and in�erest in, to and under any <br /> and ail presenfi and �ruture leases, inc[uding, without limitatlan, af� rents, revenue, income, issues, raya[ties, <br /> bonuses, account� recei�able, cash ar security dep�sits, ad�ance r�ntals, pro�its and proc�eds -�rom �he Prflperty, <br /> and other payments and ben�fits derived or tv be deri�ed from such [eases of e�ery kind and nature, whether due <br /> naw or [ater, inc[uding withou�limi�a�ian Gran�tor's right�o enfiorce such leases and tv receive and colfe��paym�nt <br /> and proceeds thereunder. <br /> THE UNDERSIGNED ACKIIIDVIILEDGES HAViNG REA� ALL THE P�Q1iISI�NS OF THiS ASS[GN[tiJiENT. THlS <br /> D�CUMENT IS EXECUTED DN NOVEIIIIBE�i 3�. 2�'i 5. <br /> GRANTOR: - <br /> � .. <br /> , <br /> � � <br /> R�DI�E�'J DlEHL <br /> � <br /> X �. <br /> SUSA C D�EHL <br />