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2� 15�81 � 1 <br /> 't Z. B�rrower Nvt F�eleased; �arbea�ance By Lender Not a �l11'airre�. Ex�ension�f the��me for payment or <br /> mod�ficat�on of amor�izat�on of�he sums secured by�his Securi�y�nstrun�ent granted by Lender to Borrow�r <br /> or any Successor�n�n�eres�of Borrower shall not operat�to release the�iability�f Bnrr�v�er�r any <br /> Successors in�nterest of Borrower. Lender shail no�be r�quired�o con�n�ence pr�ceedings against any <br /> Success�r in�nterest af Borrow�r or to refus�to extend time f�r payment or otherwise modify am�r�iaa��on <br /> of�he sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Instrument by rea�on of any demand n�ade by�he ar�gina� B�rr�wer or <br /> an� Succ�ssars in�nteres�of Borrov�rer. An�r for�earance by Lender�n exercising ar�� righ�or r�medy <br /> includin�, withou�1imi�at�on, Lender's acceptance of pa�ments from third persons, entities or Success�rs in <br /> �n�eres�of Barrov�er ar in amounts Iess than�he arn�unt th�n due, sha��no��e a�rai�rer of or prec�ude the <br /> exercise of any right�r remedy. <br /> 13. Joint and �e��ra� Liab�[ity; Co-signers; Successors and Assi�ns Bnund. Borrower covenan�s and <br /> a�re�s tha�Borrower's obliga�ians and��a�i�i�y sha��be jo�nt and severa�. Hawe�rer, an� Borrower who <br /> co-signs this Security Instrument but does no�execute�he Nate�a "co-signer"}: �a� is co-sign�ng th�s <br /> Securi�y �nstrument onl�r to mor�gage, gran�and con�e��he co-s�gner's �nterest in�he Propert�under the <br /> t�rms af this Se�ur�ty Ins�rument; �b} �s not pers�nall��b�igated�o pay tih�sums secured b�this Securi�y <br /> �nstrument; and�c} agre�s�hat Lender and any o�her�orrouler can agree�o extend, modify, forb�ar or make <br /> any accommadations with regard�o the terms of th�s Securxty �ns�rument�r the Na�e withaut the ca-signer's <br /> C�I7S�I1�. <br /> Suhject to�he pro�v�s�ons of Se�tion �S, an�Successor in Interest of Borrower who assumes Barrower's <br /> ��1�ga�iQns under th�s Securi�y �nstrument in writing, and is apprav�d by L,�nder, shai� obtain a11 of <br /> Borrawer's r�gh�s and benefi�s under thzs Securit� �nstrument. Barrower shali nat b�released from <br /> Borrower's obl�gations and�iahility under�his Security�nstrum.ent unl�ss Lender agrees to such re�ease �n <br /> wri�ing. The co�enants and agr�ements of�h�s Security Instrument shall b�nd �ex�ep�as p�ra�vided xn Sect�on <br /> 2�} and benefit�he successors and ass�gns af Lender. <br /> 14. Loan �harges. Lender may charg��3orrov�er fees for sez-�vices performed in connect�on with Borrower's <br /> default, for the purp�se�f prot�cting Lender's interest �n the Proper�� and righ�s under�his Security <br /> Instrumen�, including, bu�not��m�ted to, attorneys' fe�s, proper�� insp�ct��n and�a�ua��on fees. �n regard tn <br /> any other fees, �he absence of express au�hor�ty in�his Securi�� �ns�rumen�to charge a sp�c�f�c fe�to <br /> Barrower shall no�b�construed as a pr�hib�t�an on�he�harging of su�h �ee. Lender may not�harge fees <br /> that are��pressly prohibi�ed by th�s Se�ur�ty Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br /> If the Loan is subj�ct to a law ►�hich sets ma�imum loan�harg�s, and tha�Iaw is �na��y in�erpreted sa tha� <br /> the interest or a�her�oan charges cal�ec�ed�r to be collected �n connecti�n w��h�he Laan exceed�he <br /> permitted limits, th�n: �a} an� such loan charge sha11 be reduced by�he amaun�necessary t� r�duce�h� <br /> charge to the permitted �imi�; and�b} any sums a�read� coilect�d from Borrawer�v�rh��h exceeded perm�tted <br /> I�mi�s w���be refunded�o B�rrower. Lender ma�cho�se to make�his refund by reduc�ng the prin�ipa�owed <br /> under the Nate ar by making a dir�ct paym�nt�a Borrower. �f a r�fund reduces prin�ipal, �he reduction w�ll <br /> b��reated as a par�ial pr�pa�rmen�vvi�hout any prepayment charg��vWhether or not a prepa�ment charge is <br /> pro�ided for under the No�e�. Borr�v�rer's acceptanc�of an� such�refund made by direct paymen��o <br /> Barrov�er uri�l constitute a wa��er of any righ�of act�on Borr�wer m�gh�have ar�s�ng ou�of such overcharge. <br /> 'I 5. Nvt�ces. A�1 n��i�es gi�en b�Borrower or I�ender in conne��ion w��h�his Securi�y �n��rumen�must be�n <br /> vvriti�.g. Any not�c�to Borrawer in connect�on wi�h this Secur�ty �ns�rumen� shall be d�emed��ha�re been <br /> gi��n to Barrow�r when mailed b�first ciass n�.a�� or v�rhen actually d��i�ered to Borrov�er's not�ce addr�ss if <br /> sent b�r other means. No��ce to an�ane Borrower sha�� c�nstitute notice to a�� Borrov�ers unless Applicable <br /> Law express�y requires o�herwise. The notice address sha��be the Proper��Addr��s unless Borravc�er has <br /> NEBRASKA-Single�arrtily-�ar�n�e Mael�reddie Mac UNI�ORM lNSTRUMENT �orm 3D28 11D7 <br /> VMP� VMP6[NEj 4i 302f <br /> Wolt�rs Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 1 1 of 17 <br />