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2� 15�7979 <br /> L�AN#: 1815185489 <br /> al�erna�e mortgage insurerse�ec�ed by Lender.�f su�s�an�iafly equiWa[en�Mor�gage Insurance cv�erage is <br /> not a�ailahle,Borrawer�shal�continu�to pay�o Lender the amount of the separate�y designated payments <br /> �ha�w�r� due when the insurance co�erage ceased to be in e�fec#. Lender will accep�, use and r��ain <br /> �hese payments as a non-r�funda�le lass reserve in I�eu of Mortgage Insurance.Such loss resen�e sha�l <br /> b� non-�refund����, nfl�withsfianding f he fact�hat the Loan is ult�ma��ly paid in full, and Lender shall not <br /> b�requi�ed�a pay Borrower any�n�er�st ar earnings on such lass reserve. Lender can no langer r�quir� <br /> loss reserve payments if Martgage Insurance ca�erage �in t�e am�un� and fvr�he period �ha� Lende� <br /> requires} pr��ided by an insu�er s�lec�ed �y Lender aga�n b��omes a�ailable, is ob�a�ned, and Lender <br /> r�qu�r�s separate6y designated payments toward the prem�ums fvr Mor�gag��nsuranc�.If Lend�r required <br /> Nior�gage [nsurance as a�ondi���n �f making the Loan and Ba�rower was required �o mak�separa�ely <br /> designa��d payments�award th� premiums f�r Nlortgag� lnsurance, Borrow�r shall pay the prem�ums <br /> requ�red to mai��ain N[ortgage In�urance �n efFect, ar to provide a non--refundahle fass reserve, until <br /> L�nd�r's requirement far Marfgage Insurance ends in accordance wi�h any writfien agreement betvueen <br /> Borrower and L�nder pro�id�ng for such �ermina��an or until �erm�na��on is requ�red by Applicable Law, <br /> Nothing in this Se�tian '�0 affects Borrower's ob��gation to pay in��r�s�a�the rate provided in�he No�e. <br /> Nio�tgage Insurance re�mburses Lend�r�ar any ent�ty�hat p�rchases the No�e}for cerka�n loss�s i�may <br /> �ncur�f Borrower does not repay�he Loan as agreed. Borrow�r is nafi a party�o the Mo�tgage Insurance. <br /> iVlor�gag� �nsurers ��aluate their ��tal risk vn a�� such insuranc� in forc� from time to �ime, and <br /> may en�er in�o agreem�nts vui�h a�her parties �hat share or madify the�r r�sk, or �educ� losses. These <br /> agreemen�s ar� an �erms and condit�vns �nat are sa���factary to the mor�gage �nsur�r and the other <br /> par�y �or parties}�a�hese agreemen�s. These agr�emen�s rr�ay requir�the mortgage insurer ta make <br /> payments using any sou�ce of funds�hat th�ma�tga�� insur�r may ha��a�a�la�l��which may inc�ud� <br /> funds o�fa�ned�rom Mvrtgage �nsurance pr�m�ums}. <br /> As a �esul�of these agreements, L�nd�r, a�y purchaser�f�he note, ano�her insurer, any�einsurer, <br /> any o�her en���y, or afFilia�e of any of the foregaing, may rece�v� (direct�y or indirectly} amoun�s �hat <br /> d�rive from �or�might b� charac�er�zed as} a po�tion of Barro►rver's payments for Mor�gage �nsu ranGe, <br /> in exchange for sharing ar modify�ng the mor�gage insurer's risk, or reducing l�sses. �f suCh ag�eem�nt <br /> pravided that an affilia�e of Lender�akes a share of the insurer's risk in e�change for a share af�he <br /> premiums paid��th�insurer, �ne arrangement is o�ten��rmed "cap�ive re�nsurance," Furkher: <br /> �a� Any such agreements will not aff�ct the amounts that Borrower has agreed to pay f�r <br /> 111�vrtgage insurance,vr any vther term�s vf the Loan.Such agreements vuiil n�t�ncrease the amvunt <br /> Borra�er will��nre for Mortgage[nsurance� and they will r�ot entitie Barrower to any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreements