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2� 15�7752 <br /> interes� from �he dafie of disbursemen� at �he saxn� rate assessed o� advances under �he �on�rac� and sha�� be <br /> payab�e,�ri�h inxeres�,up�n nQtice fr�m Ler�der ta Borrower reques��ng paymen�. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or �ts agent may make reasonable �ntrzes upon and in�pe���ons �f the Pr�pez-�y. L�nder shall <br /> give Borrower no���e a�the��me of ar priar ta an inspec��on specifying reasonable cause f�r�he�nspec��on. <br /> �ondemnat�on. The proceeds�f any award�r claim far damages, d�rect ar cansequential, in conne�tzon�sri.�h any <br /> candemna�ion or a�her tak�ng of any par�of the Praperty, or f�r conveyance in Iieu af condemna��an, are h�reby <br /> assigned and sha11 b�pa�d�o Lender. <br /> �n �he event af a �otal �aking of�he Property, �he proceeds shall b� app�ied �o the sums secured by �his 5ecurity <br /> Instrument, whether or nat �hen due, wz�h any excess paid �o Bflrrawer. In �he e�en� �f a par�xa� �aki�.g af�he <br /> Praper�y in vvhich the fa�r market va�ue �f�he Praper�y immediately�efore �he taking is equa� �a or greater than <br /> the amaun� of�he sum� �ecured by �his Security �ns�um.ent �mmedzate�y befare the tak�ng, un�ess Barrflv�er and <br /> Lender��herwise agree in wr���ng, �he sums s��ured by th�s Securx�y Instrumen�sha11�be reduced by the amoun�of <br /> the proceeds multipli�d by�he f�llowing fra��ion: �a��he��ta1 amount of the sums secured irnmedia�e�y before�he <br /> �aking, divided by �b} �he fa�r market�alue of the Proper�y immediately before �he �aking. Any balance sha�I�e <br /> pazd to Borr�Wer. �n the event of a partial �aking of the Proper�y in ,which �he fair market va�u� vf�he Prflper�y <br /> immedia�ely before �he taking is �ess than the amount af the sums secured zmmed�ate�y bef�re �he takirag, �ur��ess <br /> B�rrower and Lender o�herwise agree in writing or unless Applicab�e Lativ otherwzse pro�ides, �h�proceeds sha1� <br /> �e applied�o the sums secur�d by this Security Instrume�t whether or no��he sums are then due. <br /> �f the Property is abandaned by Borrower, or if, after na�xce by Lender �� B�rr�wer that the��ndemnar affers �o <br /> make an avvard or se�t�e a cla�m for damages, F3orrower fai�s�o respond to Lender within�he miz�xmum nurnber of <br /> days establ�shed by Appl�cable Law after�he da�e�he no�ice is given,Lender is authorized to collec�and apply�he <br /> praceeds, a� its op�ion, ei�her to re��ora��fln ar repair of�he Prop�rCy or �o the sums secured by this Se�uri�y <br /> �ns�rumen�,tivh�ther ar no�then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Barraw�r o�herwise agree in wrz�zng, any applica�ion�f pr�ceeds�a prznc�pa� sha��not ex�end <br /> �r p�s�pane�he due da�e❑f th�paymen�s due under�he�ontract or change t�.e am�u�t of such paymen�s. <br /> $orrower Nat Re�eased; Farbearance By Lender Not a �Waiver. Extensio� af �he ��me for paymer�� or <br /> madifi�a�ion af amar�iza��a�x of the sums secured by tih�s 5ecurzty Ins�rumen� granted by Lender to B orr�vver or <br /> any successor in interes� of Borrower shall not opera�e to release the Iiabi�z�y of the origina� Borrovver or <br /> B�rrower's success�rs �n�nterest. Lender shall not be requ�red�o commence praceedzngs agains�any successor in <br /> inter�st ar refuse ta extend time far payment or otherw�se modzfy am.or��zatian of the sums secured by this Security <br /> �ns�rumen� by reason of any demand rnade by �he original Borrower or Borrower's successors in zn�eres�. Any <br /> farb�arance by Lender