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2� 15�78�2 <br /> for th�r�pa�rs and res�arat�on in a sing�e payment or in a seri�s af pr�gress payments a�the wark �s <br /> c�mp�e�ed. �f the znsurance or condemna��on praceeds are no� suff�cient to repair�r res�are�he Property, <br /> Borrower�s nat rel�eved�f Borrawer's obl�gat�an for the completian af such repa�r or res�nrat��n. <br /> Lender�r its agent may make reasonab�e entries upan and inspections af the Property. �f it has reasanab�e <br /> cause, Lender may inspect the interior of the improvement� �n the Pr�perty. Lender sha�� g�ve B�rrflwer <br /> notice at the time of or prior to such an interior inspection specifying such reasflnab�e cause. <br /> S. Borrowerts Loan Applicat�an, Borrower shall be�n defaui�if, during�h�Loan applica��on pr�cess, <br /> Bnrrawer or any pers�n�or entitie�acting at the d�re���an of Borrower ar u�i�h Barrawer's know�edge or <br /> �onsent gave mater�a�Iy fa�se, mi�leading, or inaccura�e informati�n or stat�ments to Lender�or fa���d �o <br /> pro�ide Lender with ma�erial �nforma�ion} in cannectian with the Loan. Materia� representa��ons include, bu� <br /> are no�limited ta, representatzons concern�ng B�rro�er's o�cupancy of the Praperty as B�rrnw�r's prin��pat <br /> r�sidence. <br /> 9. Prate�tiQn of Lertder's Interest in the Property and �ights Under this Security Instrument. �f�a} <br /> B�rrower fails to perform�h�cov�nan�s and agreements contained in this Secur�ty �ns�rument, �b}there is a <br /> Iega�proc�eding that might sign��cantly affect Lender's �nteres��n�he Property andlor rights und�r�hzs <br /> Securit� �nstrument�such as a pr�c�ed�n� �n bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation�r forfe��ure, f�r <br /> enforcemen�af a�ien wh�ch n�ay attain pr�or�ty ov�r this Se�uri�y Ins�rumen�or�o enf�r�e�avvs or <br /> regu�atzons�, flr�c} Borrawer has abandoned�he Prap�rty, then L�nd�r may do and pay f�r whate�er is <br /> reasonabl��r appropria�e ta pr��ect Lender's int�r�st in the Proper�y and righ�s under this Securit� <br /> Instrum�nt, �nc�uding prot�ct�ng andl�r assess�ng the�va�ue of th�Proper�y, an��ecuring andlor repair�ng <br /> �he Praperty. Lender's ac���ns�an ine�ud�, but are not lixn���d to: �a}pay�ng an�sums secured�� a��en <br /> whi�h has pr��r�ty nver th�s S�curit� Instrument; �b} appearing �n caurt; and �c}paying reasonab��attorzaeys' <br /> fees to protect it� interest�n the Proper�y andlor righ�s under th�s SeCurity �ns�rumen�, inc�uding its �e�ured <br /> posi�ion in a bankruptcy proceeding. Secur�ng the Proper�y �ncludes, but zs na���m��ed�o, entering the <br /> Property to make repa�rs, change�ocks, replac�ar�aard up doors and winda�us, �ra�n water from p�pes, <br /> eliminate bu�lding�r other code v�o�at��ns or dangerous condit�ans, a�a.d ha�e utilit�es turned on or aff. <br /> A�thaugh Lender may take ac���n und�r th�s Se�t�on 9, Lend�r doe� na�have to do so and�s not under any <br /> du��r or ob��ga��on to da sfl. �t is agreed that Lender incurs no�iabil�ty for no�taking any�r all actions <br /> autharized und�r this Se�ti�n 9. <br /> Any am�unts d�sbursed by L�nder under th�s Secti�n 9 sha��becoxr�e additiona� deb��f Borrower secured by <br /> this 5ecurx�� Instrumen�. These am�ounts sha��b�ar interes�at the Note ra�� fram�he date of d�sbursemen� <br /> and sha��be pa�ab�e, v��th such interest, upon nflt�ce from L�nder�o Borr�wer requesting payment. <br /> If th�s Security Instrument is on a leaseh�Id, Borraw�r shall compiy�vi�h al� �he prov�sian� af the�ease. �f <br /> Barrower acquires fee tit�e to the Property, the leas�hold and�he�ee t�t�e sha�l n�t m�rge uniess Lender <br /> agrees ta the merger in writing. <br /> ��. N�ortgage Insurance. �f Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a Gondi�ion of makin�the L�an, Borrawer <br /> shall pay�he pr�m�ums required to maintain th�Mortgage Insurance�n effec�. �f, fnr any reason, the <br /> Mortgag�Insurance coverage r�quxred by L�nder�eases to be ava��ab��from th�mortgag�insurer that <br /> previous�y provided su�h �nsuranc�and Bnrrow�r was required to make separately designated paymen�s <br /> �award the pr�muums fnr N�or�gage Insurance, Borro�er shall pay�he prem�ums required�a obta�n ca�erage <br /> �ubs�antial�y equi�a�ent to the Mor�gage Insurance pre�iou��y �n effect, at a Cost substan��a�iy�quivalent to <br /> the cost to Borro�ver af the Mortgag� �nsurance previously in�ffect, fr�m an alternate mortgage insurer <br /> se�e�ted by Lender. If subs�antiall�equi�a�ent Mor�gag��nsurance coverage�s not ava��able, Bnrrnwer shal� <br /> N�BRASKA-Singl��amily-Fannie Mael�reddie Ma�UNI�DRM INSTRUMENT �arm 3D28�la� <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE}t�302� <br /> WQ�#0fS KIL2W$��Ef]�C10E8I SBfVlC$S Pac��8 of 17 <br />