2� 15�7752
<br /> Transfer�f the Property or a Bene���a�Interest in Borrvwer.If a�l or any par�of�he Praper�y or any znterest
<br /> in i� �s sold or transferre� �ar �f a benefc�a� �n�erest �n Barro,wer is sald or transf�rred and Barrower �s no� a
<br /> natural person} wi�haut Lender's prior wri�ten cQnsen�, Lender may, a� its apt�on, requir� immedza�e paymen� ir�
<br /> fu11 of a�l sums secured by this Secur�fiy Ins�rumen�. However, thzs opti�n sha11 n�t be exerc�sed by Lender �f
<br /> exerCise is prahxb�ted by fed�ral layv as of�he da�e of this 5e�ur�ty�ns�rument.
<br /> �f Lender exercises this ap�.�on, Lender sha11 give B�rrovver rifl��c� of acceleratian. The �otice sha�� provide a
<br /> perivd �f not �ess than the mu.n�mum number of days estab�ished by App�icable Law from�he date the notice �s
<br /> de��vered or mail�d vvi�hin which Borro�ver mus� pay all sums secured by �his Security Instrurnent. If B�rrower
<br /> fa��s to pay these sums prior �a the expxra��on of th�s periad, Lender may xnvoke any remedies perm�t�ed by this
<br /> S e curity�ns�rument wi�hout further noti�e ar demand ar�B�rrativer.
<br /> Borr�w�r's R�ght to Reirn�tate. �f Borr�vver mee�s cer�ain �onditions, Barro�rer sha1� have the rzght �a have
<br /> enfor�ement of this Securit�r Instrument disc�ntint�ed a�any txme prior to �he earlier of: �a} 5 days �or such ather
<br /> peria�as App��cable Law may specify for reinstate�ment�befare sale of the Property pursuan�to any povver of sale
<br /> contained in thi� 5ecu.rity �nstrument; ar �b} en�ry af a judgmen� enforcing �h�s 5ecur��y �nstrrumen�. Thase
<br /> cand�t�ons ar� �hat Sorrawer: �a} pays Lender a11 su.ms �vhich �h�n would be due under th�s Secur�ty �ns�rrien�
<br /> and the Contrac�as if n�ac��leratzon had occurred;�b} cures any default of any other covenan�s or agreemen�s; �c}
<br /> pays a�l expenses incurred in enfarc�ng�his Secur��Instrum�n�,including,bu�not Ximited to,reasnnable a�torneys'
<br /> fees�a the ex�en�perm��ted by la�; and�d�takes such ac�ion as Lender may reasanab�y require�o assure that�he
<br /> �xen of�h�s Secur�ty�nstrument,Lender's rigkits in the Pr�perty and BarroWer's abl�ga�i�n�o pay the su�ms secured
<br /> by this 5ecuri�y Instrument sha1l continue unchanged. Upon reuzstat�ment by Barrower, �his Security �nstrument
<br /> and the �b��gat�ans secured hereby sha�� remain ful�y effect�ve as if na acce�erat�on had occurred. Ho�vever, �h�s
<br /> right�o reinsta�e sha1�not app�}r in�he case of acce�era�ion under the sectian ti��ed Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Bene��ial In�erest�n Borrower.
<br /> Hazardou5 Substance�.Bnrrower sha�l no�cause or permit the presence,use, disp�sal, st�rage, or release of an�r
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or in the Proper�y.Barrovver�hal�no�da,nor allQ�v anyone else to da,any�hing affe���ng
<br /> �he Praper�y tha� �s �n v�o�at�on of any Environmen�a� Law. The preceding t�vo sent�n�es shall not apply �❑ �h�
<br /> presence,use,ar s�orage�n the Pr�perty of small quanti�ies of Hazard�us Subs�a.nces that are general�y recognized
<br /> �o be appropria�e ta narma�res�dentia�us�s and�o main�enanc�of the Property.
<br /> Barrovver sha�l promptly gzv�Lender writ��n na�ice of any investiga�ion,c�a�m, demand,Ia�rsui�or other ac�xon by
<br /> an�r governmental ar regula�ory agency or pr�vate party inv�lving �he Praperty a.nd any Hazardaus Subs�ance ar
<br /> Envirorimental Law of whi�h Barr�wer has actual knovvledge. �f Borr�wer Iearns, or �s nat�f ed by any ,
<br /> g�v�rnrnen�al or regulatory au�harity,tha�any re�nvva� ar other remed�atron of any Hazardaus Substance affecting
<br /> the Praperty �s necessary, Borrower shall promp�ly take a�� necessary remedial ac�ions in accordance w�th
<br /> Environmenta�La�v.
