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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> B�RR�WER CQ�ENANTS tha�Borrower is �awfu���r se�sed af the es�ate hereby con�eyed and has the right ta <br /> grant and convey �he Propert�and that the Praper�y is un�ncumbered, e�cep�far encumbrances of r��ord. <br /> Barrower warran�s and will defen�generally the t�tle to the Fropert� aga�ns�all claims and demands, subjec�to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS SE�IJR�TY �NSTRUMENT Gambines unzform Ga�enan�s for na���na�us�and non-unzf�rm cavenants vw�th <br /> lim�ted varia��ons by�ur�sd�ct�an tfl�ansti�ute a uniform secur�ty instrument eQv�r�ng rea�pr�pert�. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as fallows: <br /> �. Paym�nt af Princ�pal, �nter�st, Escrow Items, P�spayment Charges, and Late Charges. Barr�wer <br /> shall pa�when due th�principal af, and in�erest�n, the deb�e�id�nced by the Note and any prepa�ment <br /> charges and �a�e charges due under the Nate. Barrower sha1� alsa pay funds for Escrow �tems pursuant�o <br /> Secti�n 3. Paymen�s due under the No�e and�h�s Security �nstrument sha�l be rnade�n U.S. currency. <br /> However, �f any check or fl�her instrumen�r����ved by Lender as pa�men�und�r th�Note or this S�curity <br /> �ns�rument �s returned ta Lender unpa�d, Lender may requ�re tha� any�r a�l subs�quent payments du�und�r <br /> the Nate a�d this S�curity �nstrument be made in an��r m�re�f�he follo�ving forms, a� s�Iec�ed by L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; �b}maney arder; �c} certi�ed che�k, bank check, treasurer's check�r cash�er's ch�Gk, prov�ded any <br /> such�he�k�s drawn up�n an ins�itu�ian whnse�.eposits are�nsured by a fed�ra� agency, instrumental�ty, or <br /> ent�ty; or�d} E�ec�r�n�c Funds Transf�r. <br /> Pa�ments are deem�d rec���ed by Lender wh�n rece��ed a��h��ocat�on deszgna��d in the Note ar at such <br /> ❑�h�r�acation as m.a�be des�gna�ed by Len�er i�.a�cordance wi�h the not�ce pr��isinns in Section �S. <br /> L�nder may return any paym�nt ar par�iai payment if�he pa�ment or par�ial payments ar�xnsuff���en��o <br /> bring the Laan current, Lend�r rnay accept any payment ar partial pa�ment insuffcient to br�ng the Loan <br /> current, v�ithout waiver of any righ�s h�reunder or prejudiC�ta xts rights�o refuse such paym.ent ar par�ial <br /> payments in�he fu�ure, but Lend�r is not ob�xgat�d t� app�y such payments at the��me such payments are <br /> ac�ep�ed. �f each P�riod�c Payment zs app���d as of�ts scheduled due date, �hen Lender n��d not pay interest <br /> on unapp�i�d funds. Lender may ho�d such unapplied funds untii Borrawer makes paym�nts to bring th� <br /> Laan current. If Borra�ver does not dfl so w�thin a reasonable period of time, Lender shall either apply such <br /> fund�or return them�a Borrov�er. �f no�appl�ed earlier, such funds will be applied ta the outs�anding <br /> principal ba�ance under the No�e immediateiy prior to foreclosure. No affset or cla�m wh�ch Borrower m�ght <br /> have now ar in the futur�against Lender sha11 rel�e�ve Barrow�r from making payments due under the Nat� <br /> and�his Security �nstrument nr perform�ng the cowenants and agreements secured�� this Se�uri�y <br /> �nstrument. <br /> Z. Appf�cati�n of Payments ar Prviceeds. ��cept a�a�herwi�e described in this Sectian 2, all payments <br /> accepted and applied by Lender�ha��be app�ied in�he following�rder of priority: �a} int�res�due under the <br /> Note; tb}principal due under the Note; �c}amount� due under 5ectian 3. SuCh payments shail be app��ed�o <br /> each Periodic Paym�nt in the order in which i�became due. Any remaining amaunts sha�i be app���d�irst ta <br /> late char�es, second t� any ather am�unts due under this Secur�ty �ns�rument, and then to reduc�the <br /> principal balance of the Nate. <br /> �f Lender receives a paymen�franl Borrower far a de�inquent Periodic Payment which �nc�udes a suffic�ent <br /> amount�o pay any late charge due, the paymen�may be appl�ed�a the d�linquent payment and�he�a�e <br /> charge. If more�han one Periodic Payment is�uts�anding, Lender may appl� any payment r��eived from <br /> Barrower to�h�repaym�nt of the Periodic Payments if, and�o the extent tha�, each paym�nt can be paid in <br /> fu�l. To the extent�ha�any���ess exists after the paymen� is app��ed to the fu��pa�r�aent of an�or more <br /> Per�odic Payments, such e�cess may be app�z�d to any �ate charges du�. Voluntar�prepaymen�s shali be <br /> applied f�rst to an�r prepayn�ent charges and then as describ�d in�he No�e. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�Ee Family-Fannie Mael�reddi�Ma�l3NIFC]RM tNSTAUMENT Fqrm 3q2$11�'� <br /> VMP fl VMPfi{N��41302} <br /> Wotters K�uwer Financial Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />