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2� 15�7751 <br /> DEEL� �F TRUST <br /> ��ont��1�u�d} Page 5 <br /> 4b� Cvmmen�e an a�tivn tn forec�ose this Deed of Trust as a marfigage, appotnt a recei�er vr specifi�ally <br /> enforce any af th��avenants her�o�; and <br /> �cy Deli�e�to Trustee a wr�tten de�larativn of default and demand for sale and a writ�en notice vf de#ault <br /> and elec�ian ta c�use Trus�vr's inter�st in the Praperty io �e sold, wh�ch notic��'rust�� shall cause ta be <br /> duly fil�d for r�cord in the appropriate of�ric�s of the Cvun�y in which the Pro�erfiy �s focated; and <br /> �d� Wi�Ch r�sp�c��a all or any p�rt af the Persanal Praperty, L�nder sh�lf ha�e all the righ�s and r�med�es <br /> of a secured par�y under the Nebraska Unifo�m C��nme�cial Cade. <br /> �ore�l�sure by Pvwer ofi 5a�e. !�Lender eleGt�t�farecla�e by exer�ise af th� Povuer of Sal� herein conta�n�d, <br /> Lender sha�l notify Trustee and shall deposi� vuith Trustee this Deed af Trust and the Credi� Agreement and <br /> such receipts and e�idenc�of expenditur�s made and se�ur�d by this �eed af Trust as Trustee may r�quire. <br /> �a} Upon re�eipt v�such no�ice from l.ender, Trustee shall �ause t� be recarded, pub�ished and deli�ered <br /> ta Trus�vr su�h Nvt�ce ❑f Qefault and �l�tice af Sa�e as then required k�y law and by �his I�eed o�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, wi�hout demand vn Trusta�, afi�er such tim� as may then be required by l�w and af�er <br /> re�ordati�n af such NQtice o'� I�efaul� and after Notice of�ale hauing heen gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> th� Praperty at the time and pla�� af s�l� fixed by it in such Notice af Sale, �ither as a whale, a� in <br /> separate lots or parcels or i�ems �s Trustee shall deem expedien�, and in such order as it may determine, <br /> at public auction to the h�ghest bidder far cash in iawful mflney v��he United States payable at the t�me <br /> o� sale. Trustee shall deli�er to such purchaser ar purchasers th�reQ� its govd and sufficient deed �r <br /> d�eds con��ying the property so sald, but without any cv�enan� Qr warranty, exp��ss vr impl�ed� The <br /> re�itals in suGh d�ed of any m�tters vr facts shall ae cc�nGfusi�e proaf of the tru�hfulness therevf. Any <br /> person, in�iuding withaut lim�tatian Trustor, Trustee, or Lender, may pur�has�at su�h sal�. <br /> �b} As may be permitted �y ��w, af�ter deducting a�! casts, ��es and exp�nses of Trustee and afi thFs <br /> Trust, including costs af eviden�e o�title in c�nnectian wi�h sal�, Trus�ee shali apply the pr�ceeds o�sal� <br /> ta payment vf {i} all sums expended under the terms af this L eed Qf Ttus� ar under th� terms of th� <br /> Gredit Agreemen� no�E then repaid, includir�� but nat lim�ted ta accrued int�rest and iate charges, �ii} al1 <br /> other sums then secured her��y, and �iii� the remainder, if any, tv the person or p��rsons I�gally entitled <br /> there�a. <br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner prvvid�d by law postpane sale o�aii or any pvrtion af the Property, <br /> Remedies Not ExcfusiWe. Trustee and Lender, and eaGh of them, shall be �n��tled to en�vrce paym�n� and <br /> per�armance of any indeb�edness or vbligations s��ured by this Deed af Trust and to exercise all rights and pawers <br /> under this Deed o� Trust, under th� �red+t Agreemen�, under any �f th� R�lat�d Dacuments, or under any �ther <br /> agreement ❑r any �aws naw or hereaf�er �n forc�; natwithstanding, some or all of sueh indebtedness and <br /> ahl�gatians secured by th�s ❑eed a€Trust may nav►r �r hereafi��r be atherwi�e secured, whether b� mortgage, deed <br /> o�trus�, pl�dge, lien, assignment or vtherwise, N�i�her�he acceptance of�h�s Deed vt Tru�t nor its enforce�ent, <br /> whether by �vurt act�on ❑r pursuant to the povuer ot sale or oth�r p�wers contained in this Deed vf Trust, shall <br /> prejudiee or in any manner affe�t Truste�'s or Lender's right to reafi�e upan or enforGe any ath�r s�curity now ar <br /> hereaft�r held by Trus�ee or Lender, r�t �eing agreed tha�Trus�ee and Lender, and ea�h�fi them, shall be entitled to <br /> entvr�e �his Deed vf Trust and any ❑ther seGu�ity naw �r h�rea�ter held by Lende� or Trustee in suGh arder �nd <br /> manner �s they �r either vf them may in their absalute dis�retic�n determin�. No rem�dy �on�erred upon or <br /> reser�ed ta Trustee �r Lender, is intended t❑ be exclusi�e of any �ther r�medy in this De�d �f Trust ❑r by law <br /> prv�ided or perm+�ted, bu� each shall be cumulati�e and shalf be in additivn to e�ery other remedy gi�en in this <br /> ❑eed of Trust or nvw �r herea�ter existing