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2� 15�7979 <br /> L�AN#: 1815185�89 <br /> amoun�of th�sums secured �mmediafe�y befare the pa�tial t�king, d�struc��on, ar Ioss in va�ue, un��ss <br /> Borrower and Lender o�herwise a�r�e in writing, the Miscellan�ous Praceeds shall �e app�ied �a the <br /> sums secured by�his Security�ns�runnent whether ar not the�ums a���hen due. <br /> �f the�raperty is aband�ned by Borrower,or if,af�er not�c�by Lend�r to Borrower tha�the�pposing <br /> Party�as de�in�d�n�h�n�xt sentence}o�fers�o make an award��se���e a Glaim far damages, Borr�wer <br /> fails to r�spond to L�nder w��nin 3�days after�he da�e�he nati�e is giv�n, Lender is aufihor�zed��collect <br /> and �pply the �Illiscellaneflus P�aceeds either to restaration �r repa�r of the Prop�rt� or�o the sums <br /> secured �y�his Se�urity lnstrument, v►rhe�her ar no�then due. "�ppos�ng Par�y" means the third party <br /> �hat avues Borrow�r Misc�llaneous Proceeds or tn� party agains�vuhom Ba�rower nas a rignt of ac�ion <br /> in rega�d�o M�scel�aneous Proceeds. <br /> Borrower sha�l b� in defau�t if any a��ion or proce�ding, wh��her�i��l or�rimina[, is begun tha�, in <br /> Lender's judgmen�, �auld resulf in �arfeiture of the Praper�y �r other ma�erial impairmen� o� Lender's <br /> interest�n th� Proper�y or righ�s under�his Secur��y Instrumen�. Borrower can cure such a default and, <br /> if a�ce�eration has occur�ed, reinsta�e as proWided in Se��ion �9, �y causing �he action or proceeding <br /> to b� d�smissed with a ruling that, �n L�nde�'s�udgmen�, p��cludes forfei�ure of the Praperty ar o�her <br /> mater�al �mpairmen� af Lender's in#e�r�st in th� Pr�perty o� righfis under�his S�curity Instrument. Th� <br /> praceeds�f any award or c[aim�or damages that a�e afitributable to�he impairmen�of Lender'S in�er�5� <br /> in th� Property are hereby assigned and sha�l be paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscellaneaus Proc�eds tha� ar� n�t applied �a res�ora�ion or repair of�he Property shall �e <br /> app�ied in�he❑rde�proWided��r in Section�. <br /> 7�. Barravuer Nat Released; Fvrbearance By Lender Not a '�IV'a��er. E��ensi�n o�the time far <br /> payment �r mvd�fica�ian of amor�ization of�he sums secured by �his Secu�i�y lnstrum�n� grant�d �y <br /> L�nder to Borrower vr any Successor in Inte��st o� Bvrraw�r shall n�t �perate to release the liabil��y <br /> of Bor�ovuer or any Successo�s in Int��-est of Barr�wer. Lender shall no� be required ta commenc� <br /> proceedings agains�any Successor in lnterest of Borrawer or to refuse ta extend �ime for payme�� or <br /> o�her�rvise m�dify am��ti�ation af fihe sums secured by this 5ecuri�y Instrum�nt by reason af any demand <br /> made by�he o�igina� Bor�rowe�or any Successors in Inte�es� af Borrawer.Any forbearance by Lender <br /> �n exercisin� any right ar r�medy including, w��hout limita�ion, Lender's accepfiance of payments f�-om <br /> �hird persons, enfifies or Su�cessars in lnterest of Barrow�r�r�n amounts less fhan �he amoun�tnen <br /> due, shall nvf be a wai�er of ar pre��ude the exercise af any ri�ht or remedy. <br /> 'I 3. Jointand Se�eral Liability;Co-s�gners;Successvrs andAssigns Bound,Borr�wercovenan�s <br /> and agre�s�ha� Borrower's abliga�ions and l�abi�ifiy shall b�jaint and seWeral. However, any Borr�we� <br /> who co-�s�gns th�s S�curi�y Instrument bu�does no�ex�cu��th�Note�a"coWsigner"}:�a}is ea-signing thi� <br /> Securi�y lns�rument only#o