2� 15�81 � 1
<br /> in the Property and rights under this 5ecurity Ins�rumen�; and �d) �akes such a��ion as Lender xnay
<br /> reasonab�y require�o assure that L�nder`s inter�st in�he Proper�y and rights under this Seeuri�y �nstrument,
<br /> and Borro�►rer's ob�igat�on to pa�the sum� secured by this Seeuri��Ins�rumen�, shall continue unchanged.
<br /> I,ender ma� require that Barrower pay such reins�atemen�sums and expenses in one or m�re of the fo���wing
<br /> farms, as se�ected by Lender: �a}�ash; �b� mnne�order; �c} cert�fied ch�ck, bank check, treasurer's check ar
<br /> cashier's check, proWided an� such check is drawn upon an�nst��ution whos�deposits are�nsured b� a
<br /> federai ag�nc�, instrumen�al��y or entity; ar�d} Ele��ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinstatemen�by Borrower,
<br /> th�s Security Ins�rum�nt and obliga��ons secured hereb}� sha�l remain fu�ly�ffect��e as if no accelera�ion had
<br /> �ccurred. How�ver, this righ�to reins�ate shall not app�y in the case of ac�elera�ion under Section �S.
<br /> �0. Sale of Nate; Change af Lvan Servicer: Notice of G��e�ance. The Note or a pa�-�ia� interest�n the
<br /> Note�together with th�s Securi�� Instrumen�}can be sold one flr more�ime�w��hou�pr�or natic��o
<br /> Borrower. A sale might resul� in a change in the ent�ty �l�nawn as the "L�ar2 Servicer"} that caliec�s Peri�di�
<br /> Paymen�s�.u�under�he Note and�h�s Security �nstrument ar�d performs ather mor�gage�oan ser�ri�ing
<br /> ob�igat�ons under the Na�e, th�s Se�urity Instrumen�, and App�icable Lavv. There also might be nne or more
<br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrelated to a sale of�he Note. �f�here is a change of the Loan Ser�ri�er,
<br /> Borra�ver wiil be g��en wr�tten no��ce of�he change which wi�� 5tate�he name and address of�he nevv Loan
<br /> Servi�er, the address �o wh�ch payments shauid be made and any other�nformation RESPA r�quires in
<br /> connectxon w�th a nntic�af�ransfer af ser�ici�g. If th� l�flte is sold and�her�after the Loan�s serviced b� a
<br /> Loan Ser��cer ather�han the purchaser of�he No�e, the mor�gage loa��ser�icing obligations�o Borro�rer will
<br /> remain vvi�h th� Loan Se�-`ricer ar be transf�rred�o a successflr Loan Ser�icer and are na�assumed by the
<br /> Na�e purchaser unl�ss otherwise pro��d�d by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Ne�ther Borrower nor Lender may�ommence,�a�n, or be�oined to an��udic�al act�on �as either an
<br /> ind��idua� ���igan�or�h�member of a c�ass} tha� arises from�he o�her par�y's act��ns pursuan��o th�s
<br /> Secur�ty �nstruamen�flr tha�al�e�es�hat�he��her par�y has breached any provis�on of, ar any dut�r owed by
<br /> reason of, this Securit� �ns�rumen�, un�il such B�rrower or Lender has notif�ed�he flther par�y �w�th�uch
<br /> notice given in comp�ian�e�r��h the requ�rements of Section �.5} af such a��eged breach and affarded �he
<br /> other par�y here�o a reasonabl�p�r�od after the g�ving of such notic�t��ake corr�c�i�e action. If Applicable
<br /> La�v pro��des a time p�riod v�rhich must elapse before cer�ain action�an b�taken, that�ime per�od wi11 b�
<br /> deemed�o be reasonab�e for purpases of this paragraph. T�ae not�ce�f acceleratxon and opportunity to cure
<br /> g�ven��Borrovver pursuan��a Sect�on��and�he notice af acce�eration given�o Borrower pursuan�to
<br /> Sect�on I8 shall be deemed ta sa�isfy�he nat�ce and oppor�un��y�o take correcti�e action provisions of this
<br /> Sectifln Z�.
<br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used in this �ec��on��: �a} "Hazard�us Su�stances"are�hose substances
<br /> defined as tox�c or hazardous substanc�s, pollu�ants, or wastes by Environmenta� La� and th�following
<br /> subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, other��ammab�e or tox�c pe�roleu�m products, �ox�c pesticides and herb�c�des,
<br /> �o�atile sol�ents, mater�als canta�ning asbestas or farmaidehyde, and rad�oactive materials; �b}
<br /> "Erzvir•on��zer�tar�ax�"means federal lav�rs and laws of�he jurisdic�ion v�here�he Pr�perty �s �ocated�hat
<br /> rela�e to hea�th, saf�t�or en�r�ronmenta�protec�i�n; �c} "Envir�j�rner�tar C�ea�xup" �nc�udes any response
<br /> ac�i�n, rem�d�al act�on, �r remo�al action, as defined �n En��ranment�l Law; and �d} an "�'nvir oj�j�zer��al
<br /> �otzdi�iort"means a candition that can.cause, con�ribu�e t�, or o�h�ru��se trigger an Environm�nta� Cleanu�.
<br /> Borrow�r shall n�t cause or permit the pres�nce, use, disposa�, storage, ar re�ease�f any �azardaus
<br /> Subs�ances, or threaten t� r��ease any Hazardous Subs�ances, on or in�he Proper��. Borrow�r shal� n�t do,
<br /> n�r a�low anyane��se to do, anyth�n� aff�cting �he Proper�y �a} that �s in�ioiation of any �n�ironmental
<br /> La�u, (b�which creates an En��ronmen�a� ��ndi�ifln, or�c} vvh�ch, due�o the presenc�, u�e, or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous �ubstance, creates a cond�tian that ad�rerseiy affec�s the value of the Praper�y. The preceding two
<br /> NEgRASKA-Single�arn�Ey-�annie Mael�redd�e Mac UNI��RM 1NSTRUM�NT �orm 3��8 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6fN�7{3 3D�J
<br /> Walt�rs K{uwer�inancial Ser�ices Page i 3 of 17
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