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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> 23. Recvn�eyance. Upon pa�m�nt of a�l sums secured b��h�s Se�ur�t� Instrument, Lender sha�� r�ques� <br /> Trustee to recon�ey �he Property and shall surrender�his Security �nstrumen�and all notes ev�dencing debt <br /> secured b��his Security �nstrument to Trus�ee. Tru��ee shall recanvey �h�Praperty�vi�hou�warrant��o the <br /> p�rso�.or p�rsans ��ga�l� enti�ied to it. Such person or persons sha�l pay any recorda�xon costs. L.ender may <br /> charge such p�rson or persons a fee for re�onve�ing the Proper��r, but on�y if the fee is pa�d�o a third part�r <br /> �such as the Trustee} for servi�es rendered and the charging af the fee xs permitted under App�icable La�r. <br /> 24. Su�stitute Trustee. L.�nder, a� its�pt�on, ma� fr�m time to time remo�e Trus�ee and appo�nt a successor <br /> �rus�ee to any Truste�appo�nted hereunder�y an instruxnen�recorded in the�oun�y in�vhich this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rumen�is re�orded. '�Vi�hou�con�e�ance of the Proper��, �he successor�rustee sha�1 succeed t� a11 the <br /> ti�le, po�ver and dut�es canferred upon Trus��e herein and b� App��cable Lav�. <br /> �5. Request fvr Nntices. Barrower reques�s that cap�es flf�he notice af defau�t and sale be s�n��o Borrower's <br /> address which is the Proper�� Address. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinr�ie Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNf��RM INSTRUMENT �orm 3428 7l�i <br /> VMP Q VMP6tNEs{1302) <br /> Watt�rs Kluwer F�nancial 5er�ices Page 15 vf'17 <br />