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2� 15�7979 <br /> L[�AN#: 181�18508� <br /> �, App�icat�on of Payments ar Proceeds. Excep� as �therwise describ�d in this Sec�ion 2, all <br /> payments a��ep�ed and a�plied by Lender shall �e ap�l�ed �n the followin�order af priori�y: �a} in�eres� <br /> olu�und�r�he Nafe; �b}p�incipal du�under the Not�; �c}amoun�s du�under S�c�ion 3. Such paymen�s <br /> shal�b�appi��d�o ea�h Periodic Paymen#in the a�der in which it��came due.Any rem�ining amoun�s <br /> sha�� be app[ied firs�fio lafie charges, s�cond to any other amounts due under�h�s Secur��y Ins�rum�n�, <br /> and�hen�o r�duce the principal balance of the Note. <br /> if Lender rec�i�es a paymen� from Borrower for a delin�uen� Periadic Paymen� which inc�udes a <br /> suff�cient amoun�ta pay any�a�e�harge due,�h�paym�n�may b�app�ied ta�h�d��inquent payment and <br /> th�la�e charge.�f mor�than one Pe�iod�c Paymen�is au�stand�ng,Lende�may app[y any paym�n�re�ei��d <br /> �ram Barrower�o fih�repayment af the Periodic Paymen�s��,and to the�ictent t�at,each payment can b� <br /> paid in fu[1.To the extent�hat any excess�x�sts after the paym�nt�s appl��d�a�he fu�l paym�nt af one o� <br /> more Periodic Paymen#s, such e�ccess may be applied�o any�ate charges due.�la�untary prepaymen�s <br /> shal�be appl�ed first to any prepayment charges and then as described in�he No�e. <br /> Any application af payments,�nsurance proceeds,or M�scellaneous P�oceeds�o pr�nc�pa�du�und�r <br /> the No��shal[ na��x�end�r pastpone�he due date, or�hang�the amoun�, of�h� Per�odic Paymen�s. <br /> 3, Funds for Escro�v ltems. Borr�vu�r sha�l pay�o Lender on tne day Periadic Payments are due <br /> un�er the Na�e, un�il�he Na�e is paid in full, a sum��he"Funds"}�o pra��de for paym�n�of am�un�s due <br /> for: �a�faxes and assessments and other items vuhich�an at�a�n prior��y�v�r this Secu�ity Ins��ument as <br /> a li�n o�encumbran�e an the Proper�y; �b} leaseh�ld paymen�s ar ground ren�s an the Property, if ar�y; <br /> �c}premiums for any and a�l insuran�e r�qu�red by Lender under Se��ion 5;and�d}Niortgage�nsurance <br /> premiums,�f any,oranysums payabi�by E��rrowerta Lender in�ieu ofthe paymen�of Mortgage Insurance <br /> premiums in acc�rdance wi�h the pr�visians�f Sec�ion 'i�. These it�ms are called "Escrow It�ms."A� <br /> or�g�nation or a�any time du�ing the�erm of the Laan, Lender may requir��ha�Community Assaciatian <br /> Du�s, F�es,and Ass�ssmen�s, if any, be escrawed by Borrvw�r,and such dues,fees and assessmen�s <br /> sha�[�e an Escrow��em.Borrower shal�prompt[y fu�nish to Lender afl na�ices of amaunts�a�e paid und�� <br /> this S�c�ion. Borrower shall pay L�nd�r th� Funds for EsGrov� Ifems un�ess L�nder wai�es Barrower's <br /> obliga��an�a pay fhe Funds for any or al[ Escraw Ctems. Lender may waiWe Borraw�r's obligatian to pay <br /> �o Lender Funds for any or alf Escraw Items at any time.Any such waiWer may onfy b�in writing. ln the <br /> eWen#of such►nrai�er, Borrower sha[I pay �irec�ly, wh�n and �vhere payab�e, th� amaun�s du�far any <br /> Escrow l�ems far which paymen� o� Funds has be�n wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender requir�s, shall <br /> fu�nish ta Lender r��eip�s evidencing su�h payme�t w�fih�n �uch time perivd as Lende� may requir�. <br /> Borrawer's o�l��ation��make such payments and�o provide �eceipfis sha[�fo�al[purposes be deemed <br /> �o be a co��nanf and agre�men� con�ain�d