2� 15�78�2
<br /> sa�isfaction, provided that such inspectian sha�l be under�ak�n promptly. L�nder may pa� far�he repairs
<br /> and restQrati�n in a single disbursement�r in a series of pragress payments as the work i�com�p�e��d.
<br /> Unt�ss an agreement is made in wr�ting�r Applicabl� Lavv requires interest�o be pa�d on such
<br /> Miscel�aneous Proceeds, Lender shall n��be required to pay Borrawer any interes�ar earnings on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Pro�eeds. �f the restaratian or repair is n�t economicaliy feasibie ar Lender's sec�rity�vauld
<br /> be�essened, the M�sce��aneous Praceeds sha��be appl�ed�o the sums secured���his Securi�y �nstrumen�,
<br /> vvhether or not th�n due, w�th the excess, �f any, pa�d to Borrower. Such N�iscellane�us Proceeds shall �e
<br /> applied in the order pr�v�ded far in Section 2,
<br /> In the e�ent�f a total taking, d�struction, or Ioss �n value af�he Praper�y, the Miscellaneous Praceeds shali
<br /> be appi�ed to the sums secured by this Securi�y �nstrument, vvhether�r not then�iue, with�he excess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the e�en��f a partial taking, de�tru��ion, or Ioss in va�ue of th�Praperty in which the fair market vaiue of
<br /> �he Proper�y immediately bef�re the par�ial ta�ing, des�ruction, or Iass in value�s equal�o ar grea�er than the
<br /> amoun�af the sum�.s secured b�th�s Security �nstrumen��mmediately�efore the par�ial �aking, des�ruct�an, or
<br /> �ass in value, unl�ss Borrower and Lender o�herw�se agree in writing, the sums secured by th�s�e�urity
<br /> Ins�rument shall b�r��u�e�.by the amount of�he M�sce��aneous Proceeds multip��ed by�he fo��ow�ng
<br /> fractian: �a} the tatal amnunt�f�he sums secured immediat��y before the par�ia� �aking, �estruction, ar Ioss
<br /> �n�ra�u�d���ded by �b} the fa�r mar�e�value of the Pr�p�rty immediately before�he par�ial taking,
<br /> d��truc�ion, or loss �n value. Any balance sha��be pa�d t�B�rr�w�r.
<br /> �n the e�en�af a part�al faking, destruction, or Iass �n�a�ue of the Proper�y �n wh�ch the fa�r rnarke�va�ue of
<br /> �he Praper�y immediately befor��h�partiai taking, destructz�n, or�oss in�alue is less than��ae amQun�of the
<br /> sum� s��ured �mm�d�ate�y befar�th�par��a� ta.k�ng, de�truction, or�oss in va�ue, unless B�rrower an�
<br /> L�nder�th�rwis�agree in wr�ting, the N��scel�an�ous Pro�e�ds shall b�app��ed ta the sum� se�ur�d by this
<br /> Securit� �nstrunlent whether or not the surn�s are�hen due.
<br /> �f th�Proper�y is abandone�i by Borr�w�r, or if, aft�r not�ce by Lend�r�o Barro�er that th��ppos�ng Par�y
<br /> �as d�fined in the n�xt sent�nc�}�ff�rs to ma�e an a�vard�� se�t�e a claim for damag�s, Borrower fa�is�o
<br /> respand�o Lender v���h�n 3�days aft�r th�date�he n�tice is gi�en, Lender is authoriz�d t��ol��ct and apply
<br /> �h�M�sce��ane�us Praceeds e�ther t� rest�ra��on or repair of�he Prop�rty or to the sums se�ure�by th�s
<br /> Securit� Instrument, whether�r nat t�en due. "�pp�s�ng Par�y" means the�hird par�y that�wes�arrawer
<br /> Miscellaneaus Proceeds ar the par�y against whom B�rrow�r has a r�ght of action in regard t� Mis�ellaneous
<br /> Pr�ceeds.
<br /> Barrov�er sha��be�n defauX��f an�actxon or praceeding, �vhether civil or cr�mina�, is begun that, in Lender's
<br /> judgment, cou�d r�sult in f�rfei�ure af�he Praper�y or o�her materia� impa�rment of L�nder's in�erest in�he
<br /> Praper�y ar rights under th�s Security Instrument. Borrower can cure�uch a defau�t and, �f acce�eration has
<br /> occurred, reins�a�e as provid�d in Sectian �9, �y causing th�act�on or pr�ceeding�a be disnussed�vith a
<br /> rulin�tha�, in Lender's judgment, prec�ud�s forfeiture of the Proper�y ar ather materia� impairment of
<br /> Lender`s �n�eres� �n the Proper�y or r�gh�s under this S�curity Instrument, The praceeds af any av�ard or
<br /> �laim f�r darn.ages�ha�are a�tr�bu�ab�e to the�mpa�rmen�af Lender's int�rest�n the Proper�y are hereby
<br /> assigne�and shal� be paid ta Lender.
<br /> A�� M�scellaneous Proceeds tha�are not applied to restorat��n ar repair of the Proper�y shal�be applied in the
<br /> order prov�ded far�n SeCtion 2.
<br /> N�BRASKA-Sing1�Family-�annie MaelFreddie Ma��NIFORM IN5TRt1MENT F�rr�3fl28 11D1
<br /> VMP� VMP6�NE}41302}
<br /> Wvlters KEuw�r�inancial 5er�ices Page 14 af 7 7
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