2� 15�8�99
<br /> sa��sfac�ian, provi�.ed that such inspection shal�be under�aken promp��y. Lender may pay for th�repa�rs
<br /> and restoration in a s�ng�e disbursemerz�or�n a series�f progress paym�n�s as �h�vv�rk is comp�eted.
<br /> Un�ess an agreernen� �s mad�in�vr��ing or Applicable Lau� r�quires �nterest tn be paid an such
<br /> M�sceilane�us Proceeds, Lender shal� not be required to pay Barrov�er any interest or earnings�n such
<br /> �zsce�Ian�aus �roce�ds. If the restorat�an or repair is nat economically feasib�e or Lender's secur���r�auld
<br /> be lessened, the M����llan��us Pr�ceeds shal� be applied ta the sums se�ured by th�s Se�urity �nstrument,
<br /> whe�her or n�t�hen due, with the��Gess, �f any, paid to Barr��ver. Such Miscellar�eaus Proce�ds shal� be
<br /> app��ed in th��rder pr�v�ded far in Secti�n�.
<br /> �n the�Wen��f a t�ta� �a.king, des�ruction, or�ass ��va�ue of�h�Pr�per�y, �he Misce��ane�us Praceeds shall
<br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Securit� �nstrunzent, whether�r not then du�, w��h the excess, if an�,
<br /> paid ta Borrnwer.
<br /> �n the��ent of a partia�tak�ng� 4��5��'1.1C�1.n11� �r l�ss �n value of�he Pr�perty zn wh�ch the fazr n�arket value�f
<br /> the Pr�p�rt� �mmediately before the par�xal taki�zg, destruction, ar loss in va�u� is�qua.�to or grea���r than th�
<br /> amount of the sums s�cured by�his Secur��y �nstrument imm�diat��y bef�r��he par�ia� tak�ng, des�ruc��Qn, �r
<br /> l�ss in�value, un�ess Borrow�r and Lender o�herv�ise agr�� in writing, �he sums se�ured b��his S�cur�t�r
<br /> �n�trument sha�l be redUced by the amount of�h�Miscellaneau� Praceeds multip�ied by th�fo��aw�ng
<br /> fract�an: �a} the�ota�amaunt�f the sums se�ur�d�mm�d�a�e�y bef�r�the partial taking, destruc�i�n, or loss
<br /> �n value d��vz�ed b�r �b}the fair marke�va�ue of�he Pr�per�y�mmedza�e�y befor�th�partza� ta.��ng,
<br /> des�ruct�on, �r l�ss �n value. An�balance shall be paid t�Borrower.
<br /> �n th�ev�n�of a partia��ak�ng, des�ruct��n, or�oss in�a�ue of the Proper�y zn vvh�ch�he fa�r marke�value of
<br /> �he Property zmm�diate�y before the par��a� taking, de�truc�ion, �r los� in va�ue is l�ss �han�h�a�moun�af�he
<br /> sum�s�cured zmmediately before the par��a� taking, destruction, �r��ss in�alue, unless Barrower and
<br /> Lender v�her�vis�agree�n writing, the Misce��ane�us Proceeds sha��be appl��d to the sums secur�d b�this
<br /> Securit��nstrum�nt whether�r not the sums are then du�.
<br /> �f th�Pr�per�y �s a�andoned hy B�rrawer, or�f, after notic�by L�nder to Borrower that the�pp�si�g Party
<br /> tas d�fined in��.e n��t sentence} offers ta ma.ke an a�ard�o stttle a c�aim for damages, Borr�w�r fa��s t�
<br /> resp�nd t� Len�er wi�hin 3D days after the dat�the no�i��is g�w��., Lender is au�hariz�d��Co�le�t and apply
<br /> �he Misce��arie�us Pr�ceeds e��her to res�oration�r repa�r�f�he Prop�r�y�r to the sums �ecured b�th�s
<br /> Se�urity�nstrum�ri�, whe�h�r or nat then due. "C�ppo�ing Par�y" means the th�rd par�y�hat owes B�rrow�r
<br /> Misc�llaneaus Pro�eeds or the par�y aga�nst wh�m Borrawer has a righ�of acti�n in regard ta Misc�llan�ous
<br /> Pro�eeds.
<br /> Borr�w�r shall�e�n default if an�action or prfl�e�ding, whe�her c�v�l�r crim�na�, is b�gun�hat, �n Lender's
<br /> judgmen�, c�uld resu�t xn farfeiture of the Property �r o��er nla�er�a� �mpa�rment af Le�der's�nterest in the
<br /> Praperty or r�ghts under�h�s SeCur�t�Instrument. Borr�wer can cure such a d�fau�t and, �f acceleratian has
<br /> flccurred, r��ns�at�as prov�ded�n Section 19, by causing the actian or pro�eed�ng �n be d�smissed�vith a
<br /> ruling that, in L�nd�r's�udgm.ent, precludes forfei�ure of the Proper�y flr other mater�al impairmen�af
<br /> Lender's interest �n the Property or r�ghts under�his Securi�y Instrument. The proceeds af any avvard or
<br /> c�aim for damages that ar�attributab�e ta the impairment of Lend�r'� interest in the Property are hereby
<br /> asszgned an�sha��be paid t� Lender.
<br /> A,�� M�sc��laneous Pr�ceeds tha�are not app��ed t� rest�rat�on or repair of th�Pr�perty shall be app��ed in the
<br /> �rder prov�d�d for�n S�ction 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ingte�amily-Fanni�Mael�reddie Mac UN#FQRM INSTRLJM�NT �orm 30Z8 71�1
<br /> VMP d VMPS�N�f�13��y
<br /> Walters Kl�wer Financial 5er�ices Page 1❑of�7
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