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2� 15�78�2 <br /> A11 insurance polic�es requ�red b� Lender and renev�rals of such palicies shall be subjec�t� Lender's r�ght to <br /> di�approve such policies, shaii �nclude a standard mor��age c�ause, and sha11 name Lender as�nor�ga�ee <br /> andlor as an add�tional ��ss pa��e. Lender shai�ha�e the righ��o hold the poli�ies and ren�vWal certif�ca��s. If <br /> Lender requires, B�rrawer sha�I promp�ly give to Lender ai� r�ce�pts of paid premiums and renev�►�al notices, <br /> �f Borravver obtains any farm of insurance co�erage, n�t otherv��se required by Lender, for damag��o, or <br /> des�ru�tian of, the Praper��, such pal�cy sha�l include a standard mor�gage c�ause and sha�� name Lend�r as <br /> mor�ga�ee andlnr as an add�t�onal Ioss pa�ee. <br /> In the e�en��f�ass, Barrawer shall�ive prompt n��ice to the insurance carri�r and L�nder. Lender may <br /> make proof of loss �f not made promp�ly by�orrov�er. C)n�ess L,�nder and Borrower otherw�se agre��n <br /> writing, an�insurance proceeds, whe�her or no��he underl�ing insurance was r�quired�y Lender, shail be <br /> appl�ed�o restoration or repa�r of t�e Propert�, if�he res�oration or repair is economica�ly f�asible and <br /> Lender's s�cur�ty i�not lessened. Dur�ng �uch repa�r and r�stara��on per�od, Lender sha�l ha�e�he righ��a <br /> hold such insurance proceeds unti� I.ender has had an opportun�t�to inspec�such Proper�y to ensure the <br /> v�rark has been corr�ple�ed�o Lender's satisfac�ian, pro�ided tha�such inspec�ion sha�i be undertaken <br /> pr�mp�i�. Lender may disburse proceeds for�he repa�rs and res�oration in a s�ngle payment or�n a ser�es of <br /> pr�gre�s payments as th�work is completed. Uni�ss ax�agreemen��s made in wr��ing ar App�icab�e Law <br /> re�uires interest to�e paid on such�nsurance proc�eds, Lender sha�l not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> in�eres�ar earn�ngs on such proceeds. Fees for pubiic ad�usters, or other�hird par��es, retained by Borrower <br /> sha�l no�b�pa�d out�f�he insurance proceeds and shall be�he so�e ob�igation af Borr�wer, �f the restoration <br /> or repair is nat economica��y feasi�l�ar Lender's securi�y would be lessened, the insurance proceeds shai�be <br /> app�ied to th�sums secured by this Se�ur�ty �nstrument, �rhether or no�then due, wi�h�h�excess, if any, <br /> paid�o Borrov��r. Such �nsurance proceeds shall be applied in�he�rder prov�ded for in Sec�ion�. <br /> If Borro��r abandons the Proper�y, Lender may file, negot�ate and�ettle any availab�e znsurance�ia�m and <br /> related mat�ers. If Borrower daes no�respond v��thin 3�days to a notice fron7 I.ender tha�the insurance <br /> carrier has off�red to se���e a ciaim, th�n Lender ma�negotia��and settle�he��aim. Th�3�-day period�z�� <br /> begin when�he n�tice i�giW�n. �n either e�ent, �r if Lender acquzres�he Property und�r Sec�ian 2�ar <br /> o�herwi�e, Borrawer here�y assigns tQ Lender�a} Borrower's r�gh�s�� any insurance proceeds in an amaunt <br /> no�to e��eed�he amounts unpaid und�r�he Note or th�s Se�ur�t� Ins�rument, and �b} any other of <br /> Borrovver's rights �o�her�han the righ�to any refund�f unearned premiu�rns paid by Borrower�under a�l <br /> insuranc�po�i��es co�ering the Pr�per�y, insofar as such righ�� are applicable�o the���erage of the <br /> Pr�per�y. Lender ma�use the�nsurance pr��eeds ei�her to repair�r restor��he Proper��r or�o pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the Note ar this Securi�y �ns�rument, wh��her or n�t then due. <br /> C. Occupancy. Borrower shal�occupy, establish, and use�he Propert� as B�rrower's princ�pal r�sidence <br /> v�rithin 6�days af�er the executi�n of this Security �nstrumen�and sha�� c�ntinue�o accupy�he Prop�r�y as <br /> Borro�rer's principa� residence for at leas�ane year after�he date�f accupancy, unless Lend�r o�herwise <br /> agre�s �n wri��ng, v�hich c�nsent shall no�be unreasona�i�v�r��hheid, �r unless extenua�ing�ircums�ances <br /> exist wh��h are he�ond Borrower's cantrol, <br /> 7. Preser�ation, Ma�ntenance and Pr�tect�on vf the Prvperty: Inspectians. Borrawer shal�not destro�, <br /> damag�or�mpa�r the Prap�rty, aliov� the Proper���� deteri�rare or c�mmit waste on th�Propert�r. �"he�h�r <br /> or not Borrovver�s r�siding in�he Property, Borrower shall main�ain�he Proper�� in arder ta pr�ven��he <br /> Prop�r�y fr�m de�eriorat�ng or decreasing in value due to i�s condi�ion. Unless i� is de�ermined pursuant t� <br /> Sect��n 5 �hat repair or res�ora�ion is no�econtimically feasible, Borro�er sha��prompt�y repair the Propert� <br /> �f damaged to avoid further deter�ora��on�r da�mage. �f insuranGe or candemnation proCeeds are paid in <br /> �onn�����n v�i�h dama�e to, or th�tak�ng of, the Property, Borrower sha��be r�sp�nsib�e f�r repairing or <br /> rest�rxng the Property on�y �f Len�er has released proceeds far such purposes. Lender may d�sburs�proceeds <br /> N�HRASKA-Single�ami[y-Fannie MaelFredc#ie Mac UNiFQRM INSTRUM�NT �arrn 3fl�8 11�1 <br /> VMP fl VMPfi�NEy�'#3D2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices ' Page 7 0#17 <br />