� 2� 15�8�41
<br /> .
<br /> Documen�s, far any purpose, p�us interest �h�r�vn, aii payable according to the terms af the Lvan
<br /> Do�uments. Any ��liga��ons secu�ed by fih�s trus� deed shali be payable when due as set forth in the
<br /> Loan Dacumen�s.
<br /> T�-ustor hereby assigns, �ransfe�s, and conveys ta Lender a!! ren�s, �ssues, income, profi�s, rayalties,
<br /> banuses, and de�ay moneys or o�her prviceeds �ha� may from fiime �o �ime bec�me due and payable
<br /> under any reai estate lease or under any ail, gas, gravel, rock, or o�her mineral I�ase af any k�nd
<br /> includ�ng geo�herma[ resaurces naw exis�ing or tha� may hereafter come int� exis�ence, cavering �he
<br /> Pr�perty or any part thereof. A11 such sums so received by Lender will be appiled to �he �bliga�lans
<br /> secured hereby; or Lender, a� ifs �p�ian, may furn ❑ver and deliWer�o Trustor�s} or their successors in
<br /> in�eres�, any ar a[[ �f such sums wi�hvut prejudice �o any of Lender's righ�s to �ake and retain fu�ure
<br /> sums, and withaut prejudice to any of i�s afiher righfis under this �rust deed. This assignment wiil be
<br /> canstrued �o be a pravisian for the payment or� reduction of fhe �bligati�ns, subjec� to �he Lend�r's
<br /> apti�n as hereinbefvre pro�ided, independen�of the trust deed �n �he Pr�perty.
<br /> Trustar and each of them further caWenants and agrees with, or cert�fies and represents to
<br /> Lender as foll�ws:
<br /> '�. T� pay a�� liens, judgmen�s, or a�her assessments against the Property, and ta pay when due al[
<br /> as�essmenfs, �axes, r�n�s, utiliti�s, fees, charges �r encum��ances upon the Property or under any
<br /> lease, permit, [`rcense, ❑r pri�ilege assigned ta Lender as add��ianal securr�y �o�his trus�deed, inc�udEng
<br /> �hQse in or an pu�[�c damain.
<br /> 2. To insure and keep insured a!I build�ngs and o�her impro�ements, including fi��ures and atfachments
<br /> now on or hereafter p�aced on �he Real Property to �he satisfaction of Lender. Such insurance wiil
<br /> con�ain an endorsemen� showing Lender as Beneficiary. �n demand, Trus�or will furnish said pol�c�es
<br /> ar� proof af rnsurance �o Lend�r and the insurance carrrer sha�l be satisfactory �o Lender. Trustor shal!
<br /> give wriiten no�ice �o L�nder immediately of any claim ar loss. Any sums sa received by Lender may be
<br /> applied in paymen� of any ma�ured or unma�ured abligations secured by this frus� deed, or at the
<br /> aption of Lender may be used �o pay for recons�ruction of the des�royed impravements. Such insurance
<br /> will be in an amaun� a� ieas� equal fa the Eesser af the loan balance, the actual cash �alue �fi the
<br /> Praperty, �r the replacemen� cost of the Praperty, and wil� at a minimum, cover Iosses caused by fire,
<br /> ligh�ning, exp[osron, rio�, aircraffi, veh�c[es, vandalism, civil commo�ion, smake, windstorm, and hail.
<br /> Trust�r wili ob�ain and k�ep flaod insurance in force�o cvver losses by flaad as r�quired by Lender and
<br /> by the Natlanal F[ood Insurance Ac� af �9G8, as amended, and by regufations imp[ementing the same.
<br /> Trustor further agrees that Lender �s not and w�ll no� be �iabl� far any faiIure hy Trus�or or by any
<br /> �nsurer, for whafe�er reason, �o obtain and keep this insurance in farce. Trus��r shaIl give writ�en notice
<br /> �o Lender imm�dia�eIy of any canceI[ation, termina�i�n or ma�erta� mod�fica�ion of any such insurance. lf
<br /> � T�ustar fa��s �o maintain �he coverage d�scribed above, Lender may, a� Lender's optiony �b��II�
<br /> coWerage�o protect Lend�r's rights in the Pr�perty accQrd�ng �o the�erms of this Trus�Deed.
<br /> 3� To keep all buildings, fiictures, aitachmen�s, and other imprvvemen�s now an or hereaft�r plac�d on
<br /> �he Rea[ Property occupied an.d in goad repair, maintenanc�, and condr�ron and to nei�her commi� n�r
<br /> permi� any ac�s of waste or any impairmen� of the valu� �f fhe Pr�operty. Trus�or shall na� remove or
<br /> d�molrsh any improvement without priar v�rri�ken approvai af �he Lender. Trus�or shall gi�e immedia�e
<br /> n��ice �a Lender of any material damage �o or cvns�ruction an or reIated �a any of the Property. Lender
<br /> may enter upon �he Real Property ta inspect the same or to perform any acts authori�ed herein ar In the
<br /> Loan Documen�s. Any inspec�ians, reports �r sampi�s conduc�ed by Lender sha[� be for their avvn use
<br /> and benefi�, and Lender sha[I no� be requir�d to disc�ose the results of any inspec�`rans �a Trus�o� for
<br /> any reasvn, regard�ess of whe�her Lender has done so on any o�her occasion unless Lender agrees to
<br /> do sa in a s�para�e wri�rng. Trustor is responsibie for moni�oring, preserving and inspecfing the Property
<br /> independently of Lender, and Lender makes n� represen�afiian, s�atemen� or warranty regarding the
<br /> accuracy of any inspecti�n, reports or statements r�lated �o �he Property's c�ndition, quan�i�y, or quaiity
<br /> of any nature, and Trusfar agrees it sha[[ no� rely upon stat�ments related there�� made by a �
<br /> r�presen�a�ive of Lender.
<br /> 4. Tha� Trus�or is, and shall con��nu� �a be, duly �rgan«�d, vaf id�y exist�ng and legally qualified ta do
<br /> business under�he laws of the states in which Trustor operates, in comp[iance vtirith federai, sta�e and
<br /> focal laws or regula�i�ns, and have [egaf au�hQrity in such sfiates ta conduct Trus�or's business
<br /> App#:534��48; C1F#:�13�6�; Note#:��7 ��2EA Legal D�c.Date.Navember 23,�0�5
<br /> F�RNi 5�'11,Trust I3eed and Assignmenf of Rents Page 4 of 9
<br />