2� 15�7979
<br /> L�3AN#: 181�18a�89
<br /> �r ground ren�s fln �h� Pr�per�y, if any, and �flmmunity AssaG�a��on Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if
<br /> any. To�he eicten�that�hese i�ems ar�Esc�ow ltems, B�rr�w�r shaf� pay�hem in th�manner pro�ided
<br /> in Section 3.
<br /> Borrower sha�� promptly dis�harge any�ien which has pri�ri�y aver this Securi�y Instrumen� unless
<br /> Borrower:�a}agrees�n wri�ing�o the payme��of�he obl�ga�ion secur��by�he fien in a m�nne�accep�able
<br /> �o Lender, bu�anly so�ang as Borrawer�s per�orming such agreem�n�; �b}con�ests the lien in good fa�th
<br /> by,or defends against en�orcem�nt of fihe�ien in, legal prviceed�ng�which in Lender's opinivn op�rat�tv
<br /> pre�en��he enforcement o��h��ien while�hflse p�oce�dings ar�pending,bufi on�y unfi�sueh proce�dings
<br /> are�anclude�;ar�c}s�cures from the hold�r of the[�en an agreement satisfaGtary fio L�nder subar�inating
<br /> �he li�n ta this Se�u�ifiy Ins�rument. If Lender determines that any part of�he F'rap�rty�s subje���o a Cien
<br /> vuh�ch can at�ain priori�y ��er�his Security Instrum�nt, Lende�may gi�� Borrower a noti�� �den�ifying
<br /> �he lien. Within 'i�days of�h�date on wh�ch tha�natice is gi�en, Borrower sha�l satisfy�he lien o�take
<br /> one or more o�'�he ac��ons Sef�orth a�ov� in th�s Sect�on 4.
<br /> Lender may require Borrflwer �o pay a one-tirne charg� for a real estate �ax ��rificatian andlor
<br /> repor��ng service used by L�nder in connectia�wi�h this Laa�.
<br /> 5. Property�nsurance.Bo�rower shaf[ke�p the�mproWe�enfs now��is�ing or h�reaf�er er���ed on
<br /> the Proper�y insured against lass by fire, hazard�includ�d vuiti�in�he�erm"ex�ended co�er�ge,"and any
<br /> ather hazards includ�ng,bu�not�inni��d to,earthquakes and floods,f�rwhi�h Lender requi�es�nsurance.
<br /> This insurance shal[be main�a�ned in the amounts�includ�ng dedue�ible IeWe�s}and fo�the periods�hat
<br /> Ler�der requires. �lllha� L�nder requires pursuant t� th� pre�eding sentences can Ghange during �he
<br /> �erm�f th�Laan.The insuran�e carrier pro�iding�he insuran��shall be cnos�n by Borrower subject fiv
<br /> L�nd�r's right�a disappro�e Borrower's choice,wh�ch right shal!not be exer�ised unreasonahly. Lender
<br /> may require Ba�rawer�o pay, in cannect�on wi�h this Lnan, ei�her: �a}a an���ime charge f�r flood zane
<br /> determina�ion, certification and tracl�in�services; vr�b}a one-��m�charg�for ffo�d zon�d�t�rmina#ion
<br /> and ce�tification services and subse�uen�charges each time remappings or s�mi�ar chang�s occurwh�ch
<br /> reasonab[y might affect such de��rm�natian or certifi�at�on. Borrower shal[ a�so be respans�ble far the
<br /> payment of any f��s �mpased by�he Federa� Emergency Nianagem�nt Agency in conneG�ion w�th the
<br /> re�i�w of any flood zone determina�ion �esu�t�ng from an o�j�ction �y Borrower.
<br /> If Bo�rower fai�s to main�ain any of the c�verages desc�i�ed above, Lender may ob�ain insurance
<br /> co�erag�, at Lender's�p��an �nd Barrower's expense. Lender�s und�r no obligation to purchas� any
<br /> parti�ula��ype ar amoun�of c��erag�.Therefare, such co�e�age sha[l caWer�ender, bu�migh�vr migh�
<br /> n�t pratect B�rrawe�, Borrower's equity in the P�aperty,orthe contents of th�Proper�y,against any r�sk,
<br /> hazard or lia�ili�y and might pro�ide greater or lesser co��rage than was pre�i�us[y in effect. Barrawer
<br /> acknawledges th�t the cos��f the �n�uran�� cave�age so obtained might signif��ant{y exceed the cas�
<br /> af�nsuran��tha� Borrower c�uld na�e obtained.Any amount�disbursed by Lender under�his Sec�ion
<br /> 5 shal� becom�addi�ional debt af Borrow�r se�ured by�his Security �nstrumen�. These amounts shal[
<br /> bear�nteres�a��h� Note rate from the date of dis�ursemenf and s�all be paya�le, with such in�erest,
<br /> upon n���c�fram Lender�a Borrower reques�ing payment.
