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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> des�gnated a subst��ut�notzce address by no���e�o Lender. Borrower sha��prflmp��y notif�Lender of <br /> Borrower's change of address. If Lender speci�ies a pracedur�for repar��ng Barrawer's change of address, <br /> then Borro�ver sha�� �nly repor�a change of address through tha�speci�ied pracedure. <br /> Th�r�ma���on�y one designa�ed natzc�address under this S��ur��y �ns�rument at any one time. An� notice <br /> t� Lender sha��be g��en by d��z�ering �t or by ma�ling xt hy f�rs�c�ass ma��to L�nder's address �tat�d here�n <br /> unless Lend�r has des�gna�ed ana�her addr�ss by nat�G��o Bnrrower. Any nnt�C��n c�nnectian�vith this <br /> Secur��y �nstrumen�shal� nat be deemed to hav�been g���n t� L�nder un��� actua��y r�c�i��d by Lend�r. If <br /> any notice required by this Securi�y �nstrumen��s a�s� requ�red under App���a�a�e La�, the App��cab�e Law <br /> requir�ment will satisfy the corre�p�nding r�quirement under this Security �nstrum.ent. <br /> '[6. Gor�ern�n� Law: Se�e�ahility; Rules vf Cvnstruction. This S�cur�ty Instrum�n�sha�� �e go��r�r�e�by <br /> federal Iaw and�he�aw af�he�urisdiction in which the Proper�y is �o�ated. A11 rzght� and ob�igations <br /> cantain�d �n th�s Se�urity �nstrument are subject ta any requiremen�s and Iimitations of Applicable Law, <br /> App���a��e Law m.�gh�expi�c�t�y or�mpi�c���y a���v� �he par���s tn agree by con�ract�r��migh�be si�ent, but <br /> such s�len�e shal�na�be canstrued a� a proh�b�t��n agaznst agreen�en�by cantract. �n the event that any <br /> provision or clause af�hi�Security Ins�rument or�he N�te confi�c�s�vi�h App�ica�le Lav�r, such�anf�ict shall <br /> not aff�ct�ther pravisions af this Securit� Ins�rumen�or the Note�vhich can be given effe�t vvzth�u�the <br /> conflicting proWision, <br /> As used zn th�s Secur��y �nstrument: �a}wards�f the mascul�ne gender shail mean and inc�ude corresponding <br /> neut�r w�rds or w�rds Qf the femznin�gender; �b}v�ords �n the s�ngu�ar shall mean and inc�ude the plural <br /> and W��e�ersa; and �c} the word "may" gz�es sa�e d�scretzan withaut any ob�zga��an t�tak�any actznn. <br /> �7. B�rr�wer's �opy. Barrow�r shall be gi��n one copy of�he Note and of this Secur��y �nstrumen�. <br /> ��. Transfer af th� Prnp�rty �r a Benefi�ial lnterest �n Barrower. As used in�his Se�tion �S, "�nterest�n <br /> �he Pr�p�r�y" m�ans any 1ega� or benefi�ial �nterest�n�he Proper�y, including, but na�l�m�ted ta, thase <br /> �en�f�cial interests transferr�d in a bond for deed, c�ntract for deed, insta�Imen�sales c�ntrac�or escrow <br /> agreement, the zntent af which is th�transfer�f�i�le by B�rrower at a future da�e t�a purchas�r. <br /> �f a�� �r any part af the Proper�y or any �nterest �n�he Proper�y is sold�r transferred ��r if Borr�wer is not a <br /> na�ural person and a ben�fi��al �n�erest �n Borrower is so�d ar transferred} v�ithout Len�.er's prior wrz�t�n <br /> consen�, Lender may require immediate payment in full of ail sums secured by this Secur��y �n�trum�nt. <br /> Hawe�er, th�� �ption sha�I not be e�ercised by Lender if such e�ercise is prah�bited by App��cable Law. <br /> If Len�er ex�rcises this �p�ion, Len�er shali gi�e Borrov�er notice of a���lerati�n, Th�notice shali pr�vide a <br /> perxod�f nat �ess�han 34 days fr�m the date�he no�ice�s g�ven �n accordan�e with S�ction �5 within which <br /> Barrower mus�pay al� sums �ecured by this SeCur�ty �nstrument. �f Borrower fa��s to pay these sums prior to <br /> �h��xpiratian of�his per�od, Lender�may invoke any rem�ed�es permitt�d�y �his Secur�ty �nstrument w��hau� <br /> fur�her notice or demand�n Barr�wer. <br /> 1�, Borr�wer's R�ght to Reirtstate Afte� Acc�lerat�on. If Barrawer meets certain conditions, Barrawer <br /> shall ha��the r��h�t�hav�enforc�ment of this S�curity Instrum�nt d�s��ntinued a�any time pr�or ta the <br /> �ar��est nf: �a} f�ve days b�f�re sale�f the Prnp�rty pursuant ta any po�rer of sale c�ntained ir�this Security <br /> �ns�rument; �b} such other p�r�od as App�icab�e La�m�aght spe��fy for th�term���on�f B�rr�wer's r�gh�ta <br /> reinsta�e; or�c}entry of a�udgmen�enforcing �his 5ecuri�y �nstrumen�. Thase c�ndi��ons are that�3�rr�wer: <br /> �a}pays Lender all sums which then�vau�d be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if nfl <br /> acc��eratian had occurred; �b}cures any default af any�ther covenants ar agreements; �c}pay�all exp�nses <br /> �ncurred in enfnr�ing th�s Security�ns�rument, including, �u�na�limited�o, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> property inspectz�n and valuat�on fees, and other�ees incurred for�he purp�se of protecting Lender's int�rest <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amily-Fanr�ie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM lNSTRUM�NT Form 3�28 1101 <br /> VMP� VMP��N�1 t�3D2) <br /> Wvfters Kluwer�inancia�Ser�ices Page 12 of 17 <br />