morkgage, grant and �anvey the�o-s�gner's interest in th� Proper�y under <br /> the terms of th�s Se�urity Instrumen�; �b} is not persona[ly obfigat�d �o pay �he sums s�cu�ed by �his <br /> Secu��ty Instrument; and �c} agrees that Lender and any o�her Barrower can agree ta extend, m�dify, <br /> for�ear ar m�ke any accommod�tions with r�ga�d ta the�erms of�his Secur��y Instrumen� �r�he No�e <br /> w�thout the co-signer's cons�n�. <br /> Su�jec� ta �he proWisions o� Sectian '��, any 5ucc�ss�� �n Interesf of Barrower who assumes <br /> Bo�rower's obligations under fh�s Security Insfrument in w�iting,and is appro�ed by Lender,shall ah�ain <br /> al�of Bo�rnwer's righ�s and benef�ts unde�-�his S�cur��y�nstrum�nt, Barrow�r shalf not be rel�ased from <br /> Borrower's obligati�ns and liabi�ity under this Security�nstrumen�unless L�nde�agre�s ta such re��ase <br /> in vur�t�ng. The co�enants and agre�men�s of this 5ecurity�n�trument shall bin� �excep�as pr���ded in <br /> Sec�ian 2�} and �enefi��he successars and assigns of Lend�r. <br /> '[4. Lvan �harges. Lende�may �harge Borrower fees f�r servic�s �erFarm�d in connectian vu��h <br /> Borr�wer's defaul�,for the purpos�of pro�e�ting L�nder's in�eres��n the Property and �igh�s under�h�s <br /> Se�uri�y ins�rum�nt, �ncfuding,�u�not limited ta,a��arneys'fees,property inspectior�and�aluation fe�s. <br /> i n regard t� any othe�f�es, the ahsen�e of express authori�y in th is Secu rity �nst�umen� to charg� a <br /> specifi�fe��o Borr�wer shall not be c�ns�rued as a proh�bi�ion�n�he charging vf such fe�. Lend�r may <br /> n��charge fees�haf ar�exp�ess�y prohibited hy this Securifiy�nstrumenfi ar�y Appl�cah�e Law. <br /> If the Loan is sub�ect ta a �aw which sets max�mum loan charges, �nd tha�law is fina![y�nt�rpreted <br /> so that the interest o�-o�ner�oan charges c�ll�cted or t�b�col�ected in connec�ion v�ifh the Laan exc��d <br /> the p�rm����d��mi�s,��en: �a}any such I�an charge shall�e r�duced bythe amount necessaryta reduce <br /> �he �harge �o the perm�t�ed I�m�t; and �b} any sums already collected from Borrar►v�r which exceed�d <br /> p�rmitted l�mi�s w��[ �e r�funded �o Borrower. Lender may ch�ose ta make�his refund by redu�ing �he <br /> p�ri�t�ipal owed un�er t��Note o�-by mak�ng a direc�payment to Barrower. If a r�fund�educes princ�pa�, <br /> the r�duction will be��eated as a partia� p�epaymen�wi�haut any prepayrr�ent charg��whether or no�a <br /> prepayment charge is pr��ided for under�he IVo�e}. Borraw�r's accep�ance of any such refund made <br /> by direct payment�a Borrawer will constitu�e a wai��r of any right of a��ion Bor�awe�r might haWe ar�sing <br /> �ut of su�h o��rcharge. <br /> 15. N�tices.A�[n�tices g�ven by Bar�ower or Lender in cannection with this Security Instrumen�must <br /> b�in wri�ing.Any no�ice tv B�rr�wer in connection with th�s S��urity Instrum�n�shall be deemed�o nav� <br /> ��en given�o Borrower when mai�ed �y first class rnail or wh�n ac�ually delivered to Borrovuer's no��ce <br /> address�f sen�by other means.Notice�o any one Borr�wer shal[constitute no�ice to a�l Borrow�rs un�ess <br /> Applicab�e�aw express�y re�uires otherwise.The no��c�address shall be the Proper�y A dr ss��nle s <br /> Initials: � ��' <br /> s� <br /> NEBI�A5I�CA--Sing�e Family--Fann�e MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM iNSTRUMENT Farrn 3�28110� <br /> Ellie Niae,Inc. . Page 8 of 11 NEEDEED �315 <br /> NEEDEED <br /> Y ti <br /> ti <br /> . - <br />