in exercising any r��ht or r�medy shall no�be a v�razver vf�r preclude �he exerczse �f any <br /> rzgh�ar remedy. <br /> Su��ess�rs and Assigns Bound; J��nt and Severa� L�abix�ty; Ac�vmmodati�n Signers. The covenan#s and <br /> agreemen�s of this 5ecurity Ins�rument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and BarraWer, <br /> subj ec� �o �he provi�ians �f sectzon titled Transfer �f �he praperty or a �ene�cia� In�ere�t in Borrflvver. <br /> Bo�-rovver's�ov�nanti�and agreernen�s sha��be j o�nt and several. Any persan wha co-signs th�s Se�uri�y�ns�rumen� <br /> bu� ha� no personal l�abi��ty under the Con�ra�ti �"Accommodation Signer"}: �a} zs c�-s�gning th�s 5��urity <br />� an�y t� mar�gage, gran� and convey that Accommadatzan Signer's �nterest �n the Prflper�y under �he <br /> ter�ms of th� 5ecurxty �zas�rument; �b} �s na� personally flbl�ga�ed to pay �he sums �y �his �ecurity <br /> �nstrument; and�c} agrees�i.a�Lender and any o�her Borrower may agree�o extend, madify, forbear or make any <br /> accamm�da��a�xs wi�h regard ta the�erms of this Se�uri�y Ins�rum.ent�r the Contra��,wi�hou��hat Accomm�da�ion <br /> Signer's consen�. <br /> L�an Charges. �f�he �aan secured by �his Security Ins�rtxm.en� �s subj ect �o a �av� which se�s maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�ha��avv�s fit�ally in�erpre�ed so that�he �n�eres�or other�oan charges col�ected ar to be ca��ected in <br /> connection vvitih �he �van exceed the permi���d Iim�ts, then: �a� any such Ioan charge sha�l be reduced hy �he <br /> amount necessary�o reduce�he charge �o �he permit�ed Iimi�s and �b} any sums already callected frorn Borrower <br /> which exc�eded perm��ted limi�s w�i�� be refu.nded to Borrnwer. Lender may choose to make �h�s r�fund by <br /> reducing the pr�ncipal ovt�ed under the �on.�ract�r by mak��g a direc�payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces <br /> principal,�he reduc�ion wzll be treated as a par�ial�repaymen�under the�onfrac�. <br /> Not�ces. Any r���ice tn Borrower prov�ded far in �hzs Security �ns�rument shal� be gi�ren by de��vering it ar by <br /> mai�ing��by first class ma��unless App�icab�e LaW requires use of another met�od. The notice shail be dzrec�ed t� <br /> �he Pr�perty Address �r a�� a�her address Borr�wer designates by notice �a Lender. Borrower agre�s �o pravide <br /> Lender uri�h Borro�ver's mast�urren�mail�ng address, as �� may change from time-ta�-t�me. Any notice �o Lender <br /> sha��be given by f rs�class mai�to Lender's address s�a�ed herein�r any ather address Lender designa�es by notice <br /> ta Borrov�rer. Any n����e provided for in th�s 5ecuri�y�ns�rurnen�shal�b�deemed��have been g�ven�o Borrower <br /> or Lender when given as pro�zded ir�this paragraph. <br /> Governxng La�v; Severability.Th�s Securifiy Ins�rument sha��be gaverned by federal Iavv and the�avUs of the sfiate <br /> af Nebraska. �n �he even�tha� an� pr�vzs��n or c�ause �f this S ecurity Ins�rument or �he �on�ract conflic�s w�th <br /> App��cable La,w, such confl�c� sha11 nat affec�a�her provisians af�his Securi�y Instrurnen� or�he Con�rac�wh�ch <br /> can be given effect�ui��ou��he conflic�ing provision. Ta this end th�pro�risians of this Secur��y Instrum.en�and the <br /> Contract are dec�ared�a be severable. <br /> Borrower's�opy.B�rr�wer sha�l be given one Copy of�his Secur�ty�nstrument. <br /> fl 2�44-20�5 Com�Iiance Systems,�nc.AbBC-7'EB3-2�15,3.5.1 Db4 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Security Instx-umer�t i�L2�36 Pa�e 3 af 5 <br />
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