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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> An�r applica�ion of pa�ments, �nsurance proceed�, or N��scellaneaus Proc�eds to prin�ipal due under�he Note <br /> shall not e�.tend or postpone the due da�e, or chang��he amaunt, of�he Per�odic Paymen�s. <br /> 3. �`unds for�5crow I�ems. Borro�ver shall pay�o Lender on the da� Per�od�c Paym�n�s are due und�r the <br /> Note, un�i� the No�e is paid �n ful�, a sum�the "Funds"� ��pro�ide for paymen�af amounts due for: �a} �axes <br /> and ass�ssments and ather items wh�ch can a��ain pr�or�ty over this Security Instrument as a I�en�r <br /> encumbrance on the Proper�y; �b} �easeho�d payments or ground ren�s an the Prop�rt�, if any; �c}premiums <br /> for an� and all insurance required by Lender under Sectian S; and �d} Mor��age�nsurance premiums, if any, <br /> or any sums payable by Borrower�o L�nder in�ieu af the paym.ent of Mor�gage�nsurance prem�um� in <br /> ac�ordance w�th the pro�isions of Sectifln �fl. These�tems ar�ca��ed "Escrow Items." At or�g�na�ion or at <br /> any�ime dur�ng�he�erm of the L.�an, Lender ma�r require�hat Comamuni�y Ass��iatian Dues, Fees, and <br /> Assessmen�s, �f an�, be escrawed by B�rr�w�r, and su�h dues, fees and assessm�n�s shall be an Escrovv <br /> ��em. B�rrow�r shal�promptly furnish�� Lender all notices of amounts to be pa�d under th�s Section. <br /> Barrawer sha1l pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items un�ess L.�nder wai�es Borrav�rer's o��igat�on t�pay <br /> the Funds for any or ai� Escraw Items. Lender may v�ai�e Borrower's o�iigat�on�a pay�o Lender Funds f�r <br /> any or all Escraw ��ems at any�ime. An�such�vai��r may o�l�be in vvri��ng. �n the e�ent of�uch v�ra�ver, <br /> Barrov�rer shail pay directly y when and wh�re paya�le, �h�am�unts due f�r any Escraw �tems for wh�ch <br /> payment flf Funds has been waiv�d by Lender and, if Lender requ�res, shall furn�sh�o Lender receip�s <br /> e�idencing such payment wi�hin such�ime p�riod as Lender may require. Borro�er's ob�igat�on to make <br /> such payments and ta pro�v�de re�eipts shai� for all purposes be deem�d�o be a covenan�and agre�men� <br /> contained in�his Securi�.y �ns�rument, as the phrase "covenant and agreemen�" �s used in Section 9. If <br /> Barrov�►ler is obliga��d to pa� �scrovv �tems direc�ly, pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails�o pay the <br /> amount du�for an Escrow I�em, Lender may�xerc�se its r�ghts under Se��i�n 9 and pay such amoun�and <br /> Borrflwer sha�� then be obligated under Se��i�n 9 to repa}�to Lender any such amoun�. Lender ma� re�oke <br /> th�wai�er as to any or all Es�raw It�ms at any time by a n��ice gi��n �n accordance v�r�th Section �5 and, <br /> up�n such revoGation, Barrflw�r shall pay�o Lender al� Funds, and in such amflunts, tha�are�hen required <br /> under�his Sec�ion 3. <br /> L.�nd�r ma�, at any time, �ol�ect and ho�d Funds �n an am�un� �a} suffi�ien�to pernr�.t Lender to appl� �he <br /> Fu�ds at th��ime spe�if�ed under RESPA, and�b} not t�exeeed the maximum amoun�a�ender can require <br /> und�r RESPA. Lender sha11 estima�e the amoun�of Funds due on the bas�s of current data and reasonab�e <br /> estima�es of�xp�nditures of fu�ure Escrow Items or atherw�se�n accordance v�ith Appiicable Law. <br /> The Funds shal� b�he�� �n an institu�ion v�rh�se dep�sits are�nsured by a federal agency, �nstrumental ity, or <br /> en�ity tinc�ud�ng Lender, �f Lender is an�nstitution vvhase dep�s�ts are so insured}or in any Federal Hame <br /> Loan Bank. Lend�r shall apply the Funds to pa��h� �scrow Items no la�er than�he time specifzed under <br /> RESPA. L,.�nder shall not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually anaiyzing�he <br /> escrow accaunt, or�erify�ng the Escrov�r �tems, uniess Lender pays Barrovver�nter�st on�he Funds and <br /> App��cab�e Law permits Lender to make such a charg�. Unless an agreemen�is made�n wr��ing or <br /> App�icab�e Lavv requ�r�s �nterest to be paid on�he Fun�.s, Lender�hall n�t be r�quired�o pay Borrower any <br /> �n�eres��r earnings on the Funds. Borrov�er and L�nd�r can agree in vvr�t�ng, h�we�er, tha� int�rest sha�l be <br /> pa�d nn the Funds, Lend�r sha�� g��e to Borro��v�r, w�thouf charge, an annual accoun�ing of the Funds as <br /> requir�d b� RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Funds he�d in escrow, as d�f�ned under R.�SPA, Lender shai� accnun��a Borr�wer for <br /> the ex�ess funds in accordance wi�h RESPA. If there xs a shor�age of Funds he�d in escrov�r, as d���n�d under <br /> RESPA, Lender shall nat�fy Barrflw�r as required b� RESPA, and Borrawer sha���ay ta L�nder th�amoun� <br /> ne�essary�o make up the shortage in accor�iane��nrith RESPA, bu�in no more than �.�n7�nthiy pa�men�s. If <br /> there xs a de�xciency af Funds held in escrow, as defined unde�r RESPA, Lender sha�l nflt�fy Borrower as <br /> NEBF�ASKA-Singie Family-Fannie Ma�lFret�die Mac UNI�aRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 11t31 <br /> VMP�] VMP6tNE�t134�� <br /> WQiiers Kiuwer Financiaf 5er�ices Page 5 of 17 <br />