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2� 15�8�99 <br /> 1 Z. Borrawer Nc�t Released: F�rbearance By L.ender Nat a INai�er. Extension af the��me for paym��t or <br /> modi�ca�ian of amortiza��a�.of the sums s�cured by �h�s Securi�y�nstrument granted by Lender�a �orrav�er <br /> or any Success�r in �nterest af Borro�ver shal� �ao�opera�e�o rel�ase�he liabiii�y�f Barrower or any <br /> Su��essors �n�n�e�res�of Borrau�er. Lender shal�no�be required to commence proc��dings against any <br /> Succ�ssor�n�nteres�of Borrower or��r�fuse to��tend t�me far payment or o�herw�se madify�i�ation <br /> of the sums se�ured by�h�s Secur�ty�ns�rumen�by reason of an�demand made by the or�gina� Bflrr�wer ar <br /> any Success�rs �n�n�erest�f Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender in exercis�ng any r�ght or remed� <br /> includxng, �r�thou���m�.ta�zfln, Lender's acceptance af payments from third persons, en����es ar Succes�ors in <br /> �nteres��f Borra�rer or�n amounts �ess�han th�amount�hen due, sha�l no�be a v�a�ver of or preclude the <br /> e�ercxs�of any r�ght��-r�m�dy. <br /> �3. Joint and Several Liabil�ty; �o-signers; �uccessors and Assigns Bound. Barro�ver co�enan�s and <br /> agrees tha�Borro�v�r's ob�igations and Iia�����y sha�� be j�xnt and se�era�. �owever, an�Barrov�er who <br /> co-s�gns th�s ��curity Instrumen��u�does nat execu�e�he Note�a "co-si�n�r"�: �a} is co�signing�his <br /> Se�ur�ty Instrumen�only�o m�r�gage, gran�and con�ey the co-s�gner's �n��res�in the Praper�y under�he <br /> �erms of�his SecUrity�nstrumen�; �b} is not personally obliga�ed to pay�e sums secured�y�his S�curit� <br /> Instrument; ar�d �c} agrees tha�Lender and any��her Borrov��r can agre��a extend, mod�fy, far��ar ar make <br /> any acc�m.modat�ons w�th r�gard ta�he�erms of this Secur�ty Ins�rum�ent or�he Na�e w�thout�he c�wsigner's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject�o the provisinns�f Sec�ion �$, an� Successor in Zn�eres�of Borrovver who assumes Borrawer's <br /> obligat�ans under�h�s S�curit� �ns�rumen�in wri�ing, and is appro�ed by Lender, sha1l nb�a�n a��of <br /> Borrovv�r's r�gh�s and benefi�s under th�s Secur��y�nstrument. Barrower shall n�t be reieased fram <br /> Borrov�er's�bligati�ns and�iability under�h�� 5ecuri��r �nstrument un�ess Lender agrees to such release �n <br /> writing. Th�c��enants and agre�m�nts of this Secur��� Instrumen�sha�l bind �e�cep�as pro�ided�n S�ction <br /> 2�} and bene���he�uccessars and ass�gns of Lender. <br /> 't 4. Loan Cnar�es. Lender ma�charge Barrow�r fees for ser��ces perf�rmed in c�r��ae�tion w�th Borrower's <br /> default, for th�purpose�f prote�ting L�nd�r's in��rest in�he Proper�y and rights under��.�s Secur��y <br /> Instrumen�, �nc�ud�ng, �ut no�l�m�ted ta, attarneys' fees, prope�y�nspec���n and valua�ion fees. In regard to <br /> an�r a�her fe�s, the absene�of��press au�hor���r in th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument�� charge a spec�f�c fee ta <br /> Borrov�er sha��n�t be construed as a pr�hi�i�ion on�he charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees <br /> �hat are expressly pro�ib�ted by�h�s Se�ur�ty Instrumen�or by App���at�le Lav�. <br /> �f�he Loan�s su��ec��o a Iaw whi�h sets maxxmum�aan charges, and that law is final�y �n�erpreted sn �hat <br /> �he�nter�st or other loan charges collected or�fl be collected�n conne�t�on�ith the Loan exceed�he <br /> perm�tted Iim�ts, then: �a} any such�oan charge shal�be reduced by�he amoun�nec�ssary to reduce the <br /> charge�o�he permitted��mit; and�b} any sums alread�collected fram Borrower�h�ch�xeecded perm�tted <br /> 1im��s wi��be refunded�o Barrawer. Lender may cho�se to make th�s refund by redu�in��he grincipal owed <br /> under�he Note or b�r mak�ng a dire�t payment tfl Borra�rer. If a refund r�duces pr�ncipal, ��e reduc�ion wi11 <br /> be�rea�ed as a par��al pr�paymen�wi�hou�an�r pr�payment charge�whether�r no�a prepayment charge is <br /> pra�ided far under the No�e3. Borrawer's acc�ptance of any such refund made b�r dire��payment�o <br /> Borrower wi�l cons�itute a v�raiver�f any right�f ac�i�n Borro�ver might hav�arising�u�af such��er�harge. <br /> �5. Notices. A�1 no�ices given by Borr��rer or Lend�r in connection wi�h th�s Securi�y �ns�rumen�mus�be in <br /> wr�ting. Any not�ce�o Borr�vver�n c�nne��i�n w��h�his Securi�y Instrumen�sha11 b�deemed to ha�re been <br /> g�ven to Borr�wer when mail�d by �rst c�ass ma�I �r when a�tua��y d�li�ered to Borr�wer's n��ic�address if <br /> s�nt b� ��her means, Natice�o any�ne Borraw�r sha��cons���u�e n�tice t�aI� Bflrrov�rer�un�ess App�icab�e <br /> Lav�express�y requir�s othervv�se. The no�ice address sha�l be the Pr�perty Address un�ess Barrower has <br /> NEBRASKA-Singl�Famity-Fartnie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028�1�� <br /> VMP[s� VMP6tN�y{13�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 1 1 af�7 <br />