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2� 15�8�57 <br /> E. Such additianal sums, with interest thereon, as may b� h�reafter borrowed from <br /> B�neficiary, its successors ar assigns, by Trus�or, its successors or assigms, when <br /> evidenced by another writing or wri�ings, which are by the terms thereof secured <br /> by th�s De�d of Trust. <br /> ARTI�LE II.—PR�VISI�NS RELATIN�T�THE M�RTGAGED PR�PERTY <br /> Section 2.1-Taxes and Governmental�laims. Trustor agrees to pay,or caus��o be paid,any <br /> and ai� taxes, assessments and ga�ernmenta� Charg�s whatsoever 1e�ied up�n or assessed or charged <br /> against th�Mortgaged Property,including assessments fln appurtenant water stock, at least fifteen �15� <br /> days prior to the da�e such would become d�linquent if not paid. Subj ec� ta the pro�isians hereof <br /> relating �a impaunds, Trustor shal� give Beneficiary a receipt or receipts, or cer�ified copies �hereof, <br /> e�idencing e�ery such payment by Trustor prior t� the time that such payment would become <br /> delinquent. Trustor shall pay and satisfy a11 other clai�ns, liens and encumbrances affecting or <br /> purporting to affect the title to, or which may be �r app�ar to be liens on, the M�rtgaged Property, or <br /> any part thereof, and all Gn5�5, charges, interest and penalties on account thereof, and to gi�e <br /> Beneficiary,upon demand, evidence sat�sfa�tory�o Beneficiary of the payment or satisfaction thereof. <br /> Trustor�avenants and agrees that in the e�ent of the passage after the dat�nf this Deed of Trust of any <br /> Iaw of the Sta�e af Nebraska, deducting from the va�ue of real praperty for purpas�s of taxation of <br /> deeds of trust or debts secured by deeds of t�rust fvr s�a�e or loca�purposes, or the manner of cvlle�tion <br /> of any such taxes, and �mposing a tax, either directly or indirectly, on this Deed of Trust or the Note, <br /> the whal� surn secured by this Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, shall, at the elec�i�n of <br /> Benefi�iary, become immediately due, payable and collectible on a date to be specif ed by not less <br /> than �hirty �3�} days written notice to be gi�en �o Trustor by Beneficiary; PR�V�DED, H��VEVER, <br /> that such ele�tion shall be ineffective if Trustor is not prohibited by law from paying the whole of such <br /> tax in addition to a1� other payments r�quired hereunder, and the paymen� of such tax will not <br /> constitute usury or render the loan or indebtedn�ss secured hereby whol�y or partialiy usurious under <br /> any of the terms of the Note, this Deed of Trus� ar atherwise, and if Trustor, prior ta such sp�cified <br /> date, does nat pay such tax and in writing in all respects satisfactary to Beneficiary agrees to pay any <br /> such �ax when thereafter levied ar assessed against the Mor�gaged Property, which shall thereafter <br /> canstitu�e a portian of the Secured Indebtedness. <br /> Section 2.� -- Contest af L��ns. The Trus�or shall not b� required �o pay or discharge any <br /> �ax,assessment, governmen�al charge or�ien sa long as the Trustor sha11 in gaod fa�th contest the same <br /> or th� �a�idity thereof by appropriate legal pr�ceedings which shall op�rate to prevent the callection . <br /> thereaf frflm, and� the sale of, the Mortgaged Pr�perty, ar any part thereaf, to satisfy the same; <br /> pro�ided that: ���fihe Trust�r shall ha�e deposited with the Lender such reasflnab�e security as may be <br /> demanded by the Lender to insure payment and pr��ent any sale or forfeiture af any part of the <br /> Mortgaged Property by reason of nonpayment; (�}neither the M�r�gaged Property n�r any part thereof <br /> or interest therein would be in any danger, deemed substantial by the Lender, of bein�sold, farfeited, <br /> vr los�; �3} the Lender w�uld not be in any danger, deemed substantial by the Lender, of any civil or <br /> criminal liability for failure to camply therew�th; and �4� the Trustor notifies the L�nder, in writing, of <br /> such cantest. Any such contest shall be prosecuted with due diligence and the Trustor sha��promptly <br /> notify the Lender after the final d��ermina�ion thereaf and shall pay the amount af any such tax, <br /> assessment, ga�ernmental charg�or�ien,together with all interest,penalties and other costs payable in <br /> connection therewith. <br /> 5 <br />