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2� 15�79�2 <br /> r�quired by RESPA, and Barrawer shal� pay �� Lend�r the amaunt n�c�ssary �o make up the d�fiGien�y in <br /> accordance wi�h RESPA, bu� �n n� mare than �2 month�y payments. <br /> Upon paymen� in ful� flf a�l sums secur�d by thzs Secur��y Ins�rument, Lender sha�i p�-omptly �-efund to <br /> Borrower any Funds h�ld by L�nder. <br /> 4. Cnarges; Liens. Borrower shai� pay al� taxes, assessments, charg�s, fin�s, and ��mposi�ians attr�buta�ie ta <br /> th� Property tivhich�an attain pri�rity over th�s Securi�y �nstrument, Ieas�hoid payrnen�s or ground ren�s on <br /> the Property, �f any, and �ammuni�y Ass�ciation Dues, ��es, and Assessments, if any. To the e�ten�that <br /> �hese items are �scr��v �tems, Borra�v�r sha�� pay �hem�n th�mann���pravided �n�ection 3. <br /> Borrower shall promp�l�dis�harge any �ien which�as priori�y over this Security �nstrumen�un�ess <br /> Bo�-ro�ver: �a} agrees in writing ta the payment �f th�abligation secured by the l�en �n a manner acc�ptable <br /> �� Lender, but oniy so �ong as �orrower�s performing �uch agreement; �b} contests �h�lien in good faith by, <br /> ar d��e�ds against enforcement of the ��en �n, ��bal praceedin�s wh�ch �n Lender's opini�n opera�e��pre�en� <br /> �h�enforGem�nt�f�he I��n while those proceed��gs are pend�ng, but only unt�� such proceedings ar� <br /> conclu�ed; or �c} secures from the holder�f�he l�en an agreement sat�sfaetary�o Lender subard�nat�ng the <br /> �xen tfl th�s Secur��y �nstrum�nt. If Lender de��rmines that ar�y part of the Pr�perty is subj�ct t�a iierz whi�h <br /> can atta�n pri�r�t� o�er th�s Secur��y �nstrument, Lender may g�v�Bnrrower a noti��id�ntifying the li�n, <br /> �1��hin ��days of the da�e on wh�ch that not�ce �s g��en, Borrflw�r sha�l satisfy �h� Ii�n ar take�ne or mflre <br /> of the actions �et farth above in this Se�tian 4. <br /> L�nder may requ�re Borrou��r�a pay a ane-t��e char�e for a rea� es�a�e �ax verif�cat�an andlor repor��ng <br /> service used by Lend�r in conn�ctian with this Loan. <br /> 5. Praperty �nsurance. Borrower shal� keep the impra�ements naw �xisting or hereafter ere�ted on the <br /> Property insured against loss by�ire, hazards includ�d within the term "ex�ended coverage,!' and any o�her <br /> hazards �nc�ud�ng, bu�n�t 1im�ted�o, earthquakes and flaods, for which Lender re�uires insuranc�, This <br /> �nsurance shai� be mainta�ned �n�he amoun�s ��nciuding deductibie�e�els} and for the period� �hat Lender <br /> requ�res. What L�nd�r r�qu�res pursuant�a the preceding sen�ences can chan�e during the term of the Loan. <br /> The insurance carr�er prov�d�nb�he �nsuran�e shall be chosen by Borrower sub��ct �o L�nder's right�o <br /> d�sapprove Borrower's�hoice, wh�ch righ� sha�l not be e�er�zsed unreasonab�y. L�nder may r�quire <br /> B�rrawer to pay, in canne�tion vvith this Loan, e�ther: �a} a�ne-�ime charge�a�-��flad zane determ�nat�on, <br /> c�r��f�ca�ifln and �racking services; or �b} a one-t�me char�e f�r ��.�od zane determina��on and c�r��f�ca�ifln <br /> servi��s and subsequen��harges each tim� remappings or similar chanbes accur which reasonably migh� <br /> affec� such det�rm�na�ion or c�rt�fica��on. Borrower sha�� also be respons�ble �or�he paymen�a�any f��s <br /> impa,sed by the Federa� �merg�nc� Management Agen�y in conn�ct�on w�th �h� re�iev� �f any f1�od z�ne <br /> de�erm�na�ion resulting from an o��e�t�on by Bflrrow�r. <br /> �f Borrov�er fa�ls t� main�ain any of the co�erabes descr�bed aba�e, Lender may ob�a�n insu�anc�caWerage, <br /> at L�nder's aption and Borr�wer's e�pense. Len�e� �s ��n�er no abligatian ta purchase a��part�cular�ype or <br /> amaunt of co��rage. Therefore, such covera�e s��.Il cflv�r Lend�r, bu� migh�or m�ght not prote�t Barra�ver, <br /> Borrower's eQuity in th� Pr�perty, or th�con�en�s of�he P�aper�y, ag�ins� any ri�k, hazard nr i�ab��i�y and <br /> migh� pravid�greater or�esser c:overage than was pre���us�y �n ef�`�ct. Borrou�er�vled�es that�he cost <br /> af�he insurance coverage so obtained m�ght s�gnifi�:antly �xceed the cos�af��surance that Borrower could <br /> have a�ta�ned. An� amoun�s disbursed by Lender��nder this Section S shail became additional debt af <br /> Barra��ver secured b� th�s Securx�y Ins��-ument, Th�se amoun�s sha�� bear interest at the No�e rate from the <br /> da�� of disbursernent an�i sha�� be payab�e, w�th such int��-�s�, upfln notz�;� from Lender to Boz-�-awez <br /> r�questinb payment. <br /> NESRASKA-Sinc�le Family-Fannie Ma�1Fr�ddie Mac UNIF�RM�NSTRUMENT �orm 3�28 il�7 <br /> VMP`�� VMPS{NEf(13D2# <br /> Wolters Kl�v�ler�inar�cial Ser�ices Pa��6 of i�' <br />
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