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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> sen�ences shal�n�t apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Pr�p�r�y of smali quantit��s of Ha2ardous <br /> Substances that are gen�ral�y rec�gnized to be apprapriate to norma� residential uses and t�maintenanc�af <br /> th� Pr�perty �inc�uding, but not ��mited t�, hazardous subs�an�es �n consumer pr�duc�s}. <br /> Borrower shal� pramp�ly gzv�Lender writt�n noti�e af�a} any inW�stiga�ian, clairx�, demand, Iawsu�t�r oth�r <br /> actian by any gavernmenta� ar r�gu�atnry ag�ncy ar privat�party�nv��ving the Prap�r�y and any �3azardaus <br /> Su�stanc��r En�ironmenta� Law af whzch Barro�ver has ac�uai l�nowledge, �b} any Env�r�nmen�a� <br /> Condition, including but not limited t�, any spillin�, leaking, d�scharge, release or threat�f re�ease of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, and �c} any candzt�on�aused b� �h�pres�nc�, use or release of a Hazardous Subs�ance <br /> which adverse�y affec�s the value af th�Proper��r. �f Borrow�r learns, or�s not�fied by an� governmen�a� ar <br /> regu�atory author�ty, �r any pr�va��party, that any remova� ar a�her r�med�ation of any �azardaus Sub�tance <br /> affecting �he Prop�rty �s necessar�, Borra�ver shall pro�mpt�y take aI� nec�ssary remedial actions in <br /> acc�rdanee with EnWiranmenta� Law. Na�hing herein shal� create any abligat�fln on L�nder for an <br /> En�ir�nmental Cleanup. <br /> Nvn�Uniform C�►�enants. B�rrower and Lender co�enan� and agr�e as follows: <br /> 2�. AGGe�eration; Remedies. L�nder sha��g��e nvt�ce�o�orrvwer pr�or to acceleration fo�iow�ng <br /> Borrower'�brQach of any �ovenan��r agre�n�ent�n�his Securi�y Ins�rument �bu�nat prior#o <br /> accelera�ion under Sect�on 18 unle5s App��cab�e Law pro�ides otherwi�e}. The no��ce�haii specify: �a} <br /> the defauit; �b} �he action requ�red to cure�he defau��; 4c� a date, nat�es��han 3�days from the date <br /> �he n�tice is given ta Borrower, by which�he defau��n�ust be Cured; and €d} that fai�ure tn cur��h� <br /> default on or before�he date spec�f��d�n the na�ice may resu���n accelera�ion of�he sums 5ecured hy <br /> this Se�uri�y Instrument and�ale af the Proper�y. The no�ice sha�l fur�her inform BarrawQr of�he <br /> r�ght to r��ns�ate af�er acce�eration and�h�r�ght�o bring� court ac��vn to a�ser��he nvn-ex�s�ence af a <br /> defau�t or any other defense of Lorrower�o acce�era��an and sa�e. If the deFaul�is na� cured on or <br /> beFore the date spec�fied in�he notice, Lender at�ts opt�on may requ�re�mmedia�e payment�n fuli of <br /> all sums secured�y�h�s Securi�y Ins�rument�vi�hout further demand and may invoke th�poti�er af 5a�� <br /> and any o�her remed�es per�n��ted by Applicab�e Law. Lender shall be ent���ed to collect a�i expenses <br /> �ncurred in pursuing�he rem.ed�es pro�ided in this Section 22, �nclud�ng, �ut no� �im�ted to, reasonab�e <br /> a��vrn�ys' fees and co�ts of����e e��c�ence. <br /> If�he power of sale is invoked, 'Tru��Qe sha��record a no�ice of defaui�in each coun�y�n which any <br /> part of�he Property is�oca�ed and sha�� ma�� cop�es of�u�h na�ice�n the manner pre�cribed by <br /> App��cab�e Law�o Bvrro►�ver and ta�he other persan5 pres�ribed by Appl�cab�e Lativ. After the�ime <br /> required by App��cab�e La►w, Trus�ee shall gi�e pub�ic not���af sale�o�he pQrsons and�n the manr�er <br /> pr�scribed�y Appl�cab�e La�v. Trus�ee, v�ithout demand an B�rrowery sha��sel� �he Property a� pub�ic <br /> auctian to the highest b�dder at�he�ime and place and under the terms des�gna�ed�n�he not�ce of sa�e <br /> �n one or m�re par���s and�n any order Trus�ee determine�. Trus�ee may pos�pone sa�e af a��or any <br /> parce�af�h�Property by pu�i�c announcement at the�ime and p�ace of any previously schedu�ed sale. <br /> Lender or�ts des�gn�e may purchase the Property a� any sa�e, <br /> Upon rece�p� of paynr�en� �f�he price bid, Trustee�h�a�� de��ver�o the purchaser Trustee's de�d <br /> �anveying the Property. The rec�xals in the Trustee's deed sha�l be prirna fac�e e��dence of the�ru�h of <br /> �he s�at�m�n�s made�here�n. tI`rus�ee shali appiy the prviceeds of th�sale in the fo��o�v�ng order: �a} to <br /> all costs and exp�n�es of exercising the power of sale, and the sa�e, �nciud�ng�he payment of th�e <br /> 'Trustee's fee5 a��ua�ly incurr�d and reasonab�e at�orneys' fees as permitt�d hy Applicable I�aw; 4�} tv <br /> aIl suxns secured by�h��Security Ins�run�en�; and 4c} any excess ta the person�r per��ns Iega�ly <br /> en�i�Ied�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amity-Fannie MaelFreddie Mae UNi�ORM INSTRUM�NT Form 3Q28 11D1 <br /> VMP� VMP64N�y 413��� <br /> Wo�ters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page 14❑€�7 <br />