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2� 15�79�� <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender sha.11 give Bvrrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a <br /> period af not iess�han 30 days from the date the notice is given in accordance with Sectian 15�rithin which <br /> Bonower must pay a��sums secur�d by this Security Instrument, If Barrower fails to pay these sums prior to <br /> the expiratian of this periad,Lender may invoke any remedies permit�ed by this Security Inst�um�nt without <br /> further natice or d�mand on�orrow�r. <br /> '!9. Bvrr�ower's Rightto ReinstateAfter Accelerat�on.If Borro�ver meets certain canditions, Bvrro�ver <br /> shall have the right to have enfarcement af this Security Instrumen�discontinued at any time prrar to the <br /> earliest of: �a}five days befare sale of the Property pursuant t�any po�ver of sa�e con�ained in this Security <br /> Instrum�nt; (b}such other period as Applica�l�L�w rni�ht spe�ify for the t�rmination of Bonower's right t� <br /> reinstate;vr(c}entry of a judgment enforcing this�ecurity Instrument.Those condit��ns are that Borrower: <br /> [a3 pays Lender all sums�rh�eh then wou�d be due under this Secur�ty Instrument and�he Note as if no <br /> acce�era.tion had�ccurred;(b)cures an�default of any other covenants or agreements;(c}pays a��expenses <br /> incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,includin.g,but not limit��to,reasvnable attorne�rs'fees, <br /> property inspec�ion an.d valuation f�es,and other fees incurred for the purpose of protecting Lender's inter�st <br /> in th�Property and rights under th�s Security�nstrument;and(d}takes such action as Lender may <br /> reasonably requue to assure th�t Lend�r's interest in the Property and rights under t�.is Security�nstrument, <br /> and F3orrower's obligation to pay th�sums secured b}r this Security Instrument, shati�ontinue unchanged. <br /> Lender may requue that Borro�ver pay such reiastatement sums and exp�nses in�ne�r more of the following <br /> forms,as selected by Lender: �a)cash; (b)ma�.ey order; (c}certified check,bank checl�,treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's ch�ck,pro�ided an�such check is drawn upon an institution vvhose depos�ts ar�insured by a <br /> federal agen�y, ins�rumentality�r entity;or�d}Electronic Funds Transfer.Upan reinsta.temen�b}�Borrower, <br /> this�ecurit}��n�trument and obligatr�ns seGure�.hereby sha11 remain fu11y effective as if no acceleration had <br /> occurred. Howe�er,this right to re�nsta.te sha.��not app�y�n the�ase�f acc�lerati�n under Sect�on 18. <br /> �D. �ale of Note; �hange of Loan Servicer�;Notic�of Grie�ance.The Note ar a partial interest in the <br /> Note(toge�her�i�h this Security�nsixumen�}can be sold one or more times without prior notice�o <br /> Borrower.A sa�e m�ght result in a�hange in the entity�1�aown as the "Loan Ser��cer")that ca�tec�s Period�c <br /> Fayment�du�under the Note and th�s Security Instrumen.t and perfarms other mortgage loan ser�ricing <br /> obligations under the Note,this Security Ins�men�,and Applicable Law. There a�so might b�one or more <br /> changes of the Laan Servicer unre�ated ta a sa�e af the Note. If ther�is a change of the Loan�ervicer, <br /> Borrower�i11 be given written n�tice of the change which will st�te the name and address of�he ne�r Loan <br /> Ser�ic�r,the address to which paynnents sh�uld be mad�aad any other information RESPA re�uires in <br /> connection wi�h a notice of transf�r of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereaf��r the Loan is ser�iced by a <br /> Loan Ser�icer other than the purchaser�f the Nate,the mortgage loan servicing obtig�tions ta B�rra�er vvil� <br /> remain with th�Laan��r�icer or b�transferred ta a sucCessor Loan Ser�icer and are n�t assumed by the <br /> N�te purchaser unless otherwise pravided by the Note purchaser. <br /> I�either Borrower nor Len��r ma�commence,join, or be joined to any judicial action(as either an <br /> individuallitigant ar�he member of a class}that aris�s fr�m the other pa.rty's actions pursuant t�this <br /> Security Instrument or that alleges that the other party has�reached any provision of,or any duty owed by <br /> reason of,this Security Instrument,until such Borrower or Lender has natified the ather party�vvith such <br /> n�tic�given in comp�iance with the requirements of Section l S}of sueh alleged br�ach and afforded the <br /> other party hereto a reas�nable period af�er the giving of such notice to take corrective action. If Applicable <br /> Law pro�ides a time periad which must elapse before certa�n actian can be taken,that time periad w���be <br /> �eemed ta be reasonable for purposes of this paragraph.'The not�ce of acceleration and opportunity t�cur� <br /> gi�en to Borrower pursuant ta Section��and the notice of acceleration given ta BQrrower pursuant to <br /> Sectivn �S sha11 be deemed to satisfy the notice and�ppnrtunity to take corrective actian provisians�of this <br /> Section 2�. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Family-Fannie MaelFneddie Mac L1NIF4RM 1NSTRlJMENT W1TH�VIERS F�mn 3028 1J49 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA[NE)�130�).44 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page�3 0#�7 <br /> q433�714125� �Z33 4QZ 1317 <br />