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2� 15�79�2 <br /> A��y ap�Iic;ation o��payn����ts, insuz-a��c�proc�eds, o�- M�scellaneous P�-oc�eds to pr�nc;�pal du�u��dcr the I�ote <br /> sl�all no�ex��nd �r postpo��e�he due date, ar chan�e �he amou��t, of���� P�r�odic Pa��n�e��ts. <br /> 3. F����ds fo�• Fsc�•o��� �texn�. B�r�'4Vil�'T 5����� �3a�r to Lender�n th��a� Pe�-i�di�: Payz��er�ts ar�du�under th� <br /> Nate, un�i� t��e Note �s paid in full, a sum�th� "Funds"} t� p�-ovide fo�-pa�z�aent af a��zou���s du� for: �a� tax�s <br /> and assessmen�s and o���er i�ems vv�a��h�an attain priorit��ver this 5e�urit� �zastrument as a Iie�� or <br /> encumbranc�an the Proper�y; �b� lease��o�d pa��m�n�s or�raund reY�ts on t��e Praperty, �f an�; �c� pr��j��ui��s <br /> for ar�� and a�I insura��ce requi�-ed b� Lelad�r u��d�r�e�tion 5; and �d� N�or�gage �nsura��ce pren��un�s, �f any, <br /> o�any �u���s payabl�b� Bar�-o��e�-to Lend��• ��� lieu of��ae pay�xa�nt of N�ort�a�e �nsurance p�-e����u���s �n <br /> acco��dance�ith �he pro��sians of Sect�on ��. These ite��a� are call�d "�s�ro��r �ten�s." At ori�i��at�a�� or at <br /> an� �ix���durin� the ter��� of���� Loan, L�nd�r may requ�re�ha� Cai�����.u��it� Assaciat�o�a Du�s, Fees, a��d <br /> Assessn�ents, if a���, be esc�-ov�e�b� Barraw�r, and�uch du�s, fees and assessz��ents shall be a�� Escraw <br /> Yt���z. Borrow�r shall promp�ly furnish�o Lend�r ali na�ices of amounts �o be paid unde�•thi� Section. <br /> Bor�-ovUer shall pa�r Lender the Fun�s for�scro�� �te�ns un��ss Lender��ai��s Borro�ver's ob�igat�o�� �o pay <br /> the Fu��ds for azay or al� Escro� �tems. Lender n�ay vwai�e Borrov�er's ob�i�a�ion to pay �� Lender Fu��ds for <br /> an�r Qr a11 �SCI•ow Ite���s a� any�ime. Any su�h wa��er r��a� onl� be in �ri�ing. �n t�.e e�ren�of such ��ai�er, <br /> Bor�-o���er shall pa� directl�, vWhen and where payable, ti�e amoun�s du�f�r any �scrow I�ems for wh�ch <br /> pa�n����f of Fu��ds has been u�aived by Lender and, �f L�Y�der requires, �hall furnish�o Lender re�e�pts <br /> evid���c�n� such pa��nent �vithi�� suGh ti���e period as Lender x��ay r�quire. Borro�er's obliga�ion to ���ake <br /> such pa}�ments a��d �o prov�de r�ceip�s shai� fa�•all puz-pases�e d��med�o be a�oWenant a��d agree���ent <br /> �a�a�ained �n th�s Securi�� ins�rument, as the phrase "covenant and agr��mexa�" is us�d ��� Se��ia��9. �f <br /> Borrower is obl�gated to pay Escrow ��ems dir�ctl�, pursuant�o a wai��r, azad B�rr���v�r fai�s �a pay t��e <br /> am�unt due for an �scrow ���m, Lender may exercise its righ�s u��der S�ction 9 and pa� such amaunt and <br /> Barrowe�•shall �hen be ob��ga�ed under Sec�ion 9 �a repay to L�nder any su�h amaun�. Lend�r ma� r��ake <br /> �h�wa�ver as to an��r a�� �scrow �t�ms a�any���ne b� a notice given in a��ordan�e w��h Sec��on �5 and, <br /> upon such r��rocat�on, Borrflwer shall pay to Lend�r a�� Funds, and in such amaunts, that ar�t�ae��requ�r�d <br /> under th�s S�ction 3. <br /> Lender ma�, at an� time, collec� and hoid Funds in an am.ount (a3 sufficient to permit Lender�� app�y�he <br /> Funds a��h�time specified under RESPA, and �b�no��o exceed the�na�.i�num amoun�a lender can require <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estimate th�am�unt af Funds due on the bas�s of curren�data and reasonab�e <br /> estima��s�f e,�penditures of future Escro� �tems ar othervvise in accardanCe v�►�ith App�icab�e Law, <br /> The Fu��ds s��a�� be h�id in an�nst�tu�ion�vhose d�pasi�s are �nsured by a f�d�ral agenc�, �ns�rumentalit�, or <br /> �nti�y �i��ciuding Lender, if Lexader�s an ins�ituti�n�h�se dep�sits are so insur�d} �r�n an� Federal Home <br /> Loan Ba��k. Lender shal� app�y the Funds ta pay �he�scrovv Items n� Iater than�he time sp��ifi�d und�r <br /> RESPA. Le��der s��all no� cha�•ge Barrower far ho�ding and appl�ing the Funds, annua��� anal�zin��he <br /> escrnu� accoun�, or�rerifying�h� Escrov� �te�ns, un�e�s Lender pays Borrovver in�eres�on the Funds and <br /> Applicable La��permi�s Lender to make such a�harge, Un�ess an a�reement �s made in writ�ng or <br /> Applicable Lav� requires interest to be paid o��the Funds, Lender sha��not be required to pay B�rra�e�-an� <br /> in��rest ar earnings on t�ie Funds. Borrawer and Lender can ag��ee�n wr�ti��g, however, that �nt�rest shal� be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower, wi�hout charg�, an an��ual aecoun��ng of the�unds as <br /> requi�•ed b}� RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Funds held i��escrov�, as def��.e�under RESPA, Lender s��all acc�unt to Borro�er for <br /> �h�exc�ss funds in accordance with RESPA. �f�here �s a shor�age�f Funds held �n esCrour, as defined under <br /> RESPA, Lender s�iall no�if� Borrov��e�-as required b� R�SPA, and Bflrrawer shall pay to Lender the amoun� <br /> necessar� tn make up�he shortag� in accordanc�wvith RESPA, bu� in no �nore than 1�month�y paym�n�s. �f <br /> there is a def�cze�ac�r of Funds held in escro�u, as def�ned under RESPA, Lender shall ��ot�fy Borrower a� <br /> N�BRASKA-5ingle�amily-�annie MaelFr�ddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRUMENT Fc�rm 3Q28 i 1�1 <br /> VMP[; VMP6�NEi��30Zy <br /> Wolters K�uwer Finaneial 5er�ices Par�e a af 17 <br />