� 2� 15�8�57
<br /> "Accessories", all of which are hereby declared to �e permanent accessions to the
<br /> Land};
<br /> �. All present or future right, title and interest of Trustor ta: �i} plans and
<br /> sp�cifica�ions f�r the Impravem�nts, maps, sur�eys, stud�es, reports, permi�s,
<br /> licenses, architectura�, engineering, �onstruction, management, maintenance,
<br /> service and other contracts, books of account, insurance p�li�ies and other
<br /> dacuments of whatever kind ar �haracter, re�ating to the use, �onstruction upon,
<br /> occupancy, leasing, sale, purchase or operation of the Mortgaged Praperty, �ii}
<br /> rights, but not �iability for any breach by Trustor, under all �ending c�mmitments
<br /> �including any commitments for f nancing to pay any af the Secured Ind�btedness
<br /> as such terrn I5 defined b�law}, insurance p�licies, inter�st rat� protection
<br /> agreements, contracts and agreements for the design, C4i�5truC��on, operation or
<br /> inspection af th� Impro�ements and other contracts and general in�angib��s
<br /> �ineluding payment intangib�es and any trademarks, trade names, goodw�ll and
<br /> symbnls� related to �he Premises ar the Acc�ssvries �r �he operation th�reof,
<br /> �iii}deposits and deposit accounts arising from or relating t� any transactions
<br /> . rela�ed to the Premises or th� Accessories �includir�g Trus�or's rights in Tenants'
<br /> security deposits, deposits with respect ta utility services ta �he Premises, and any
<br /> dep�sits, deposit accounts or reserves hereunder ar under any other Loan
<br /> Documents �as such term is defined bel�w} for taxes, insurance or atherwise},
<br /> .�i��rebates ar refunds of impaC� fees vr other taxes, assessments or �harges,
<br /> money, accounts �inc�uding deposit accounts�, instrumen�s, documents, notes and
<br /> chattel paper arising from or by�irtue of any transactions r�lated to the Prem�ses or
<br /> the Accessari�s, ��}permits, licenses, franchises, c�rtificates, de�elopment rights,
<br /> commitments and rights for utili�ies, and other rights and privileges obtained in
<br /> connectian with the Premises nr th�Accessori�s,��i} all of Trustor's interests in all
<br /> leases now or hereafter existing with respect to all or any portion of the Premises,
<br /> all af the rents, issues and profits of the Mortgaged Property or arising from the use
<br /> �r enj oyment of al� or any portion th�reof,a�l security depasits arisin�from the use
<br /> or enj oyment of a�l or any partion of the Mor�gaged Property, and all utility
<br /> depasits made to procure and maintain utility services to the Mortgaged Property,
<br /> ar any por�ion thereof and 4ther benef ts of the Premises and the Accessories
<br /> �without derogation of any �ther provisian herein}, �v�i�engineering, accounting,
<br /> title, and �ther technical or business data conc�rning the Mortgaged Pr�per�y,
<br /> including software, which are �n the possession of Trustar or in whi�h Trustar
<br /> fltherwise grant a security interest, �viii} all rights �nofi the obligations} under or
<br /> with resp��t to any declarations of restrictions ga�erning ar imposing rights or
<br /> � respansibili�ies �n ar with respect �a any de�elapments ar subdivisions that are
<br /> l�cated ar partially locat�d on or with respect to the Land, as may hereafter b�
<br /> amended or supplemented, and (ix} a�l rights to maintain signage with respect to
<br /> the M�rtgaged Prop�rty or any business conducted thereon, whether or not
<br /> appurtenant ta the Land;
<br /> I]. A1�pr�sent or future�i}proceeds (whether cash or non-cash and including payment
<br /> intangibles} af or arising from the proper�ies, rights, titles and interests referred �a
<br /> abo�e, including the proceeds of any sale, lease ar other dtspositian thereof,
<br /> pr�ceeds of each p�licy ❑f insuranee, presen� and future, payable be�ause af�oss
<br /> sustained to al� or part af the Mortgaged Property �including premium refunds},
<br /> 3
<br />