<br /> AI!insurance poficies required by Lender and renevUa�s o�such po�ic�es shail��sub�ect to Lender's
<br /> righ�tv d�sap�rove such p��icies, shali include a s�andard mor�gag�c�ause, ar�d shall name Lend�r as
<br /> mo�tgagee andlo�-asan addi�iona�l�ss payee.L�nde�shall hau��he right�o hold the polici�s and renewal
<br /> certifica�es. If Lend�r requir�s, B�rrowershall prompt�y gi����Lende�all receipts of paid p�em�ums and
<br /> renevUal no�ices. �f Borrower vbtains any farm of insurance coverage, no�o�herw�se r�quir�d by Lend�r,
<br /> �or damage��, or des�ruc�ion�f,�he Proper�y, such palicy sha�[include a standard mvrtgage�lause and
<br /> shaf� name Lender as mortgag�e andlor as an additianal las� payee.
<br /> In the even�of Ioss, Bor�awer shall gi�e pramp� no��ce ta the insurance carr�er and Lender. Lender
<br /> may make pr�of of�oss if na�made promp�ly by Borraw�r. Unless Lend�r and Borr�w�r otherwise agr�e
<br /> in writing, any �nsurance �roce�ds, wh�th�r or not the underlying insura�ce was required by Lender,
<br /> �hall be appl�ed to r�s�ara��on or repair of�he Property,if�h�re��ora�ion or r�pair is ecanamically feasibl�
<br /> and Lender's secu�ity is na�lessened. During such repair and restoratiQn per�od, Lender shall ha�e the
<br /> right�o hold such insu�ance proceeds until Lender has had an oppo�tun�ty�fl inspect such Prope�ty to
<br /> ensure�he wark has �een completed fia Lender's sat�sfaction, pr��ided tha� such inspection shal[ be
<br /> undertaken�romp#[y. Lender may disburse proc�eds for�he repairs and r�s�ara��on�n a s�ngfe paymen�
<br /> or in a series o�progress payments as�he work is�omp�et�d. �lnless an agreemer�t is made in w�iting or
<br /> Appiicabl�Law requi�es�nteres�ta he paid on such insuranc�prac�eds, L�nder shall not be required�o
<br /> pay Borr�we�any in�er�s�or earnings�n such praceeds. Fees for pu��ic a�justers,or other�hird par�ies,
<br /> re�a�ned by Borrow�r shal�not b�paid out of�he�nsurance proceeds and shall���he sole ob��gati�n of
<br /> Borrower. 1f�he res�oration or repair is no�econami�ally f�asible or Lender's security would be lessened,
<br /> �he insur�nce pr�c�eds sha[1 be appl�ed to�n� surns secured by this Secur��y Instrumen�, whe�ner or
<br /> not th�n due,w��h�he excess, if any, paid�o Borrower. Such i�surance proce�ds shal���applied in�h�
<br /> flrder pro�id�d for in Sectian Z.
<br /> If Borrow�r abandons fhe Property, Lender may�file, nego�ia�e and se��le �ny a�ailab[e insuran�e
<br /> . claim and re�a�ed mat�ers. [f Borrawe�does nat respond vuithin 3�days�a a notic�from L�nder�ha�the
<br /> insuran�e Garrier has offer�d�o sef�le a claim,then Lender may n�gotiate and se���e�he cla�m.Th�3�-
<br /> day p�riad wil� begin when the no��ce�s g��en. In either�vent, or if Lender acquires the Pr p� rty�n.���
<br /> Init�a�s: �r�
<br /> : � �
<br /> NEBRASKA,--S�ng�e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie IUCac UN[F�R�II 1NSTRUMENT Farm 3D�g 11�1 .
<br /> Ellie Mae,[nc. Page 5 a��� IVEEDEED a315
<br /> NEE�EE❑
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