� 2� 15�8�41
<br /> .
<br /> Shou[d Lender�lect�a exerc�se �he pvwer of sale granted h�rein, Lender v�rilI na�ify Trus�e� vvho w�11
<br /> record, pub[ish, and dei�ver� t� Trus�or�s} such No�ice vf Defaul� and No�rce vf Sale as then requlred
<br /> by law an� wiIl in the manner provided by law, se11 �he praperty a��he �im� and plac� of sale fixed in
<br /> the natice af sale, either as a whole or in separate lofs, parcels, or i�ems and In such order as Trus�ee
<br /> wii[ deem expe�ienf. Any person may bid af the saIe including Trus�or, Trus�ee, or Lender.
<br /> c. Lender, ei�her in person or by agenfi, with or wr�h�ut bringing any act�an or proceeding and wifih or
<br /> wi�hout regard �o �he value of the Property ar the sufficiency thereof �o discharge th� �bliga�ions
<br /> secured her�by, is au�ho�ized and entitled to enter upon and �ake passessivn of fihe Property in its
<br /> �wn name ar in �he name of�he Trustee and do any ac�s �r expend any sums i�deems necessary or
<br /> d�si�ab[e �o pra�ec� or preserve �he value af the Property ar any �n�eresf �her��n, or increase �he
<br /> inc�me therefrom; and wifh ar w�thouf taking possess�on �f the Property is autharized �a sue far �r
<br /> o�herwise c�[lec� �he renfis, issues, crops, profit�, and income thereof, Encluding �h�se pas� due and
<br /> unpald, and appiy�he same upon any �blrgafions secured he�eby ar in�he Loan Documen�s.
<br /> d. Lender wi11 be en�i�led ta a recerv�r ta take immedia�e passession of the Property and al� �en�s,
<br /> issues, crops, profi�s, and incame thereof, without �egard to �he value of the Property, ar the
<br /> sufficiency thereof �o d�scharg� �he �rust deed de�f and th� forecfosur� cos�s, fees, an� e�cpenses.
<br /> Such recei�er may be immedia�eiy appo`rnted by any courk of compe�ent jurisdictivn upon ex parte
<br /> applica�ion, notice beEng here�y express[y wai�ed and sha�� serve withou� bvnd if�he �aw allnws. The
<br /> recei�er wi11 apply al[ �en�s, issues, crops, profits, and income of �he Property tv keep the same in
<br /> good repair and condi�ion, pay all taxes, renfs, fees, charges, and assessments, pay insuran�e
<br /> prem�ums nec�ssary t� keep fhe P�operty �nsured, pay�he expense of the recei�ership and at�orney's
<br /> fees incurred by the receiver, and app�y the net prQceeds �a the payment of the �bliga�ions secur�d
<br /> he�eby. Su�h receiver wil[ ha�e all �he o�her usua[ powers of receivers aufihori�ed by lavv and as fihe
<br /> c�urt may direct.
<br /> e. [n �he e�enfi Trus�or fails to pay any liens, judgmen�s, assessments, taxes, rents, fees, or charges
<br /> or maintain any insurance an �he Prnperty, huildings, fix�ures, a�tachments, or impr��emen�s as
<br /> pro�ided her�rn or in th� LQan Dacumen�s. Lender, a� its option, may make such payments or provide
<br /> insurance, maintenance, or repairs and any amoun�s paid therefor vtirilI become part of fihe pr�nc�paI
<br /> Dbl�gations secured hereby, be immediately due and payable and bear interes� a� �he defauE� ra�e
<br /> pravlded in �he Loan Dacuments from �he date of paymen� unt�E paid. The ad�ancement by Lender of
<br /> any such amoun�s wi�l �n no m�nner limi�fhe �ight of Lender fia declare Trustor in defau[� ar exercis�
<br /> any of Lender's vther rights and remedies.
<br /> f. In the event Lender is a party to any litiga�ion affecfrng �he Property or�his �rust deed, including any
<br /> ac��an by Lender to enf�r�� this trust deed or any suit in �nrhEch Lender is named a defendan�
<br /> �inc[uding eminent domain and bankrup�cy proceedings}, L�nder may �ncur expenses and ad�ance
<br /> � payments for abs�rac�fees, atfi�rney's fees �to the �xtent a[lowed by law}, CD5�5, expenses, appraisa[
<br /> fees, and a�her charges and any amoun�s so ad�anced wiii become part�f the prin�ipaI �bligati�ns
<br /> secured he�eby, be immedia�efy due and payable and bear interes�a�fhe defaul� ra�e pr�vided �n �he
<br /> Loan Documents from�he dafie af ad�ance until paid.
<br /> 8. Delay by Lender �n exe�cising i�s rights upon defaul� wil� no� be consfirued as a waiver th�reof, and
<br /> any ac�of Lender waiWing any speciflc defaul��rill no� be consfirued as a v�raiver�f any fu�ure defaul�. If
<br /> the proceeds under sale or for�clasure as set forth above are insufficien� fio pay the ta�al Db[igatians
<br /> secured hereby, Lender will be en�i�led tv a deficiency judgm�n�.
<br /> 9. Any awards mad� �a Trust�r or their successors by th� exerc�se of eminen� domain are hereby
<br /> assigned ta Lender; and Lender is hereby authorized �a c�I[ec� and apply the same �n paymen� af any
<br /> indebtedness, matured ar un-mafiu�ed, secured by this trust deed. Trustor shall immed�a�ely no�[fy
<br /> Lender of any a�tion in �min�nt domain.
<br /> 'I�. This�rust deed cons�i�utes a securi�y ag�eem�nt v�rith respec��o all tne Pr�perty described herein.
<br /> 'I'1. N❑ remedy herein �onferred upon or r�served to Trustee or Benefic�ary js �ntended to be exclusiv� �
<br /> af any o�her remedy herein or by Iaw prav�ded or permitted, �u� each w�ll be cumula�i�e, wi11 be �n
<br /> addit�on �a every �ther remedy g��en hereund�r or n�w or hereafter exrs�ing a� law ar In equity ar by
<br /> s�atute, and may be exerc�sed cancurrenfi�y, independent�y or successively.
<br /> '��� Trustor acknawledges �ha� �he du�ies and obli�a�ions of Trus�ee will be de��rmined sole�y �y �he
<br /> express pro�isions af �his frust deed or the N�braska Trusfi Deeds Ac� and Trus�ee w�ll na� be liab�e
<br /> � except for the perFormance of such duties and ob[igations as are specifica[�y se� forth therein, and no
<br /> implied co�enants or abligations will be imposed upon Trust��; Trustee wi[! nat be [iab[e fvr any act�on
<br /> by it in g�od fai�h and reasonably �elie�ed by it �o be author[zed or wi�hin the discretion or rlghfs of
<br /> pa�rers c�nferr�d u pan i�by fh is trus�deed or sta�e [aw.
<br /> App#:534�648; CIF#:��36��; Note#:2�7 Z�2EA Legal Doc.I]ate:November�3,2��5
<br /> F�RM 50��,Trusf Deed and Assi�nment of Rents Page 6 vf 9
<br />