2� 15�79��
<br /> �'I. Hazard o us 5 u bs#an c�s.As used in this Section�1: �a� "�azarc�o�.r�Suh.���r�ce.s"are th�se substar�ces
<br /> defrned as toxic ar hazardous substances,p�llutants,or�vas��s b�Environmental Law and the f�llowing
<br /> substances:gasoline,kerosene,oth�r flammab�e or t�xic pe�roleum products,toxic pestiGides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, mater�als containing asb��tos or forma�d�hyde, and rad�oac�i�e materials; (b)
<br /> "Er�viror�nzer�tal I1aw"rn�ans federallaws and laws�f th�jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> relate to health, saf�ty�r enviranmental protection; �c} "Er��iron�raerctal Cleanup"includes any r�spanse
<br /> action, remedial action, �r removal action, as defined in En�ironmen�al Law; and(d)an "Eraviror�rr�er�tal
<br /> Cor�ditiara"means a cvadition that�an�ause,contribute to, or otherwise trigger an Environmen�a��leanup.
<br /> I��rrow�r shalt nat cause ar permit the presence,us�,disposal,storage,or release af any Ha�ardous
<br /> Substanc�s,or threaten ta release any Ha.zardous Subs�ances,on or in the Property. Barrawer shall not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone el�e to do,anything affecting the Property(a}that is in violatian af any Envi.ronmental
<br /> La�v�(�)which creates an Environmental��nd�tion,or(c}�vh�ch,due to th�presence,use,or re�ease of a
<br /> Hazardous Sub�tance,creates a condition that adverset�affects�he value of�he Property. The preceding two
<br /> sen�ences shall n��apply to the presence,use,or storage on the proper�y of small quantities af Hazardaus
<br /> Subs�ances that are generally re�ognized to be appro�riate�o normal residen�iat u�es and to rnaintenance of
<br /> th�Prop�rty�inc�uding,but n�t limited to,hazardous subs�ances in�onsumer product�).
<br /> Bvrrower shall promptly give Lender tivritten notice vf(a)a�►y i��restigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or other
<br /> action�y any�o�ernmental�r regul�.tory agency or private party inval�ing the Pr�p�rty and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance or Envuanmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge, (b}an�Envi�ronmental
<br /> Condition, including but not limited to,any spit�ing,leaking,discharge,release or threat of release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substance,and(c}any condi��on caused by the presence,use or rel�ase of a Hazardous SubStan�e
<br /> which ad�ersely affects the value of th�Proper�y. �f Borrower learns,ar is natifi�d by any governmen�a.�or
<br /> regulatory au�hority,or any private party,that any removal or�ther remediati�n of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> affecting th�Property is necessary,Borrower shalt promptly take a11 nec�ssary r�med�al actions in
<br /> accordance with Environmentai Law.Nothing herein sha11 create any obligatian on Lend�r for an
<br /> Environmental Cleanup.
<br /> ldon-U n iform Co�enants.�arr��ver an�Lender covenant and agre�as�'ollows:
<br /> �2. Accel�ration;Remedies.Lender shall give nvtice tn Borrower�r��r to ac�eleration foll��ing
<br /> Borrawer's breach of any covena�nt vr agreement in this Security Instrument{but not priar to
<br /> acc�lera�ion under Sectivn 18 un�ess Applicable Law provides atherwise�.The notice sha��specif�: �a�
<br /> the default; �b}the acti�n required to cure the default; ���a date,nvt less than�Q days from the date
<br /> the nat�Ge is given to Borrov�er,by which th�default must be cured; and�d}that failure tv cure the
<br /> defauit on or before the date specified in the notice m�y resu�t in aceeierati�n of th�sums secured b�
<br /> this Security Instrument and sa►�e af the Prvperty.The notice shall further inf�rm Barrower of the
<br /> right to reinstate after acCe�erativn and the right ta bring a caurt acE��n t�assert the non-existence of a
<br /> defau�t vr any other defense vf Bvrrower to accelerat��n and sale.If the default is nat cured�n�r
<br /> befvr�the date specified in the notice,Lender at its optivn may require immediate payment in ful�of
<br /> �il sums seCured b�this Security Instrument v�ithaut�urther demand an.d may inv�ke the power flf sale
<br /> and�ny other remedies permitted by Applicable Law.I.ender�shall be entitled t�co��ect all expenses
<br /> inCurred in pursuing tbe remedies provided in this Sectian�2,including,but n�t limited to,re�►sQnable
<br /> attorneys'fees an�i casts of title eviden�e.
<br /> q43347141254 ��33 4�� 1417
<br /> NEBRASKASirtgfe Fami�y-Fannie Mae1F�+eddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS Fomr 3�28 11�1
<br /> VMP� VMP6A�NE}(1342}.44
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