at l�v►r ar in equity or �y st�tute. E�ery pawer ar r�medy g��en by the <br /> Credtt Agreement or any of the Related Qocuments �a Trustee ❑r Lender or �v wh�ch e�ther vf them may be <br /> o�her►rvise enti�led, may b� exer�is�d, concurrently or independently, �frorn tim� ta time and �s oft�n as may he <br /> deem�d exp�edien� by Trustee or Lender, and �ithe� of �hem may pursu� in�ansistent remedies. Nvthing in this <br /> Deed ot Trust shall be construed as prohibiting Lender from seek�ng a deficiency judgment against the Trust�r ta <br /> the exten�such a�t�on is perm+tted by �aw. <br /> Election o� Remedies. Ail o� Lend�r's rights and remedies will be cumula�i�e and may be exerci�ed alane or <br /> t�gether. lf Lender decides to sp�nd money or to p�rfvrm any o�Trustar'S o�li�ations �nder �his Deed vf Trust, <br /> after Trust�r's fa�fure to do sQ, that decision by Lender will no� affe�t Lender's �ight to decfar� Trustor in default <br /> and to ex�rcEse L�nder"s rem�dies. <br /> Request fvr Natice. Trus�or, ❑n behalf of Trustvr and Lender, hereby requests that a cvpy of any Nvtice of❑e�ault <br /> and a �opy of any Natice vf Sale under�his F�eed af Trust b� rnailed�a th�m at the addresses set�orth in the �irs� <br /> paragraph a�this Deed of Trust. <br /> Attarn�ys' Fee�; Expens�s. lf Lender institutes any suit vr a��ivn tca en�arce any o� th� terms ❑f �his Deed af <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled t� reca�er such sum as th� c�urt rnay adjudg� reasonable as atta�neys' #ees at trial <br /> and up�n any appeal. Whether or not any caurt aGtion is in�vl�ed, and to the extent not prohibited by law, all <br /> r�asonable expenses Lender incurs that in L�nder's apinion are necessary at any time �or the protectivn a� its <br /> interest or the enfvr�emen�of its rights shal� h�come a part of�he �ndebtedness paya�le on demand and shall bear <br /> interest at �h� �redit Agreem�nt ra�e f�om the date af th� expendi�ure until repaid. Expen�es co�er�d by this <br /> paragraph inc�ude, wi�hvu� �imitation, howe�er subject�a any �imits und�r applicah�e law, Lend�r's a���rneys' fees <br /> and Lender's le�al expenses, whe�her Qr not th�re is a tawsuit, including attorneys' �ees and exp�nses fvr <br /> ban�rupt�y pro�e�din�s �including ���o��C� ta modi�y ar vac�te any aut4ma�ic stay or injunction}, appeals, and any <br /> antic�pated post-jud�men� cvllec�ion �er�i�es, the cost of searching reco�ds, abtaining title reports {including <br /> fare�lvsure repvrts�, sur�eyors' reports, and appraisal �ees, tit�e insurance, and #ees �or the Trustee, to the �x�ent <br /> permit��d by app�icable taw. Trustar also wEl! pay any caurt�asts, in addition to all other sums prvvided by iavv. <br /> Rights of Trustee. Trustee sha�i have all of the rights an�duties af Lend�r as set forth in this sectivn. <br /> Pt]INER� AND �BLIGAT�DNS �F TRUST�E. rhe follovving pro�isi�ns relattr�g ta the powers ar�d v��igat�ans vf Trustee <br /> are part o#this Deed of Trus�t: <br /> P�r►vers o�Trustee, In addixivn�Co all pvwers a�F Trustee arising as a mafiter af law, T�uste� shall ha�e the pawer to <br /> take the �affv►ruing actions w�th resp�Gt to the Prvperty upan the written request of Lender and Trustar: �a� aoin in <br /> preparing and filing � map or plat of the Real Property, �nciuding the dediCa�ion v�r �tr�e�s or ❑ther rights to the <br /> public; �b} jain in granting any easem�nt c�r creating any r�strictian on �he �eal Pr�per�y; and �cy join in any <br /> sub�rd'+na�ivn or�ther agreem�nt a�fect�ng this Deed af Tru�t❑r�he interest of Lender under this C�eed of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trus�ee shall mee# all qualifi�ations required f�r Trustee under applicab�e lairv, ln additi�n to �he rights <br /> and r�medies set forth abo��, with respect to all or any part o�the Prop�rty, the Trus�e� shall ha�e the ri�ht to <br /> fvr�close by natic� and sa�e, and L�nder wt�� have the righ� t❑ �oreclos� �y judi�iai foreclasure, in ei�her case in <br /> accardance with and to the�u��exten�provided by applicable�aw. <br /> 5uccess�r 7rustee. Lender, at�...ender's option, may fram time ta time appoint a su�cess�r Tru�te��o any Trust�e <br /> appainted under �his ❑eed v�Trust by an instrument ex��uted and acknowledged by Lender and recvrded in the <br /> offic� of �he recorder of HALL �aun�Cy, State of Nebraska. Th� ins�r�ament shall cantain, in addi�ion ta all other <br /> mat�ters required by state law, the names vf the �riginal Lender, Trustee, and Trustar, �he bvol� an�1 page {or <br /> camputer syst�m refer�nce� wher� this ❑e�d �f Trust is r�corded, and the name and address v� the successar <br />