2� 15�8�57
<br /> W ITNE S S ETH:
<br /> Se�tion 1.1 - Pro ert Mort a ed. TRLTST�R HEREBY IRREV�CABLY GR.ANTS,
<br /> �F SALE, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, its successors and assigns under the terms and
<br /> canditions af this Deed of Trust, al� of the fol�owing �collectively referred to as the "Mar�gaged
<br /> Proper�y"}:
<br /> A. Th� real praperty situated in the County af Hall, S�ate of Nebraska, described in
<br /> Exhibit A wh�ch is a�tached �ereto and incarporated herein by reference �the
<br /> "Land"}, and all estates and rights of Trustor in and�o the Land, together with: �i}
<br /> any and all buildings, stru�tures, impro�ements, alteratians or appurtenances now
<br /> or hereafter situated or to b� situa�ed on the Land (call�cti�ely, the
<br /> "Impra�ements"}; and �ii} all right, title and interest of Trustor, noW owned or
<br /> hereafter acquired, in and to (A� all stree�s, roads and public places, alleys,
<br /> easements, rights-af-way, public or pri�ate, licens�s, rights of ingr�ss and egress,
<br /> vehicle parking rights and public pla�es, existing or pr�posed, abutting, adj acent,
<br /> now or hereafter used in connec�ion with or pertaining ta the Land or the
<br /> Improvernents; �B� any strips or gores between the Land and abutting or adj acent
<br /> properties; ��}all optiflns to purchase the Land or th�Impro�ernents or any portian
<br /> thereof or interest therein, and any greater estate in the Land or the Improvements;
<br /> �D}all water, water rights (v�hether riparian, appropriati�e or otherwise, and
<br /> whether or not appurtenant}, wells and w�ll rights,well permits, springs and spring
<br /> righ�s and reser�oirs and reser�air rights appurtenant to or hist�rically used ir�
<br /> connection with the Land and al� of Trustor's rights and interests under applicable
<br /> s�ate or Federallaw ta all water, and tn use or consent to use all water,cantained in
<br /> or available from any part of�he water-bearing formations underlying the Land,
<br /> together with all assoc�ated easements and rights-of-way, any and a11 rights to
<br /> obtain water, sewer and other ser�ices from ser�ice dis�ricts, and water stock,
<br /> timber, crops and mineral in�erests on or pertaining to the Land; �E} oil, gas and
<br /> other hydracarbons and other minerals produced from ar allocated ta the Land and
<br /> all products processed or abtained �herefrom, and the proce�ds thereof, and �F� a��
<br /> de�elopment rights and cr�dits and air rights pertain�ng Ca th� Land �the Land,
<br /> Tmprovements and o�her rights, tit�es and interests referred ta in this paragraph A
<br /> being herein sametimes callectivel}�called the"Premises"};
<br /> B. All fixtur�s, equiprnent, systerns, machinery, furniture, furnishings, appliances,
<br /> machinery� in�entory, goods, building and canstructifln materials, supplies, and
<br /> other articles of personal proper�y, of e�ery kind and �haracter, tangible and
<br /> intangible,now owned or hereafter acquired l�y Trustor,which are now or hereafter
<br /> attached to or situated in, on or abaut the Land or the Impro�ements, or used in �r
<br /> necessary to the complet� and proper planning, development, use, occupancy or
<br /> apera�ion thereof, ar acquired �whether delivered to the Land or stored �lsewhere�
<br /> for use or installation in or on the Land or the Impro�ements, and a�l renewals and
<br /> r�placernents or, substitu�ions for and additions tfl the foregving �th� properti�s
<br /> referred to in this paragraph B being herein sometimes eallectively called the
<br /> 2
<br />