in this Securifiy Instrumen�, as the phrase "co�enant and <br /> �greemen�" is used in 5�ctian 9. If Borrav�rer is obligated �t� pay Esc�ow I�ems directly, pursuan� to a <br /> vuaiW��, and Bo�rawe�fails ta pay fihe amaunt due for an Escrow I�em, Lend�r may �xercise i�s rights <br /> under Section 9 and pay such amount and Borrower shafl then be obligated und�r Section 9 to repay <br /> to Lender any such amaun�. Lender may reWoke the wai�er as to any ar all Escrow I�ems at any�ime�y <br /> a notice giWen in accordanc�with Secfiion �5 and, upon such r�rrocation, Borrov�er shall �ay to Lender <br /> al� Funds, and in such amaun�s,that are then required under�his Sec�ion 3. <br /> Lendermay,af any�ime,�o�lec�and hold Funds in an amaunt�a}suf�icientta permit Lenderto apply <br /> th�Funds at th�time specified under RESPA,and �b} nat�a ex�eed��e maximum am�unt a lender can <br /> re�uire under RESPA. Lender sha�l�s�im��e fhe arn�unt�f Funds du�on tn�basis af current data and <br /> reasonable�stima�es of exp�nditures of future Escrow Items v�oth�rwise�n accvrdance wi�h App�icable <br /> Law. <br /> The Fundssha[1�e he�d�n an insti�utionwhos�deposits�re�nsured byafed�ralagen�y,�nstrumen�ali�y, <br /> ar en�i�y �including L�nd�r, if Lender is an ins���ution v�hose deposits are so insured} or in any Federa� <br /> �om�Loan Bank. Lender sha�l apply the Fu nds to pay�he Es�row Ifems na[a�er than th��ime specified <br /> und�r RESPA. Lender shal�nat cha�ge B�rrower for hvld�ng and applying the Funds,annually analyzing <br /> �he�scrov�account, �r�erifying the Escrvw Ifiems, unless Lender pays Borrower int�res�on the Funds <br /> and Appfica�le Law pe�mits L�nder to make such a charge. Unless an agreement�s made in writing or <br /> App��cable Law r�quires in�eres�to be paid on the Funds, Lend�r shal[ no�b�requ�red�o pay Borraw�r <br /> any�nterest or earnin�s on the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agr��in wr���ng, h�we��r,tha��n�eresf <br /> shall �e paid on the Funds. Lender shall gi�e�o Bfl�rower,wi�houfi cnarg�, an annual�ccount�ng of the <br /> Funds as requir�d hy RESPA. <br /> �f there is a surplus of Funds he�d in escrow, as defined und�r RESPA, Lend�r shal[ account �o <br /> Bor�rvwer fa��he excess funds�n accordance wi�h RE�PA. !f�here is a shartage vf Funds h�ld in escrow, <br /> as def�ned under RESPA,Lender snall nv�ify Borrower as req�ired by RESPA,and Borrower sha11 pay ta <br /> Lender�he amaun�ne�essary�o m�ke up the shor�age in acc�rdance with RESPA, bu��n no mare�nan <br /> 'I�monthly paymen�s. If�here is a defi�iency of Funds held�n�scraw, as d�fined under RESPA, Lender <br /> shall notify Bar�ower as requ�red by RESPA, and Bo�rawer shall pay to Lender fhe amoun� neeessa�y <br /> to make up�he de��ciency in a�cordance w��h RESPA, bu� in �o mar�than 'I�month�y payments. <br /> Upon paymen��n fu�i of a��sums secu�ed by�his Security�ns��umen�, Lender shall promptly refund <br /> �o Borravver any Funds h��d �y Lender. <br /> 4. Char�es; Lien�s. Barrower shall pay all �axes, assessm�n�s, charges, �ines, and impasitions <br /> a�tri�utable to th� Praperty wh�ch can at�a�n priarity a�er this Securi�y �ns�rument, leaseh �d a� �e� <br /> . . � <br /> In�t�a�s: , � ��` � � <br /> � <br /> NEBRASKA--Sing[e Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRU�VIENT Form 3028 11�1 <br /> E�lie Mae,Inc. Page 4 fl�1� NEEDEED D3�15 <br /> NEE�]EEI] <br /> Y '. <br /> � <br /> � � <br />