2� 15�7752
<br /> Paymer�t af pr�nc�pa�and Inter�s�; �ther Char�es.Borr��ver shall prompt�y pay v�rhen due th�principal�f and
<br /> in�eres�an�he deb�owed un�er the�nr�trac�and�ate charges or any❑ther fees and�harges due und�r the�antract.
<br /> Appli�ab�e Law, As used in �his 5ecurity Ins�rumen�, the term "Applicable Lau�" sha�l mean al� control��in.g
<br /> applicab�e federal, s�a�e and �ocal s�.tutes, regulations, ordinances and adminis�rative rules and orders ��ha�have
<br /> �he effec�❑f 1aw�as WeII as a�l app�icable�nal,non-appealab�e judxcial ap�n�ons.
<br /> Charge5; Lxens. BorraWer shal� pay aIl ta�es, assessments, charges, f nes and imposit�ons at�r�butab�e ta �he
<br /> Pr�perfiy which may a��ain pr�ori�y�ver�h�s 5ecurzty Znstrument, and �easehold payments ❑r groun.d ren�s, if any.
<br /> A��he request of Lender,Borravver shall promp��y fi�rn�sh to Lender receipts evidencing�he payments.
<br /> Borravver shall promp��y discharge any��en tivhich�aas priority over�his Security�nsfirurnen�.unless Borro�t7ver: �a}
<br /> agrees in wri�ing �o �he pa�men� of the ob�iga�ior� secured by the l�en in a manner accep�able to Lender; �b}
<br /> contes�s in good fai�h �he �ien by, or defends agains� enforceme�� of the lxen in, �ega� proceedings which in the
<br /> I�end�r's opinion opera�e �o preven� �he enforcement af the Iien; or �c} secuxes fram �he holder of the I�en an
<br /> agreement sa�isfactary to L�nder�ubordinating the l��n�n thzs 5ecur�ty Ins�rumen�. If Lender de�ermines that any
<br /> part of the Proper�y is subj ect to a �ien Which may attain priorit� over th�s Security�nstru�ment, Lender may give
<br /> Borrovver a notice ident�fyi�.g�he Iien. Barra�er shall �a��sfy the ��en or�a�e flne or more �f the act�ons set forth
<br /> ab��e w�th�n I�days of�he�iving vf no�i�e.
<br /> Hazard or Property Insur�n�e. Borrativer s�al��eep �he impravements now exis��ng or hereaf�er erec�ed on�he
<br /> Property insured against IosS by f re,ha�ards included v�rithin the�erm"extended coverag�" and any o�her hazards,
<br /> inc�ud�ng flood� or floadin�, fflr wh�ch Lender requires �nsurance. This insurance sha�� be main�ained �n th�
<br /> amounts and for�he periods tha�Lender requ�res. The insurance carrier providing the insurance s�aal�be ch�sen by
<br /> B�rrovver sub�ect t� Lender's approvai vvhich shal� no� be unreasonably tivithhe�d. Zf Borrovver fai�s �o rnain�ain
<br /> co�erage descrxbed abave, Lender may, a� Lender's op�ian, obtain cflve�age �o pro�ec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Pr�perty in accordance v�ri�.section ti��ed Protec��on of LenderPs Rights ir��he Property.
<br /> A�I insuran�e po��cies and r�nevvals sha�l be acceptable �o Lender and shall �nc�ude a standard mor�gage clause.
<br /> Lender shall have�he right t�ho�d the palicies and renewals. If Lender requ�res, Barrawer sha�X promp�Iy g�ve�o
<br /> Lender aI�receip�s of paid premiums and renevval notzces. In�he even�of Ioss, Borrower shal�g���prarnp�no�ice
<br /> to the�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof flf lass if no�made promp��y by Barrflvver.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrow�r o�hen�v�se agree in writing, xnsurance proceeds shall be appli�d �o restora�ion or
<br /> repair of th� Proper�y dama�ed, �f, in Lender's so�e discretion, the restoration or repair is ecannmiCa�ly feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security is not �essened. �f, �n L�nder's sole discre�ion, the rest�ratian ar repa�r is not econ�mical�y
<br /> feasible�r Lender's security vvou�d be Iessened,the insurance proceeds shall b�applied�o tht sums secur�d by this
<br /> Securi�y Instrument, whe�h�r or na� then due, with any excess paid t� Borrower. �f Borrower aband�ns the
<br /> proper�ty, ar does not ansvver vtrith�n the number of days prescrib�d by App�i�able Law as set f�r�h in a noti�e fr�m
<br /> Lender to Borro�uer tha��he�nsurance carrier�as offered�a set�le a c�a�m, then L��.der rnay ca��ect the insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lend�r rr�ay use the pr�ceeds �a repair or rest�re the Property or to pay sums secured by�his Secur�ty
<br /> �nstrum�n�,Whether or n��then�ue. The peri�d of time far Borro�ver�o ansyver as set f�rth in the natice�ril�begin
<br /> v��ien�h�n�tice is g��en.