wifl nflt affect the rights Borrower has - if any - w�th respect t� <br /> t�e IUlvrtgage [nsurance under the Homeovuners Protecti�n Act vf�998 or any�ther law. These <br /> rights rnay include the r�ght to receirre certain disclosur�s, tv requ�st and ohtain cancellat�on <br /> of the Mortgage Insurance,to ha�e the N�ortgage�nsurar�ce terminated autamatically, andlar tv <br /> receive a refund of any �Vlvrtgage��nsurance premiums that were unearned at t�e time vf such <br /> can�ellativn or term�nation, <br /> ��. Assignment of lVliscellaneous Proceeds; Forfe�ture.All MisGe�laneQus P�oceeds are h�reby <br /> assi�ned to and shall be paid�� Lender. <br /> If th�Praperty is damaged,such Misceflan�flus Proceeds sha��be applied�o res�ora�ion o�repair of <br /> �h� Properky, if the resto�a�ian ar repair�s��onom�c�lly feas��[�and Lender's s�curi�y�s not lessened. <br /> During such r�pair and r�sto�ati�n period, Lender s�all ha�e �he ri�ht �o hoid such M�scelIaneous <br /> Proceeds until Lend�r has had an oppor�unifiy fa inspect such Prap�rty�o ensure the work has been <br /> c�mp�e�ed to L�nd�r's sat�sfac�ion, pro�ided�ha�such insp�cfi�an shal��e unde�aken prompfly. Lend�r <br /> may pay far the r�pairs and r�staration in a single d�sbursemen� ar in a ser�es of p�ag�ress paymen�s <br /> as th�wark �s comp�eted. Un�ess an agreement is made ir��rit�ng ar Appl��able �aw requires in�erest <br /> �o�e paid on such Mis�el�an�ous Proce�ds, Lender shall no��e r�quir�d to pay Borrowe�any in�eres� <br /> ar earn�ngs on such Misce�lan��us Praceeds. �f the res��rat��n o�r�pair is nv�economically feas��le ar <br /> Lender's�ecurity wou�d�e lessened,�he Miscellaneous Praceeds shall be appli�d to�he sums secur�ed <br /> by �his Secu rifiy �nstrument, whether�� no� then d ue, wi�h the �xcess, �f any, paid �o Borrawer. Such <br /> Miscellaneous Prnceeds sha[I be appiied in the o�der pra�ided for in 5e�t�an�. <br /> In�he e�ent�f a�otal�aking,des�ruct�on,or�oss in�a�ue of the Property,the Miscellan�ous P�-ac�eds <br /> shafl be appl��d to �he sums secur�d �y th is Secu ri�y I nstrument, wh��her n� no� �hen d ue, ►►vith the <br /> excess, if any, pa�d to Borrawer. <br /> In�he err�nfi af a part�a!�aking, des�ruction, or loss in�alue of�he Praperty�n vuhich the fa�r market <br /> �alue �f fhe Property immedia�ely before�he part�al tak�ng, destruction, �r l�ss in �aiue is �qua� �v a�- <br /> grea�er than�he amaun��f�he sums secur�d by this Security�ns�rument�mmed�a�ely b�fore�h�partial <br /> tak�ng, d�s�ructian, or Cass in �alue= unless Borrow�r and L�nder ather�wise agree in writing, �h�sums <br /> secured by �his Securi�y [ns�rument shal� b� reduced �y �he amoun� of th� IVliscel�aneous �roceeds <br /> mul��pl�ed �y the following fractian: �a} th� tatai amount of the sums secured �mmediate�y before the <br /> pa�t�al�aking,des�ruction,or�ass in Walu�d��id�d by�b}�he fair market�a�ue of�h�Pr�per�y�mmediat�[y <br /> �efore fihe partial�aking, des�ruction, or loss in�afue.Any halance shall �e pa�d to Bvrrower. <br /> �n fhe eW�nt af a part�al taking, destruc��on, flr lass in�alue af tne Proper�y in wh�ch the fair marke� <br /> �alue of�he Property�mmediately befor�the partia�taking, destruction, or Ioss in�alue is e �f,.h.�n f��he <br /> lnitials: � , f <br /> �� � � . <br /> NEBRASKA�-Sing�e Fami�y-�Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORNi INSTRUN[ENT Form 3D28�11D'� <br /> E�1ie Ma�,Inc. 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