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2� 15�78�2 <br /> con��nue to pay�o Lender the amoun�of the separa�ely d�signa�ed pa�men�s�ha�were due when�h� <br /> �nsurance ca�rerag�ceased to be in effect. Lender wii�a���p�, us�and retain th�se payments as a <br /> non�refundable�oss reser�e�n�i�u of Mor�gage�nsuran�e. Su�h loss reserve sha��be non-r�fundable, <br /> no�wi�hs�anding the fa�t�ha��he Loan is ultimat�ly pa�d in fuli, and Lender shali no�be required to pay <br /> Borrower any interest or earnings on such loss reser�e. L�nder�an no �onger requ�re l�ss reserve paymen�s <br /> if Mortgage Insurance cov�rage��n the amount and for�he per�od tha�Lender requires}pr�vided by an <br /> insurer s�lected by L�nder again�becomes available, is obtained, and Lend�r requires separatei� designa�ed <br /> pa�m�nts tov�rard the premiums far Mar�gage�nsurance. If Lender requir�d Mor��ag��nsurance as a <br /> condition of mak�ng th�Loan and Borrower was required to mak�separa�ely designated pa�men�s�oward the <br /> prem�ums for Mor��age�nsurance, Borravver sha11 pay the premiums requ�red�a main�ain Mortgage <br /> Insuranc�in effe��, �r to provid�a non-refixnda�le loss reserv�e, unti� I�:nder's requiremen�for Mortgage <br /> �nsuran�e ends in accordance w�th any v�ri�ten agreement be�ween Borrov�er and Lender providing for such <br /> �erm�nat�on or un�i� termina�ion is required by Applicab�e Law. No�h�ng �n�his Section 1� affects <br /> Borrower's�biiga�ion ta pa� interest a�the ra�e provided in�he Note. <br /> Mortgage�n�urance rei�nburs�s Lender�ar any ent�ty that purchases the Note} far certa�n ltisses i�ma�incur <br /> �f Borrow�r does not repay the Loan as agreed. Borrow�r is n�t a part�ta the Mar�gage Insurance. <br /> Mor�gage insurers e�a�uate their total risk on a�l such insurance�n force from�ime t�time, and may enter <br /> �n�o agr�en�ents v�i�h o�h�r par�zes �hat share or m�odxfy the�r risk, or reduce�osses. These agreemen�s are on <br /> �erms and conditi�ns �ha�are satisfac�ory to the mor�gage�nsurer and Yhe a�h�r par�y�or par�ies} �o�hese <br /> agreemen�s. These agreemen�s may require the mor�gage insurer t�make paymen�s using any source of funds <br /> �ha�the mor�gage insurer�m.ay ha�e avaiia�le�which may in�lude funds ob�ained from Mar�gage�nsuran�e <br /> premiums}. <br /> As a resul�of these a�reements, Lender, any pur�haser of the No��, another insurer, any reinsurer, an�r a�her <br /> enti��, or any affil�a�e of any of�he forega�ng, may rec�ive�dire�tly or�ndir�ctly} amounts tha�deri�e frflm <br /> �or migh�be charaCterized as} a por�ion�f Borrower's paymen�s for Mortgage�nsurance, �n exchange for <br /> sharing or mod�fy�ng�he mortgage insurer's risk, or reducing�osses. �f such agreem�nt prov�des�ha�an <br /> aff���ate af Lender�akes a share�f the�nsurer's risk in exchange far a 5hare of the premiums paid ta the <br /> insurer, the arrangemen� �s�f�en termed "captz�e reinsuranc�." Fur�her: <br /> �a� Any such agr�emen�s wii�nvt affect the an�.ounts that Borrower has agreed to pay for N�or�gage <br /> Insurance, ar any other�erms�f�he Loan. Such agreements w�11 nat increase the arnoun� <br /> Borrawer will o�c�ve for IV�ortgage Insurance, ax�d�hey will no�en����e Borrovver to any refund. <br /> t b� Any such agreemen�s wi��na�affect�he r�ghts Barrower ha�-�f any �with respect�a the <br /> Niortgage Insurance under the�3omeowners Protec�ion Ac�of 1995 or any ather Iaw. These righ�s <br /> m.ay�nc�ude the r�gh�to receive cer�a�n disclosures, to reques�and ob�ain cancella�ion of�he <br /> Nlortgage Insurance, to have�he Mortgage Insurance termina�ed automatica��y, andlor ta recei�e <br /> a refund of any Mortgage Insurance prernium�tha� �vere unearned a��he t�me of such <br /> cance�la�ion or term�na�ion. <br /> ��. Ass�gnment flf MisceiCanevus Prviceeds; Fvrfeiture. AI� M�sce�ianeous Procee�is are hereby ass�gned to <br /> and shall be paid ta Lender. <br /> �f�he Pr�perty �s damaged, such Miscellan.eous Pr�ceeds sha��be appl�ed to res�orati�n ar r�pair af the <br /> Proper��, if the restoration ar repa�r�s�conomical�y feas�ble and Lender's secur�ty is not Iess�n�d. During <br /> such repair and re��oration periad, L.ender shal�have the r�ght to ho�d su�h Misce��aneaus Proceeds unt�� <br /> L.ender has had an oppor�uni�y to inspe�t su�h Proper�y�o ensure the�vark has been comp�e�ed to Lender's <br /> NEgRASKA-5ing�e Fami�y-Fannie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUM�NT �vrm 3�28 11�� <br /> VMP[� <br /> VMP6fNE�t13423 <br /> Wc�lters Kfuwer Finar�ciat Ser�i�es Page 9 af 17 <br />