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` 2� 15�8�41 <br /> '13. Th� co��nants canfarned In this �rus� deed wi[[ be deemed �a be severable; in �he e��nt tha� any <br /> portion vf this trust deed is de�ermined �� be��id or unenf�rceable, �hat determination will nat aff�c��h� <br /> validity of�he remaining partians of fhe�rust deed. <br /> 'i4� Trus�ar hereby requests a copy of any n�ti�� of default or no�ice of sale hereunder t� be malI�d by <br /> certified ma��fo Trus�ar at�he address sefi farth h�rein. <br /> 'I�. All notic�s, requests and demands �o or upon �he r�specti�e parties heret� �o b� effec��ve shall be <br /> in wr��ing and, unCess o�hen�vise expressly pro�lded hereln, shall be deemed �o have been duly gi�en or <br /> made when deri�ered by hand, �r fihree days after being depos�ted in the mail, p�s�age prepaid, ar, In <br /> �he cas� of de[ivery by a nationa[[y recogni�ed o�ernight caurie�, �rhen recei�ed, addressed to one �r <br /> mare af�he indi�idua[s execu�ing this �rus�deed on behalf of such party at�he address set forth abo�e, <br /> or to such o�her address as such party may designa�e for itseEf by I�ke notic�. <br /> 'i�� Trustar shall pr�mptly provide andlar execu�e and deliver ta Lender such further instrumen�s, <br /> inc[uding, bu� not Iimi�ed to, mortgag�s, d�eds of trust, securi�y agreemen�s, financing s�a�ements, <br /> continuati�n s�atemen�s, ass�gnments, certifica�es, affidavlts, addendums, amendments or resolu�ians <br /> in fvrm and subs�ance sat�sfactary t� Lender tha� Lender may requtre �o efFectuate, comp[ete, perF�c�, <br /> con�inue or preserve this trust deed or any other Laan D�cumen�s, �b[iga�ions or[i�ns related thereta, <br /> 'I7. This frus� deed and alI of�he Loan Documents cansti�u�e �h� entir� and camplete unders�anding af <br /> fhe parti�s hereto and supersede a�E prior agreements and undersfiandings rela�iWe�o �he sub�ect ma�er <br /> hereof. This trust deed may no� be �ffec�ively amended, changed, a�tered o� modified, excep� in wr��ing <br /> execufed by a[I part�es. To the ex�enf �he provisions contained in �his �rust deed ar� inc�nsistent with <br /> �hose contained in any ��her Loan Documents, the terms and pro�isions cantained herein shall control. <br /> ��henrvise, such pra�isions shall be considered cumulative. <br /> '�S� This trust deed may be execu�ed in any number of counterparts and by ei�her party on separa�e <br /> c�un�e�parts, each of which shalC be deeme� an original, but all of which �oge�her shaf� canstitute one <br /> and the same ins�rumen�. <br /> '�9.Tim� is of the essence in �h� p�rFormance af�his trust deed, <br /> 2�. The ��rms of this �rus�deed shaI[ bind and benefi� fihe he�rs, l�gal represenfaf��es, successors, and <br /> assigns af�h� parties; pro�ided, h�we�er, �haf Trustor may n��assign this �rus�deed, or any advances <br /> made her�under, ar assign or delegate any of i�s rights �r obliga�ions, wi�hout the prior wri�t�n consen� <br /> of Lender. � <br /> �'[. The trus� deed sha[I be gaverned by, and construed in a�cordance r�ri�h, �he Iaws of the Sfate vf <br /> Nebraska, excep� �� �he e�en� tha� the law of any a�her jurisdicti�n applies as �a the perfection or <br /> enforcemen� of Lender's securi�ty in�er�st in or Iien on any Praperty and e�cep� to �he ex�en� expressIy <br /> pravided to �he can�rary in any Loan Document. [n �he �vent fihat any prv�islon or clause of any �f the <br /> L�an Docum�n�s conflicfs with applica�le Iaws, such canfficts shall not afFec� vther provisions of such <br /> Laan Docum�nts which can be gi�en efFec� without �he canf[ic��ng praW�sron, and to �hRs end �he <br /> provisions of the Laan ❑ocumen�s ar� declared to be severab[e. This ins�rumen� can be warved, <br /> changed, discharged or terminate�l aniy by an ins�rumen� rn wrt�rng signed by the party agains�whom <br /> enfarcement�f any waiver, change, discharge ar terminat`ron is sough�. <br /> 2�. The accep�ance by Lende� af any sum 'rn an amount less than �h� sum then due sha�[ no� be <br /> d�emed a�raiver of any defauit and �he Lender's remedies se�farth in any Lvan Documen�sha[[ no� be <br /> impaired or waR�ed by accep�anc� of any such partial payment, �rvhe�her such paymen� is accepted <br /> �efore or after any n��ice of default or notice of sale. Consen� lay Lender�o any�ransac�i�n or ac�`r�n of <br /> Trustor which is subjec�to consent ar approval of Lender in any Loan aocumen�sha�C no� be d�emed a � <br /> waiver of�he righ�to require such �onsent or approval ta fufure or successive�ransact�ons or ac�i�ns. <br /> 23. Upon sa�isfac�ion of aI[ af Trustor's abligatians under the Loan Documents, and upon writ�en <br /> request of Lender s�a��ng �ha� all sums secured �ereby have be�n paid, and upon surrend�r of �hls <br /> deed of trus� and the No�e �o Trustee far cancella�ion and upon paymen� by Trustor of Trus�ee"s fees, <br /> Trustee shaIl r�canWey �o Trustor, or �he �erson or persons legally �nt��led th�reto, wifhouf warranty, <br /> any port�on �f the Property then held hereunder. The recitals in such recon��yance of any ma�ters a� <br /> fac�s sha[[ be c�nclusive p�oof of �he �ru�hfulness �h�reof. The grantee in any r�conveyance may be <br /> desc�ibed as"�he person or persvns lega[[y ent�tled there�o." <br /> VI�AIVER �F JURY TRIAL. TRUST�R HEREBY IRREV��ABLY WA[VES ALL RIGHT T� TRIAL BY <br /> JURY [N ANY ACTI�N, PR�CEEDING �R C�UNTERCLAIM AR�SIN� �UT �F �R RELATIN� T� <br /> TH[S TRUST DEED �R ANY RELATED L�AN DD�UMENT. <br /> App#:534�648; CIF#:'i�366�; Note#:2Q7 �02EA Legal Doc.Date:November 23,��15 <br /> FaRiVI 5D'i�,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 7 of 9 <br />