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. 2� 15�8�99 <br /> �n�he Proper�y and rights under this �ecurity Instru.m.�nt; and �d} tal�es such ac�ion as Lend�r may <br /> reaso�ab�y require to assure�hat L.ender's in�erest�n�he Proper�y and r�ghts und�r�hzs S�curi�y �nstrurnen�, <br /> and Borrawer's abi�ga��on to pay the surns secur��.by�hi� Security �nstrument, shai� con�inue unchanged. <br /> Lender may require tha�B�rro�ver pay su�h r��ns�a�emen�sums and expens�s in ane or mare of the fo��ovv�ng <br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a}cash; tb}money order; ��} c�r��f�ed�heck, bank check, �reasurer's check or <br /> cash�er's check, prov�ded any such�heck�s dra�vn upon an ins�itu��fln wh�s�dep�s��s are�nsure�.by a <br /> federa� agency, ins�ru.m.en�alxty ar entity; or�d} E�ectr�nic Funds Transfer. tlpon re�nstatemen�by B�rrower, <br /> this Secur�ty Ins�rument and�hligations s�cured her�by �ha�� rema�n fu��y effective as �f no accelerat��n had <br /> oc�urred, �3owe�er, th�s r�ght�a reinsta�e shal�not app�y ��the�ase of accei�ra�ion under Sec�ion �S. <br /> ��. Sale af Nate: Change �f L�an Servicer; Nvt�ce of Gr�evance. The Note or a par�ial �ntere�t�n the <br /> No�e��ogether wxth th�s �ecur�t��nstrumen�}�an�e sold�ne or mor�times w��haut prior no�i�e ta <br /> Borrower. A sale mzght resu�t�n a change in�he ent���r �kn�wn as the "Loan Ser�icer"}�hat co�lects Period�c <br /> Payments due under the No�e and this SeGurity Instrumen�and performas other mor�gage loan s�rvicing <br /> ob�igations under the Note, this Secur�ty Instrumen�, and Appli�able Law. Ther�also might b�ane�r more <br /> changes�f�he Loan Serv��er unre�a��d to a sa�e of the Not�. �f there is a change�f fhe L�an Serv�cer, <br /> Borrawer wi��be g��en wr���en n�t�ce of�he change wh�ch wi�� sta�e�he name and addr�ss of the ne�v�r Loan <br /> SerW��er, the addre�s�a vvh�ch pa�men�s should be made and an�r ather informa�ion RESPA r�quires in <br /> cannec�ion w�th a notic��f transfer af servic�ng. If�he No�e�s so�d and thereafter th�Loan is serviced�y a <br /> Loan Serv�cer��her than th�purchas�r of�he Nate, the mor�gag�loan servic�ng ab�igat��ns t� B�rr�wer�vill <br /> rema�n with the Loan Servicer or b�transferred ta a succ�ssor Loan Serv�c�r and are nat assumed by�he <br /> N�te purchaser unXess other�r�se pr�vided by the No�e pur�haser. <br /> Neither Barrower nor I.�nder may commenc�,,�o�n, or�e�oined to any�udicia� ac��on�as either an <br /> individua� litigant or the member af a class}that arises from the o�her par��'s actions pursuan�ta�h�s <br /> Secur��� Instrument or that a��eges that the other party has hreached any pr���s�on of, or any duty owed by <br /> reason of, th�s Security�ns�rumen�, un�i� such Borrovver or Lender has not���d th�other par�y�w��h such <br /> no�ice g���n in compliance wi�h the r�quirements of Se�tion ��} of such a�leged br�ach and affarded�h� <br /> other party hereto a reas�nab�e per�od after�he giv�ng af such not�ce�o take cflrrective a�t�on. �f Appiicab�e <br /> La�r pravides a time period�uh�ch mus���apse before cer�ain actian can be tak.en, tha�t�me period��11 b� <br /> deemed�o be reasonable far purposes of th�s paragraph. The notic�of a�celerat�on and oppor�un�ty to cure <br /> given to Borrower pursuant to Sect��n 22 and the no��ce of ac�eleration given to Barro�r�r pursuan��o <br /> �ection �8 sha1l be deemed�o sa�isf�r the na�ice and oppor�un�t� to�ake correc�i��act�on pr�visians�f this <br /> Sec�ion Z�. <br /> ��. Hazardous Substances. As used in�his S�c�ian��: �a} "Ha�ardous Substances"are th�se substances <br /> defined as toxic or hazardous substances, p���utan�s, �r wastes�y En�iranmental Law and the fa�lowing <br /> SU�S��.C�S: gaso��n�, kerosene, other�.axnmab��or�o�i�petroleum prnducts, �oxi�pes�ic�des and herb�c�des, <br /> �a�a�i�e solvents, ma��r�a�s c�nta�n�ng asbestos ar forma�d�h�rde, and radioac��v�mat�rials; �b} <br /> ",�'nvxror�me��al Law"�means federai Iaws and�aws of the jur�sd�c���n wh�re�he Proper�y is located tha� <br /> relate to hea��h., safet��r environmenta�protectian; �c� "�nvironm�ntal �`�eanup"includes any response <br /> action, remedia� action, or rema�val act�an, as defined �n Enviranmenta� Law; and�d� an "Environmental <br /> Cortdition"m�at�s a c�ndxt�on that�an cause, con�ribute�o, �r��h�r►�r�se tr�gger an En��ranmen�a� ��eanup. <br /> Borra�ver sha11 not cause or perm�.�th�presence, us�, dxsposa�, s�orage, ar re�ease of any �3azardous <br /> Subs�anc�s, �r thr�a�en t�re�ease an� Hazardous Substances, on ar�n��e Proper�y. Borrower shall not do, <br /> nor aliov�r anyone else t�da, anything affect�ng the Pr�pe�y �a} that is in�io�at�on of any Env�ranmental <br /> La�, (b} which creates an En�viranmenta� �and�tian, or�c}which, due�o �he pr�sence, use, or re�eas�of a <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, �reates a c�ndi��on tha�ad�vers��y affects�he value of�he Proper�y. The preced�ng�wo <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle�amily-Fanr�ie Ma�1F�eddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �orcr�3�Z8 11�1 <br /> VMP Q VMPStN�f{'�302y <br /> Wol�ers Kfuwec�inanciaf Ser�ic�s Page�3 ot 7 7 <br />