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2� 15�79�2 <br /> All insurance po�i��c:� requi�-ed ���� Le��der a�ad r���cwa�s o�such policies s��all be sub�ect to Lender's z�b�at �o <br /> disappro�Te such pol�c�es, shall iz�clud�a sta��dard ma�-��a��clause, and s��all ��a���e Le��der as mor�gagee <br /> a�3dlor as a�� addi��o��al loss pa�ec�. Le��c�e�-sl�a�l haw� �h� ri�ht t� hold t��e pol�cies a��d re���wa� c�r�ificate�. �f <br /> Lender requires, Borz ower s����� pz o���ptl�� bi��to L�nder all rec�i�ts �f paid pre�z��ums a��d rene��a� not�ces. <br /> �f Bor�-au�eY-ob�a���s a��y for���of i��sura��ce�:ov�ra�c�, no�o�herwise Y�equired b� Le��d�r, for dai��age�o y or <br /> des��-u�:�ion af, the Prapert��, such pol�c� sha�� izaclude a s�andard m�rt�age c�ause a�ad shall name L���der as <br /> mo�-�ga�ee a��dlor as a�� add�tional loss pa�ee. <br /> ��a the��e��t of 1oss, Borrower sha11 �ive pr�Y��.p���atic� to the ��asura��ce ca�-rie�-and Le��der. Lender Y��ay <br /> ���ake proof of�oss �f not���ad�pro���ptly b�� Bor�-flwer. Unless L�ndex-a��d Bor�-o����r-ati�er���se agre� in <br /> �.�riti��g, a��y insura��ce proceeds, ���h�ther az-no� �hc�und�rlyi���, insu�-a���e �ras requi�-ed b�r Lendei•, s��all be <br /> applied t� 1-estoratiar� or repair of tlae Proper���, if t�a� r�stora��on or�-epaiz� is econona�call� feas�ble ai�d <br /> L���der's security �s not lessened. Duri��g such repa�r a��d re��oz atio��period, Lender shali�aa�re the ri�hti �o <br /> ho�d su�h �nsurance proceeds unt�l L�nde�-��as had an opportu��it� �o inspe�t such Proper�y to ensure���e <br /> �uo�-k has been completed ta L���d��-'s satisfa��ia��, provid�d that suc�a �nspe��i�xa shal� be undertaken <br /> prnmptl�. Lez�der z�.aa� d�sburse proce�ds for�h� repairs and resto�-a�io�� i�a a s�ng��pay��7e��t or in a series o�' <br /> progress pa�ments as the work is completed. U�a�ess an a�r�ement is made in v��•itiz�b�r Applicable La� <br /> requir�s �nterest to be pa�d �n such insu��ance proceeds, Le�ad�r shall n�t be requi�•ed �o pa� Borrawer an� <br /> in��res�or earnin�s�n such pr�ceeds. Fees for public adjusters, or a�her thi�-d par�ies, �•e�a�n�d b� Borr�u�e�- <br /> s�aall not be pax� out of th� �nsuranc��roce�ds and sha�i be the sole obl��ation of Borrou�er. If��ae r�s�ora���n <br /> or repair is n�t e�onom�call� f�as�bl�or L�.�der's securi�y vwould be lessen��, �he insurance proceeds shai� be <br /> appli�d �o th�sums �e�:ured by t�ais Securxt� ���strumer�t, whe�her ar not ��.en due, with �he excess, if az�y, <br /> pa�d �o Borrav��r. Suc�� �nsu�•a��ce proc�eds sha�l b�appiied in th�order pro�ided f�r in Sect�on�. <br /> �f Barro�ver abaY�dons �he Propert�, L,end���ma� f�le, negotiate and settle an�� a�ai�a��e i�asurance claim and <br /> re�ated ma���rs, If Borrower does nflt respand�v�th�n 3D days ta a notice frorn L�nder that the �nsuran�� <br /> earr�er has offered �o s�ttl�a claim, then Lend�r may ne�o��ate and se�tle����laim. The 3�-da�r periad will <br /> begin v�hen tl�e noti�e is ��ven. In�ither e�vent, �r if Lend�r acqu�res th�Prop�rty under Sec��on 22 ar <br /> otherv�ise, B�rrower h�reb� ass�gns �a Lender�a} B�rrawer's r�ghts�o an� insurar�c�proc�eds in an amount <br /> not to exceed the am�unts unpa�d under the N�te or�h�s Secur�t� �ns�rument, and �b} any o�her af <br /> Bo�•rav�er's righ�s �flther��aan the righ��o any refund flf unearned pr�m�ums paid by Borro�ver}under a�l <br /> insurance po�icies cover�nb the Proper�y, insofar as such righ�s ar�applicab�e�o the coverage of the <br /> Praperty. L�nder ma�use ���e �nsuranCe proceeds�i�her to repair�r res�ore the Property or�o pay am�un�s <br /> unpaid unde�•�h�No��ar����s Security �xas�rument, whe�her ar not�hen due. <br /> �. �ccupancy. B�rr��rer s�a�I o��upy, �s�abiish, and use�he Proper�y as Bar�•awer's prxnc��al residence <br /> �ithin d�days af�er�he executian of thxs Secur�t�r �nstrumen�and sha11 continue�o occup�r the Pr�per�y as <br /> Borrov�er's principai residence far a� Ieas�on��ear af��r th�date of occupan���, un�ess Lender o�herwise <br /> agrees in writing, vvh��h�onsen� shall nat be unr�asona��}�vv�t�h�Id, or unl�ss ex�enua�ing cir�umstances <br /> exis�which are beyond Borrov��r's control. <br /> 7. Prese�vat�on, Ma�ntenance and Prvtect�on of the Proper�y; Inspec�ivns. Bnrro�rer shall no�des�roy, <br /> dama�e or�mpa�r the P��per��T, allow the Property�� deter�orate or camm��waste on the Property. Whethe�• <br /> or no�Borrower is re�iding in the P�operty, Barr�v��r s��all maintain the P�•ap�rty in order�o prevent the <br /> Prapert� fr�m deteriara�ing or decreasing �n value due t� �ts co�adi�ion. Un�ess i� is de�erm�ned pursuant�� <br /> Se�t�on S that repa�r ar res�ara�ian is not economicall� feasib�e, Bflr�row�r sr�ali promp�ly repair fihe Propert� <br /> if damaged ta ava�d fur�her d��eriflrat�an ar dama�e. If insurance�r cond�mnation proceeds are paid ixa <br /> connection wit�a da�nage�o, az-�he tak�ng af, th�Prnper��, Borrou�er shal� be respans���e for repairing or <br /> restoring�he Prflper�� onl� if L�nd��-�aas r�leased prace�ds f�r such purpas�s. L��nd�r may disburse praceeds <br /> NEgRASKA-5ingle�arnily-Fa�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM iNSTRUMFNT F�rm 3�28�101 <br /> VMP� VMP��NEf�13fl2} <br /> Wolters Kl�wer�inancial Services P�ge 7 af�7 <br />