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2� 15�79�2 <br /> B�RR�'L�'ER �C�V�NA�T� that Bflrrower �s �a�vfu��y s��s�d of the�sta��hereby�fln�eyed and ha� �he righ��o <br /> grant and�onvey the Praper�y and that the Proper�y �s unencumb�r�d, except �'flr�ncumbrances of r�cord. <br /> Borrower warrants and tivill def�nd generai�y the title�a the Prapert� aga�ns� a�� c�a�ms and der.�ands, subj�ct �o <br /> any enGumbrances af re�ord. <br /> TH�S ��CUR�TY INSTRUMENT c�mbines uniform c��enants for nat�onai us� and non-uniform co�enants v��th <br /> limited var�a�inns b�jurisdi�tion �a G�nsti�ute a un�farm seGurity instrument cover�ng rea� proper�y. <br /> Unifarm Cv�enants. Borrower and Lend�r ca�enan� and agree as follows: <br /> �. Payment vf Principal, �nt�rest, Esc�ow Items, Prepaym�nt Charges, and Late �harges. Borrower <br /> shaii pa� when due the principal of, and in�eres�on, the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment <br /> charg�s and late charg�s due under�he Note. Borrawer sha11 also pay funds for Escra�v �t�ms pursuan��o <br /> Sec��on 3, Payments due under the Nflte and th�s Secur�ty �nstt-ument sha�l be made in U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�er, �f any �heck or other �ns�rument rece�ved by Lender as payment und��-the Not�or th�s Se�ur��y <br /> Instrumen� �s return�d �a Lender unpa�d, L�nder may requzre tha� any�r a�� subsequent paym.en�s due under <br /> the Not�and this Security Instrum�nt be mad�in ane flr more af�he f�l��tiving forms, as s�Iected by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b} m�ney�rder; �c} cer�ified ch��k, bank ch�ck, tr�asurer's ch�ck�r cashi�r'�ch�ck, pra�id�d any <br /> such check�s drawn upon an izast��u���n wh�s�deposi�s ar�insured by a federal ag�nc�r, �nstx-umenta��ty, or <br /> �ntity; ar�d} ��ec�ron�c Fund�Transfer. <br /> Paym�n�s are d�emed rece�v�d b� L�nd�r wh�n rece��ed a��he loca�ion d�s�gnated zn the Note or at suc� <br /> ather Iocation as may be designated by Lender�n accordance w�th �h�not�ce pr��is�ons in Sec�ian 1 S. <br /> L�nder ma� return any payment ar par�ial payment �f the paynle�t�r part�a� payments are insu�'fici�n� �o <br /> bring �he L�an curr�n�. L�nder may accep�any payment ar partial pa�ment insufficient to brin� �he Laan <br /> curren�, vv�thout waiv�r af any r�gh�s her�under or pr��ud�ce to i�s rights ta refus� �uch paymen�or partial <br /> pay�m.en�s �n�h�fu�ur�, bu� L�nd�r xs not abligat�d to apply such pa�m�n�s at the tim�such payxnen��ar� <br /> ac��pted. �f each Periadic Pa�rment is app��ed as nf its scheduled due da��, �hen Lender ne�d not pa� �nterest <br /> on unappl�ed funds. Lender may ha�d such unapp��ed funds untz� Barrower mak�s paym�nts to bring the <br /> Loan current. �f Borrawer doe�no�d� sa�►r�t��n a reasonab�e per�ad of��me, Lender sha�I either apply such <br /> funds or r�turn thenn�o Borra�er. �f not applied ear�ier, such funds wx�� be appl�ed ta th�outstanding <br /> pr�nc�pal balance under the Na�e�mm�diate�y prior to forec�osure. N�offset or claim which Borro�rer might <br /> have no�v o�- in the future again�t Lend�r shail relieve Borrawer from making payments due under the �ote <br /> and th�s S�curity �nstrument or perf�rming the ca�en�n�s and agreem�n�s seCured by this �ecuri�y <br /> Instz�ument. <br /> 2. App�ication of Payments ar ProG��ds. Except as otherw�s�d�scribed �n �hxs S�c��on L, a�� payments <br /> acc�pted an� app���d by L�nder shall be app�i�d �n �he fa��ow�ng ord��r of pr�ori���: �a} �nterest due under the <br /> Nate; �b} principal due under the Note; �c} announ�s due under 5ec��on 3. 5u�h payments �ha�i b� appl�ed �a <br /> each Periodic Payment in the orde� in�vh�ch �t be�ame due. An� remaining amounts sha11 be applied �irs� �o <br /> �ate cha��b�s, se�ond �o any ather amounts due unde�-�his Security �nstrument, and then ta �-�duce�he <br /> princ�pa� baianc� of��e Na��. <br /> �f Len�er recei�e���m�nt fr�m Borrower far a deiinquent Period�c Payment wh�ch inc�udes a suffi�ient <br /> amoun� �o pay any late charge du�, the paymen�may be app�ied to the deiinquent paym�nt and the late <br /> cha��be. �f more than ane Per�odi� Payment is outstanding, Lender may appl� any pa��m�nt z-ecei�ed it�on� <br /> Bor�-owe���o the r�paym�nt ot the Periadic Pa�ments if, and �o the ex�ent�hat, each payment c;an be pa�d ��� <br /> fu��. Ta ��ae extent that any excess ex�s�s af�e�-�h�paym���t is appl��c� �fl the f���� payme�at ox�ne a�-ma�-e <br /> Periadi� Pa�ments, such �xcess may be app�ie� t� any lat�cha�-ges due. Vo�un�ary p��paymen�s sha�� be <br /> app�z�d ��rst to any prepa�men�charges and �hen as descrit�e�. in the Note. <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�fe Family-Fanr�ie MaeiFrec�die Mac UNIFDRM�NSTRUMENT Form 3Q28 1 f�� <br /> V#V1P��, VMP6{N�y(�302� <br /> W�iters Kluw�r Fir��r��i�l Ser�ices P�ge 4 of�7 <br />
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