� 2� 15�7979
<br /> . L�AN#: 1815185�83
<br /> Se�fion �� or othenrv�se, Barrower hereby assigns to Lende� �a} Borrower's �ights to any �nsuran�e
<br /> praceeds in an amaun� na��o exceed �he amaunts unpaid under�he No�e or�his Secur��y Instrument,
<br /> and �b} any ather of Barrawer's rights �atner�han the righ� to any refund of unearn�d prem�ums paid
<br /> �y Borrower} un�er af! insurance polic�es co�ering the Proper�y, insofar as sucn righ�s are applicable
<br /> �v�he co�erag�of th� Prvper�y. Lender may use the insurance pr��eeds either��repair or res�ore the
<br /> Prop�r�y nr�a p.ay amoun�s un�aid under�he No�e vr this Security Ins�rument,vuhether or not�hen due.
<br /> �. �ccupancy. Borrower shall occupy, esta�lish, and use �h� Property as Bo�rower's principal
<br /> resid�nce wi�h�n G�days af�er the execution af this S�curity In��rument and sha11 Gontinu�to occupy the
<br /> Pr�per�y as Barrowe�'s prin��pa!resid�nc�for a��east one year af��r the date of vc�upancy,unless Lende�
<br /> oth�n�vise agr�es �n ►n��i��ng, which consen� sha�l n�a� be unre�sor�ab�y wi�hh�ld, or unl�ss ex�kenuating
<br /> circumstances exist which are b�yond Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. PreserWation, Ma�ntenance and Protecti�n of th� PrvPerty; lnspections, Borrower shall
<br /> nofi des�roy, damage or impa�r�he Pr�perty, a[�ow�he Property�o dete��ora�� or comm��waste on th�
<br /> Property. �i1lhe�her or nat B�rrov��r�s r�siding in �ne Property, Borrower sha[I ma�n�ain �he Property in
<br /> order�o pre�ent�he Proper�y fram deter��ra��ng or decreas�ng in �alue due �o i�s cflndit�on. Unless it
<br /> is dete�mined pursuant to Sectian 5 tnat repair or res�ara�ian is no� ecanomically feasi��e, Borrower
<br /> shall prompt[y repair the Pr�perty if d�maged �o avoid further deteriora�ion or damage. �f insurance or
<br /> cand�mnation proc�eds are pa�d in cvnn�ct�an wifh damage to,o�the taking vf,fhe Property, Borrovuer
<br /> sha�l be r�sponsib�e far repai�ing a� resta�ing th� Pr�p�rty only if Lender has released proceeds for
<br /> such purposes. Lender may d�sburse proceeds for fihe repairs and restaration in a sin�le paym�nt or
<br /> in a series vf p�og�ess paymen�s as th�work is comple�ed. lf the insurance or condemnafion proceeds
<br /> are not suff�cien��o r�pair or r�store�he Prop�rty, Borrower is no� relie�ed af Borrower's obl�gation for
<br /> the completion o�such�epai�o�restoration.
<br /> Lender or its ag�n� may make r�asan�ble �ntries upan �nd insp�ctivns of the Property. If it has
<br /> reasona�le cause,Lender may insp�ct�he interior af�he impro�ements on th�Proper�y.Lender�sha[[giWe
<br /> B�rrow�r natice a�the tim�of or prio�ta such an �nterior insp����on specifying such reasonable cause.
<br /> 8. Barrawer's L�anApp�ication:Bor�ow�rshaf�be in de�ault if,dur�ng�he Loan appl�cation pr�cess,
<br /> Borrower or any persans�r en#ifies acting at�he directian of BorrovUer�r wi�h Barrower's knowledg�or
<br /> co�sent gav�mater�al�y f�ls�, m�sleading,�r�naceura�e�nformation or sta�ements to L�nder���fail�d ta
<br /> pr��ide Lende�with mat�rial inf�rma�ian}in connec�ion w��h the Loan. Ill�ater��l representations inc�ude,
<br /> but ar�no�limi�ed to, represen�a�ions cancerning E�arrower's occupancy of th�Property as Borrawer's
<br /> pr�ncipal res�dence.