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Borrovver o�herw�se agree in wri�ir�g, any applica��on of pro�eeds to pr�n.cxpa� sha�l�.o�extend
<br /> or pastpone the due date of�;he payments due under�he �an�-act or change the amount of�he payments. �f under
<br /> �he sec�ion t���ed Ae�e�erat�on; R�med�es, �he Proper�y is acquired by Lender, Borro�er's righ�tfl any insurance
<br /> palicies and pr�ceeds resul�ing from damage �o the Propeatfiy prior �a �he �.cquisitiion sha�� pass to Lender �o tihe
<br /> e�t�nt�f�he sums secured by�his Security�ns�ume��ir�med�ately pr�or�o�he ac�uisitian,
<br /> Preservaiivn, Ma�ntenan�� and Pr�tectifl�. of �he Property; Borrow�r's L�an Appix�ation; LeaSeh��ds.
<br /> Borro�er shall no�destroy, damage �r impair the Proper�y, allotiv�he Property�� deteriflra�e, ar comm��v�ras�e on
<br /> �he Property.Bvrrower shall be in defau�t if any forfeiture actian ar proceed�ng,vvhether civi�ar crimzna�,is begun
<br /> �ha� in Lender's good fai�.i judgment could resul�ir� forfeiture af�he Pr�per�y or othe��txr�se mater�a�ly impa�r the
<br /> lien created by this Secur�� �nstrument or Lender's secur�ty interest. Borrower may �ure such a default and
<br /> re�ns�a�e, as prflvzded in sectian titled I3orrower�s Right �a Re�ns�ate, by causing th� actz�n�r prflceeding�o be
<br /> dismissed with a ru�ing�ha�,��n Lender's gafld fai�h de�ermina�ion,prec�udes forfeiture of�he Borrower's�nterest in
<br /> �he Pr�per�y ar other ma�er�aX �rnpairmen� of the ��en created by �his Securi�y Instrument flr Lender's security
<br /> in�erest.�3��ravc�er�hal� also Ue�n defau�t�f BorroWer,during the loan applicat�on process,gave materia�Iy�a�se or
<br /> �naccurate infarmation ar s�a�ements to Lender �or fai�ed to provide Lender vvith any m.a�erial znformatx�n} in
<br /> connec�ifln wi�h the Iaan evidenced by the �on�ract. �f this 5ecurity�ns�rument is fln a Ieasehald, B�rrower shal�
<br /> comp�y urith aIl the provisions af the Iease. If Borrawer acquires fee�i��e�o�he P�oper�y,the leasehold and�he fee
<br /> �i��e sha1l nat merge unless L�nder agrees�o the merger in wri��ng.
<br /> Prote�tifln of Lender's R��hts �n the Pr�per�, If BorroWer fa��s to perform �he covenants and agre�men�s
<br /> con�ained in�his Security Instrument, or�here is a 1ega1 praceeding that may signif can�ly affec�Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> the Praperty �such as a pro��eding in bankruptcy, proba�e, for �ondemna�ion or forfeiture or �fl enforce �aws ar
<br /> regu�at�ons}, �hen Lender may do and pay for ,whatever is necessary ta protec� the value af the Property and
<br /> Lerider's righ�s in the Prapert�. Lender's action�may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a I�en,t�vh�ch has pr��rity
<br /> over this S�curi�y�ns�rument, appea.ring in cou.r�,payzng reasanable attarneys'fees and en�ering on the Pr�pert�r to
<br /> make repairs.Althaugh Lend�r may take act�on under this sec��an,Lender��es no�have�v da so.
<br /> Any amoux��s dz�hursed by Lender under this sec�ion sha�l become addit��nal debt of Borrower secured by �his
<br /> Securi�y Ins�aru.ment. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other t�rms of pay�nent, t�iese am�unts shall bear
<br /> �2�04-2015 Compliance Systerr�s,Inc.ASgC-7�$3-24i5.3,5,1fl�4
<br /> Consurr�er Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�3G Page 2 of 5 www.camptiancesystems.com
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