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2� 15�8�99 <br /> . designa�ed a substitut�notzce address by n�tice to L�nder. Barrower sha�l promp��y not�f� Lender of <br /> Borrower's change�f ad�ress. �f Lender specifies a pro�edu�e for repart�ng B�rr�w�r's change of address, <br /> then Borr�wer shal� �n�y rep�rt a�hax�ge of address thr�ugh that spec�fied procedure. <br /> Ther�may be on�y one designa�ed notice address under this Securi�y Instrument at any one t�m�. Any no�ic� <br /> to L�nder sha�� be given by deliver�ng it or by mai�ing it by f�rst c�ass maii ta Lender's addre�� s�ated herein <br /> un��s� Lender has designa�ed another address by n�tice to Borr�wer. Any notice�n conn���i�n with�his <br /> S��ur�ty Instrument shall no��e deemed ta have been given to L�nder unt�� actua�iy rece��ed by L�nder. �f <br /> any notice re�u�red by�hzs Securi�y Instrum�n�is a�s�required under AppliCab�e Law, the Applicabl�Law <br /> requ�r�m�n��vi�� sat�sfy the corresp�nding requirement under this S�curity�nstrument. <br /> '!�. Governing Law; Serrerahi�ity: Rules af Constru�tion, Th�� �e�ur�ty �ns�run�en�sha�l be governe�.by <br /> federal �aw and�he law af�h�jur�sd�c��on�ri�hxch�h�Prnper�y �s ��cated. A�1 rights and o��igat�ons <br /> conta�ned in�his Secur��� Tnstrument are�ubj��t�� any requ�rements and��mi�atians of App��cab�e La�, <br /> App�ica��e Law might explici��y or impl�citly a��ow�he par��es to agree by cantrac��r it mzgh��e s��en�, bu� <br /> such si�ence sha�l not be c�nstrued as a pr�hib�tian against agreement by con�raGt. In the�v�nt tha�any <br /> pro�is�on or c�ause of�his 5�curit�Instrument�r t�e Note canflicts with Applica�Ie Law, such conflict shal� <br /> not affec�other pr�vis�ans�f this Secur�t��ns�rumen�ar the Note which can be g�ven ef�ect wi�hout�he <br /> canflict�ng prov�s�on. <br /> As used in th�s Security Instrument: �a}vv�rds af th�masculin�gender shaZx mean and include corresp�nd�ng <br /> neuter words�r v��rds of the fem.�.n�n�gend�r; �b}��rds�n the s�ngu�ar shal��nean and include the p�ura� <br /> and�r�ce versa; and�c�the word "may" g��res so�e d�scret�fln w�thout any ob�igatian�o take any act�on. <br /> '17. ��rrvwer's Cvpy. B�rrow�r sha��be g��en one copy of the Note and af�his�ecuri�y �ns�rument. <br /> �S. Transfer of the P�vperty or a Benefi�ial lnterest in B�rr�wer. As used in this 5ectzon 18, "Interes�xn <br /> the Prop�r�y" means an�r�e�al or bene��ia� interest in�he Pr�perty, including, but not l�xn�t�d to, th�se <br /> benef�C�a� �nt�rests transf�rr�d zn a��nd f�r deed, contrac�for deed, �nstallment sales�ontrac�or es�row <br /> agreement, �he intent of wh�ch �s the�rans�er of��t�e by S�rr�wer a�a fu�ure date t�a pur�has�r. <br /> If all or any part�f the Property or any In�erest in�he Proper�y is sold or transferred �or�f Borr�wer is n�t a <br /> na�ural p�rsan and a bene�cial.�nterest in Barr�w�r is sold or transferred}vvithou�Lend�r's prior wr���en <br /> �onsen�, L�nd�r ma�r requzre�mmediat�paymen�in fu�� of all sums secured by�his Secur�ty�n��rumen�. <br /> I-�owever, th�s�p�i�n sha�l not be exerczsed by Lender�f such exerc�se zs proh�bited by App�icab��Law. <br /> �f L�nder e�.er�zses�his�ption, L�nder�hall gi�e Borro�ver notice of ac�eleration. The notzc�shall provid�a <br /> peri�d�f na��e�s than 3�days from the date�h�natice�s given in accardance with Sect��n �5 within�crh�ch <br /> B�rr�wer mus�pa�r a�� sums secured by this Securit�Instrument. If Barrower faz�s�o pa�th�se sums pr�or�o <br /> th��xpxratio�.of th�s p�r�od, Lender ma� invoke any remedies perm�t�e�by th�s Security Instrument vcr�thou� <br /> fur�her�ao�ice�r�iemand on Borrower. <br /> 7 9. Borrawer's Right to Reinstate After Acce�eration. �f B�rr�wer meets cer�ain c�ndzt��ns, Borro��r <br /> shal�hav�the right��have enf�rcernen�of this Securi���nstrument discontinued a�any t�me pr�ar ta the <br /> earlies�of: �a} �ve days�efore sale of the Proper�y pursuant to any povver of sale c�ntazned in this Se�urity <br /> �nstrument; �b� such o�her periad as Applicable Lav�might specif� f�r the�ermination of Bnrrower's r�gh��o <br /> reinstat�; or�c�en�ry of a judgment enf�rc�ng�his Security Instrument. Thos�Condi��ons are tha�Borr�wer: <br /> �a}pays Lender al� sums�vhich�h�n would be due under this Security Instrumen�and�h�Nfl�e as if no <br /> acc�leration had occurred; �b} cures any default of any�ther co�enants or agre�ments; �c}pays a�i expenses <br /> �ncurred zn�nforc�n�this Securit� Instrument, including, but nat limited t�, reas�nab�e att�rneys' f�es, <br /> propert�r inspect�on and�valuation fees, and other fees incurred for the purpase of protect�ng Lender's ir�terest <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Fa�iEy-�ar�nfe MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM INSTRl3MENT Farm 3D2$i 10't <br /> VMP Q VMPfitN�y�13D2} <br /> Wviters Kluwer Financiat 5er�ices Page 7 Z of 7 7 <br />