2� 15�81 � 1
<br /> sat�sfaction, pro��ded tha� such inspec�zon shal� �e und�rtaken prampt�y. L�nder may pay f�r th�repa�rs
<br /> and res�orat�on in a s�nb�e disbursement�r in a series�f pr�gress payments as the wark�s camp��ted.
<br /> Uniess an agreemen� �s made zn wr���ng Qr Applicable Law requ�res �nter�s�tfl be pa�d on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds, Lend�r sha�� nflt be requ�red tfl pay Borrower any �nterest or earn�ngs on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds. �f the r�s�ara��on or repa�r�s not ecanomica�ly feas�ble or L�nder's secur��y would
<br /> be�essened, the Misc���aneous Prflceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by�h�s Secur��y �ns�rument,
<br /> whe�her or not then due, w��h th�excess, �f any, paid t� Barrawer. Suc�.M�sce��an�ous Proc�eds sha�� be
<br /> app��ed�n�he order pro�ided for in Sect�on 2.
<br /> In the e�en�of a tota�taking, de�tru��ion, ar toss �n value�f�he Proper�y, the M�sc�l�ane�us Proceeds shal�
<br /> be applied��the sums secured by this S�curi�y Instrument, �rhe�her or not then du�, with�he�x�ess, if any,
<br /> paid�o Barrower.
<br /> �n�he even�of a part�a� �ak�ng, des�ruct�nn, or�ass in�alue af the Praperty�n wh�ch�he fa�r market value of
<br /> the Property �mmed�ate�y bef�re the par��al �akxng, destruct�an, ar IQss in�a�ue is equa� �o ar great�r�han the
<br /> amount flf th�sums �ecured by this Security �nstrumen� �mmedia�ely before the partial �aking, destruction, or
<br /> loss in value, unles� Borra�er and Lender otherwise agree in�vr�ting, the�ums secured by thi� Securi�y
<br /> Instrument sha�l be reduced b�the amount af�he Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied�y �he following
<br /> frac�ion: �a} �he total amaun�of the sums secured imm�diately before the partial taking, des�ruct�on, or loss
<br /> in�alue divided by �b}the fair marke��alue of�he Pr�per�y immediate�y befor�the par�ia� �aking,
<br /> d�struct�on, or��ss �n�alue. Any ba�ance shall be paid�o Borrower.
<br /> �n the e�en�of a partia� taking, destruction, or�ass in va�ue af the Praperty in vvhich the fair market va�ue of
<br /> the Praperty imm�diately b�fore the par�ial tak�ng, d�struc�ian, ar l�ss �n value is less than the amaun�af the
<br /> sums secured immediatel�befor�the par�ia� taking, de��ructi�n, or loss in value, un�ess Borrower and
<br /> Lender other�is�agree in�ri�ing, �h� Miscelianeaus Prac�eds shall be appli�d to the sums secur�d by this
<br /> Security Instrument whe�her or not�he sum� ar�then due.
<br /> �f th� Prop�r�y is abandaned by B�rr�wer, �r�f, after no�ice by Lender ta B�rrQwer that the�ppos�ng Par�y
<br /> �as def�ned�n the next sent�n��}affers to make a� a�ard to se�t�e a ciaim f�r damages, Barrower fa��s to
<br /> respond to Lender��th�n 3�days af�er the date the notice is given, Lender is author�z�d�o callec�and apply
<br /> the Miscellaneaus Proceeds either to re��arati�n ar r�pair of�he Praperty�r ta the�ums secured by this
<br /> Security Ins�rument, whether or not then due. "�pp�sing Par�y" means the third par�y that o�ves Borrower
<br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrawer has a right of ac�ion�n regard to Misc�lianeaus
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrower shal�be in d�fau�t�f any actz�n or prnc��ding, whether c�vi� or�rin��nal, is begun that, �n L�nder's
<br /> judgment, c�u�d resu��zn forf�iture of the Prnp�rty or�th�r rn�ateriai impair�ment af Lender's interest in the
<br /> Proper�y ar r�ghts under th�s Security Ins�rument. Bflrrflwer�an cure such a defaul� and, if acceleratian has
<br /> accurred, reinsta�e as provid�d in Section �9, by causing the ac��on ar pr�ceeding to be dism�ss�d with a
<br /> ruling�hat, in Lender's judgmen�, precludes forfeiture of the Proper�y or o�her ma�erial impairment of
<br /> Lender's interest in the Proper�y ar rights under this S�curity �nstrument. The proceeds of any award or
<br /> claim for damages�hat are a�tributab�e to the impairment of Lender's �n�eres� in the Prap�rty are hereby
<br /> ass�gned and shall be paid to L�nder.
<br /> All MiscellaneQus Prflceeds tha�are nat applied ta restoration ar repair af the Prap�r�y shal�be app�ied in�he
<br /> order prav�ded far in 5ection�.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingfe�amily-�annie Mael�retfdie Mac UNl�ORM INSTRUM�NT Farm 3�28 110�
<br /> VMP� VMPfi�N��t1302)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer�inancia!Ser�ices Page 7 Q of 1�
<br />