<br /> As use�i zn this paragraph, "�-Iazaxdous Subs�tances" are those subs�ances def ned as�oxic ar hazardaus subs�ances
<br /> by Envir�nmental Law and �he fallo�ving substances: gasoline, kerosene, o�her flammable or t�xic petraleum
<br /> products, toxic pe��icides and herbicides, vola�ile sfllvents, materza�s con�air�ing asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> radivac�ive materials. As us�d in this paragraph, "Envzronmental Law" means federa�Ia�rs and Ia�ws of�he s�at�af
<br /> Nebraska�hat re�a�e�o health,safety or env�ronmen�a�protect�an.
<br /> Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give no�Y�e t� Barr�vver pr�or �o ac�e�erat��n f�llo,w�ng BflrrQwer's
<br /> breach of any covenant or agreernent xn this Secur�ty Instruxnen�or the Contra��under which a�ceieratiQn
<br /> is permitted�bu� not pri.�r to a�c�lera�ion under th� sec�i�n ti�Ied Transfer of the Property�r a Benef��ial
<br /> Interest in I3orrower, unles5 A�pl��ab�e Law provides �ther�ise}. The no�ice shail spe�ify: �a) the defaul�;
<br /> tb� the act�.on requ�red to cure the default; ��} a da�e, �o� �ess than the m���murn number of days
<br /> established by Appli��b�e Law from the date th�not�ce�s g��en to Barrower,by which the default rnust be
<br /> cur�d; �.nd �d) that failur� �ti cure the defau�t on or ��fore the date specxf�ed �n th� notice may r�sult in
<br /> accelerat�an of the sums se�ured by th�s Security Instrument and sa1Q nf �he Property. To the exten�
<br /> per�rutted by Iaw, �he nflti�e shal�further inform B�rrower of the right to reinstate af�er acceleration and
<br /> the r�ght to bring a cvurt activn to assert the n��-existence of a defaul�or any�ther defense af Bnrrower�o
<br /> acceleration and sa�e.If the defaul�is not cured vn ar before the date specif�ed in the not�ce,Lender at its
<br /> op�ifln may require immedxate payment �n ful� of ali sums secured by thi�5 Security Instrument wxthout
<br /> further demand and may invok� the pawer of sa�e and any other remed�es permi�ted by App�xcab�e Law.
<br /> Ta th� extent permitted �y �aw, Lender shal� be ent�tled to colie�t all expenses incur�ed in pursuing the
<br /> remedies pr�vided�n �hxs Se���ion,inCludfng,bu� not limited��, reasanable att�rneys' fees and��sts of title
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the pawer Qf sale i.s�n���ed,Trustee shall re�ord a notice of d�fau�t�in ea�h �aunty in which any part af
<br /> the Property is�v�ated anc�sha��mai� cop��5 of such noti�e in �he manner pres�ribed by Appli�able Law�o
<br /> Borrower and to the other persans pres�rxbed by Appli�abl� Law. After the time required by Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pub��c notiGe �f sal.� �� the persons and in the manner prescribed by Applicable
<br /> Law. Trustee,w�thout der�and �n Borro�wer, shal�s�ll the Prflpe�rty a�public auc�i�n�o the highest bidder
<br /> a��he t�me and place�nd under the ter�s des�gnated in the notic�of sale in one or more parcels and in any
<br /> �rder Trus�ee determine�. Trustee may postp�ne sa�e flf all or an� parcei of the Froperty by publYc
<br /> announcement at the time�.nd pla�e of any pre��iousi.y scheduled sa�e.Lender or its des�gnee�nay pur�has�
<br /> the Prvperty at any sa�.e.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of th� pr�ce �id, Trustee sha�� dei��er t4 the purchaser Trust�e's deed conveying
<br /> �he Praperty. The re�i�ta�s zn �he Trustee's detd shall be pr�.ma facxe evidence of the�ruth of�he sta�ements
<br /> Cc�20�4-2415 Cornpliance Systems,In�.A58C-7EB3-2015,3.S.Ifl64
<br /> Cnnsumer Real Estate-Se�urity�nstrument DL2435 Page 4❑f 5 www.�ampliancesystems.corrt
<br />