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. 2� 15�8�57 <br /> whether or not such insurance policies are required by Beneficiary,proceeds of the <br /> taking �hereof or of any rights appurtenant thereto, including change of grade of <br /> streets, curb cuts or other rights af access, by cflndernnation, erninent darnain or <br /> transfer in lieu�thereof for pub1�C �r quasi-public use under any �aw, proceeds <br /> arising out of any damage th�reto, including any and al� commercia� tor� claims, <br /> and �ii} other interes�s of every kind and character which Trustor now has or <br /> her�after acquires in, to or for the benefit af the properties, rights, titles and <br /> interests referred ta ab��e and all praperty used or useful in cannect�on therewith, <br /> including rights of ingress and egress and remainders, re�ers�ons and re�ersionary <br /> rights or interests; � <br /> E. Al� interests, estates nr other claims ar dernands, in law and in equity, which the <br /> Trustor naw has or may hereaftier acquire in�he Martgaged Pr�per�y and all right, <br /> tit�e and interest hereafter acquired by Trustor in any greater estate in any of the <br /> fflregoing;and <br /> F. All proceeds of, additions and accre�ions to, substitutians and replacernents f�r, <br /> and changes in any of the property referred to above. <br /> Se�tion 1.2 - Purpose of 5ecuri�t�. F�R THE PLTRP�SE �F SECURIN�, �n such order or <br /> priority as Beneficiary may elec��collectT�ely,the`{Secured Inde�t�dness"�: <br /> A. Payment of indebtedness in the sum of Twelve Mil�ian and Nall�� Dollars <br /> �$12,QpQ,04Q.�Q}, according ta th�terms of a certain Promiss�ry Note of�ven date <br /> herewith made by Trustor to th� order of Beneficiary, and any and all extensions, <br /> m�d�f cations, substitutions or r�newals �h�reof, the terms af which are <br /> incorpflrated herein by reference �the "Note"}, with interest there�n at the rate or <br /> rates provided �n �he Note, and the performance and discharge of each and every <br /> obligation of Trus�ar set forth in the Nate; <br /> B. Payment of alI ather sums, with interest therevn, b�eoming due or payable under <br /> the provisions hereof to either Trustee ar Beneficiary; <br /> C. Due, prampt and comp�ete abser�ance and performance of each and every <br /> obligatian, co�enant and agreement of Trust�r contained herein, and in any other <br /> instrument executed by Trustor far the purpose ❑f further securing the Secured <br /> Indebtedness and a�l other obligations of Trustor as evidenced by the No�e and all <br /> other documents and instruments given by Trustor to evidence or secure repayment <br /> of the �aan identif ed herein, including �without limitat�on} that �ertain <br /> �anstructian Loan Agreemen�, dated af even da�e herewith, and any amendments <br /> thereto �the "Loan Agreement"� �the foregoing collecti�ely the "Loan <br /> Documents"), but expressly excluding, howe�er, the Environmental and A.D.A. <br /> �ndemnity Agreement, which is not a Laan Document far purposes of this Deed of <br /> Trust; and <br /> D. All future advan��s under the Ndte. <br /> 4 <br />