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2� 15�79�� <br /> If th�Loan is subj ec�to a�aw�vhich sets maximum l�an charg�s,and�that 1aw�s finally interpreted so that <br /> the�nterest or other�oan chax,ges c�llected or to be collect�d in connection��th the Loan exc�ed the <br /> permit�ed limits,then: �a�ar�y such loan�harge sha11 be red�ced by the amoun.t necessary to reduce the <br /> cha.rge to�he permitted limit;and(b}any su�rns alr�ady collected from Borrovwer�vhich exceeded permi�.ted <br /> ��m�ts�v���be r�funded to BvrrQ�er.�en.der may choase tv make th�s�efund b�redu��r�g the pr�n��pal o��� <br /> under�he Note or by makiag a d�rect payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces pr�ncipai,the reduction witl <br /> be treated as a partial prepayment�v�thout any prepayment chaxg��vvhether or not a prepa�rment charge is <br /> pro�id�d�or under the Not�}. B�nower's acceptance of any such refund mad�by duect payrr��nt ta <br /> Borrawer wi�1�tute a�aiver of any right of ac�ion Borro�ver m�ght have�.rising ou�of such overcharge. <br /> 15. N�tices.Ati not�ces given by Borrower or Lender�n Gon.nection�v�th this Security�nstrument must be in � <br /> wri.ting.Any notic�to�orrower in connection vvith�his SeGuri�r Instrument sha11 be deemed to have been <br /> gi�ea to Borrower vvhen mailed by fust c�ass mail or�vhen actua��y d�li�ered to Borrower's n�tice address <br /> if sent by other mean.s.Notice to any one Borrower shall coast�tute notice to a���arrow�rs unless <br /> Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shatl be th�Property Address unless <br /> �orrower has designated a substitute notice address by notice ta Lender. Barrovver sha11 promptly notify <br /> Lender nf�orraw�er's�f address. If Lender specrfies a�r�ocea�re for Feportxng Borro�er's��.a�ge <br /> of address,then Barrower sha��onl�report a chang�of addre�s thr�ugh tha�specified procedure. <br /> There may be only one designa��d natice address u�der this Securi�y Ins�rument at any one time.Any notice <br /> to Lender sha11 be given by del��rering it or by mailing it by fust c1as�mail to Lender's address stated herein <br /> unless Lend�r has designated another address by notice to Barrower.Any natice in connectian v�ith th�s <br /> Securi�y Instru�.e�t shall not be d�emed to have bee�given t�Lend�r�a.nti�actually recei��d by Lender, If <br /> any notice requ�red by th�s Security Instrument is also required under Applicable Law,the Applica�ie Lativ <br /> requir�ment�ri��satisfy the eorresponding requ�.rement under this�e�urity Instrument, <br /> 'I�. �o�ernin�Law; Severability;Rul�s vf��nstruetion.This Security Instrument shall be gavemed by <br /> federalla�v and the�a�of the jurisdictian in wh�ch th�Property i�located.A11 rights and abligation� <br /> contained in thi�Security Instrument are subj�c�to any requirements and limita.tions of A�plicable Law. <br /> App�icable Law m�ght explicitly or imp�icit�y allow the parties to agree by contract or�t�night be silent,but <br /> such silence sha11 not be construed as a prohibi�ion against agreement by contract. �n�he event that any <br /> pro��s�on or clause�f�his Security Instrumen�or the 1�Tote conflicts with Applicab�e La�,such conflict shall <br /> nat affect other pro�rision�of this�ecurity Instrument or the Note which can be given effect�vithout the <br /> canfl�ct�ng provision. <br /> As used i�this Security Instrument: �a)words of the masculine g�nder sha11 mean and include c�rrespond�ng <br /> neuter word�or w�rds of the feminine gender; (b}words in the singular shall mean and inclu�e the plural <br /> and vice�ersa;and(c}the word"may"�ives sole discretion withaut any obligation to take any action. <br /> �I�. B�rro�n►er�'s Copy.Borrower sha11 be given on�cap}�of the No�e and of this Secur�ty In.strum�nt. <br /> 1$. Transfer�f the Proper#y or a Beneficiallnterest in Borrower.As used in this Section 18, "Interest in <br /> the Proper�y"means any legal or beneficial interest in the Froper�, inc�uding,but not limited to,those <br /> ben�ficial�n.terests tran.sferred in a bond for deed,Gontract for deed, insta.11ment�a1es cantract vr escrow <br /> agreement,the�ntent�f which is the transfer of title by Borrower at a futur�da�e to a pur�haser. <br /> If a�l ar any part of the Pra�er�y or any Interest in t�ie Property is so�d or transferred(or if BorrQtiver is not a <br /> natural person and a beneficial interest�n Bvrrower is sold or transFerred)without Lender's prior wr�.tten <br /> consent,L�nder may require immediate pay�ment in fu11 of a11 sum�secured by this Security Ins�rument. <br /> Ho�vever,this optian sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohib�ted by Applicabie La�. <br /> lVEBRAS#CA�ir�gle Family-Fannie MaelFr�eddie Mac L1NIF�RM INSTRUIUIENT W�TH MERS Fo�n 342$1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfiA�NE)�'1342}A4 <br /> Wolters Itlwver Fi�an�ial Services page 12 of 9 7 <br /> �03�471412so vz33 4oz 1�1� <br />
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