<br /> 9. Prvtection�f Lender's Interest in the Proper�y and Rights Under this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> if�a} �orrow�r fails ta perform �he cavenan�s �nd agreemen�s con�ained in this Securi�y �nstrumen�,
<br /> �b} �here is a legal proceeding �hat mig�� signi�i�an�ly affec� Lender's inte�est in the Property andlar
<br /> righ�s under this Securi�y Instrumen��su�h as a proceeding in�ankruptcy, probate,for candemna�ian or.
<br /> fvr�eiture, far enforcement�f a lien which may attain priori�y v�er this Security Instrumen�or to enforce
<br /> [aws ar regula�ions}, or �c} Barrower has a�andaned �he Proper�y, then Lender may do and pay �or
<br /> wha�e�er is reasonab��or appropria�e ta protec�L�nder's interest in the Proper�y and �ighfis under this
<br /> 5ecuri�y Instrum�nt,including protec�ing an�lor assess��g�ne valu�of the Property,and securing andlor
<br /> repa�ring�h�P�oper�y. �ender's ac��ons can include, but are n�t limited ta: �a}paying any sums secured
<br /> by a[ien wh�ch has prior��y over�his Securi�y lns�rum�n�;�b}appear�ng in cour�;�nd�G}paying reasona���
<br /> a�torneys'fees to pro�ect i�s int�rest�n the Property andlor��ghts u�nder this Securi�y�ns��ument,�ncluding
<br /> i�s secured posi�ion in a bankrup�cy praceeding. S�curing the Prvperty includ�s, bu� is n�t limited �a,
<br /> entering the Proper�y to make r�pairs, chang� locks, rep�aGe or board up doars and windows, drain
<br /> waterfrom pip�s, �l�m�nate�uil�ing or o�her�ad�rriala��ons�r�angeraus cond�t�ons, and ha�e utilities
<br /> turned an a�aff.A1�hough L�nder may�ak�ac�ion under�his Se�t�on 9, Lende�does not naWe to do s�
<br /> and �s nv�under any duty�r ob��ga�i�n to do s�. It is agreed that Lender in�urs no�iability for n�t faking
<br /> any or all actions authori�ed under this S�ct�on 9.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under�his Sec��an 9 �na[1 �ecome addi��onal de�� of Bo�rower
<br /> secu�ed�y th�s Secur�ty�nstrum�n�.These amounfis s�a[1�ear int�res�at�he Nfl�e rate from�he da�e af
<br /> disbursemen�and shall be payab�e,with such�n��r�s�, up�n no�i�e from Lend�rto Borrovuer requ�sting
<br /> payment.
<br /> If this Secu ri�y I nstrumen� is an a leasen�ld, Borr�vuer sha�� comp�y vu��h al[ the proW�s�ons of�he
<br /> [ease. Borrow�r shai� na� surrender�he �easeha�d esta�� and in�erests herein can�eyed or��rm�nate
<br /> �r cancel�he gr�und �eas�. Borrower shall n�t,without the exp�ess wri�ten cansent of Lender, al#er or
<br /> � amend the ground lease. If Borrawer acquires fee ���1���the Proper�y, the I�asehald and the fee����e
<br /> sha�l not merge unless Lender agrees�o�ne merger in writing.
<br /> 'IU. Mnr�tgage�nsurance.lf Lender required Niortgage�nsurance as a condition of making the Loan,
<br /> B�rrow�r s�all pay�he premiums requi�ed to maintai��he Mvrtgage Insurance in effec�.If,for any reasan,
<br /> th�lli#ortgag�Insuranc�cv�erage required �y Lender ceases to be a�ailabfe fram th�mortgage�nsure�
<br /> �ha� previously p�o��ded such �nsurance and Borrower was required ta make separately designa�ed
<br /> paymen�s tvvuard �he premiums far Mortgage Insurance, Borrower s�all pay the pr�miums re�uired
<br /> to ob�a�n coverage su�stantially equiWalen� �o �he Mortgag� Insuranc� previously �n efF�ct, a� a cost
<br /> �ubstantial[y equiWa�ent to the �os��o Barrawer of the Mar��age lnsurance pre�iausly �n e t, fro }�a
<br /> ln�tials: � �
<br /> NE6RA5KAµ-Single Fami�y--Fanni�MaelFreddie 11Aac UNIFORIVI INSTRU�IIIENT Form 3�281101
<br /> E[lie Mae,lnc. Page�of 1� NEEDEE❑ �3�5
<br /> NEE�EED
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