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i + <br /> 2� 15�8�41 <br /> �perativns and fo awn agricultural real es�afie. No change has been made in the nam�, awnership, <br /> con��al, rela�ionship, legal s�a�us, or organi�ational and format�on documents of any unde�signed since <br /> the �Ime any such infarma�ian was Ias� pro�ided �o Lender. Any borrowing resolufian or similar <br /> documen� pr��Eded �a �he Lender, whether on Lender's farm or atherwise, has been executed by all <br /> �hose v�ri�h an ownersh�� in�eres� in the Trustor's entity and such designated signvr as se� forth in �he <br /> borr�wing resolu�ion is du[y aufhorized �o execu�e any and aii Loan Dacuments on behalf �he en�i�y, <br /> inc�uding �his�rust deed. <br /> �R AI[ known sources of ex�sfing or pot�nfial en��ronmen�al can�amina�ion on ar near any Rea� Property <br /> awned or�pera�ed by Trustor has been fuiiy disc[osed t� Lender; �he �perat��ns af Trustor camp�y, and <br /> during th� t�rm of �his trus� deed wi11 a� a11 times camPly In a�l respects, wi�h all en�Eronmen�a[ [aws; <br /> Trustar has obtained and wi11 mainfain aii i�censes, permi�s, au�horizations and regis�rafions required <br /> under any env�ranmenta[ �aw and necessary for its ordinary course operati�ns, all such en�ir�nmen�al <br /> permi�s are in gaod s�anding, and Trustvr�s in compl�anc�wi�h aiR ma�erial �erms and condi�rons of such <br /> enW�ronmen�a� permits; n�i�her Trus�vr n�r any �f its present Praperty or �peratians is subject �a any <br /> outs�anding wri�ken order from or agreement wifh any go�ernmen�al au�hari�y ar subjec� to any�ud'rcral <br /> ar docke�ed administrative praceeding, respec�ing any envrronmen�al law, environmen�al claim or <br /> hazardous ma�erial; there are no hazardous materiais or o�her conditions or circumstances exls��ng, or <br /> arising fram opera�ions pr�ior to the date of�his �rus� de�d, with respect �o any Prvperty ❑f Trustar that <br /> wauid reasonably be �xpected to give rise to materia� environmen�al claims. [n addition, Trust�r sha1l <br /> hold Lend�r harmless fram any liabili�y for enviranmen�a� was�e or con�amina�ian on any Property <br /> ❑wned o� opera�ed by Trustor or liabili�y impQsed as a cons�quence by reason of Trustor's activities <br /> and wi[I def�nd and ind�mnify Lender agains� all claims, losses, lia�aili�ies, and expenses incurr�d by <br /> Lender as a resuit�hereof. This covenant will survive cancel[a�ion, expiratlon �r�e�mina�ian af�his trust <br /> d eed. <br /> 6. Each of�he follo�ring shaEl cons�itute an event of defau��: <br /> a� Failure to make any payment when due under any Loan Documen� or a�her�bliga�ion secur�d by <br /> this trus�deed. <br /> b. Failure �o pay any iiens, judgments, assessments, �axes, ren�s, fe�s, vr Gharges or maintain any <br /> insurance �n fhe Pr�p�rty, buildings, fixtures, atfachmen�s, vr impro�ements as provided in �hrs �rust <br /> deed, or in any a�her Loan Dacument. <br /> c, Any breach or mat�rial mis�epr�sen�a�ion �f any term, agr�ement, covenant, condi�ion, <br /> certifiCation, representa�ion or warranfiy as pravided in this�rust deed, or any �fher L�an Dvcumenf. <br /> d. Sale, transfer, or conveyance of �he Prvperty described herein wi�hou� prior wri�ten cvnsent of <br /> Lender. <br /> e. Any use af l�an p�oceeds for a purpose �ha�will contribute to �xc�ssive erosiQn of h`rghly erodible <br /> �and or ta fhe conversian of we�lands to produ�e �r fo make possible the praduction of an agricu��u�al <br /> cammodity, as further explained in ?' �FR Part 'i 94�, Subpart G, Exhibi�M. <br /> f. The dea�h, diss�[u�ion or insoi�ency of any Trus�or; �he appointment of a receive��or any Trusto�ar <br /> �heir Prap�rty; any assignment f�r the b�nefi�of credi�ors by the Trus�or; or applrca�ian of any debtor <br /> r�[ief [av�r �o Trus�ar, inclu�ing any �ype af warkout ar c�mmencement of proceeding under any <br /> bankrup�cy ar �nso�Wency laws by �r agains�any Trust�r�r Borrovtirer an any Loan Documen�or o�h�r <br /> �bliga�ian secured by�his trust deed. <br /> g. Any vf the preceding even�s occurs with respect �o any guaran�vr, endorser, surety, o� <br /> accommodativn party of any of the �bfiga�ians or any guaran�or, endo�ser, surety, ��accamm�dati�n <br /> party dies or becom�s incompeten�, a� r��oke� �r disputes the valid��y af, or liablli�y under, any <br /> guaranty of th��bIigations. <br /> 7. In the evenf af a default and a�any fime thereafter, Lender, at its ap��on, subjec��a any requirements <br /> under fhe Farm Cred�t Act vr ofher app[�cable fe��ral or s�ate lav�r, may exercise one vr more of �h� <br /> f�llowing righ�s and remedies, in additian �o any other�ighfs ar remedles permitt�d �y Iaw: <br /> a. Dec�are a[C �bligati�ns secured hereby�o be imm�dia�ely due and payabl� and �he whoie wi1C bear <br /> in��res�at th�defaul�ra�e as provided in the Loan Documents. <br /> b. Len�er may immedia��ly au�hori�e Trustee �o exercrse �he p�wer of sa�e gran�ed here�n in �he <br /> manner provrded in �he Nebraska Tru�t Deeds Act, o�, at the optian af�he Lender, may foreclose �he <br /> t�usf deed in the manne� pr�W�ded by �aw for�he fareclasure of mortgages �n real pr�perty, including <br /> the appoin�men� of a receiver upon ex parte applica�ian, natice �eing he�eby exp�essIy waived, <br /> �nrithou� regard to �he �alu� of the p�aperty or the su�ficiency th�r�of ta discharge �h� rnd�b�edness <br /> secured hereby or in �he Loan Documents. <br /> App#:534�648; CIF#: ��366�; Note#:207 2��EA Lega1 Dac.Date:Navember 23,2��5 <br /> F�RM 5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Renfs Page 5 of 9 <br />